1,521 research outputs found

    Properly ordered dimers, RR-charges, and an efficient inverse algorithm

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    The N=1\mathcal{N}=1 superconformal field theories that arise in AdS-CFT from placing a stack of D3-branes at the singularity of a toric Calabi-Yau threefold can be described succinctly by dimer models. We present an efficient algorithm for constructing a dimer model from the geometry of the Calabi-Yau. Since not all dimers produce consistent field theories, we perform several consistency checks on the field theories produced by our algorithm: they have the correct number of gauge groups, their cubic anomalies agree with the Chern-Simons coefficients in the AdS dual, and all gauge invariant chiral operators satisfy the unitarity bound. We also give bounds on the ratio of the central charge of the theory to the area of the toric diagram. To prove these results, we introduce the concept of a properly ordered dimer.Comment: 33 pages, 19 figures, some corrections and clarification

    Torts in Sports--Deterring Violence in Professional Athletics

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    Uncertainty Analysis of Feature Extraction from Expired Gas Traces

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    Noninvasive medical analyses are a convenient method to study several pathologies even though their indirect nature often requires a complex processing to determine the relevant health "indicators". The usefulness of such indicators depends on the employed model, but also on the uncertainty that is connected to the complex processing involved in the indicator determination. This paper deals with the problems related to the estimation of the uncertainty when the indicators are computed by means of a nontrivial processing on recorded traces of clinical parameters. The paper is focused on the analysis of expired gas traces, but the procedure can also be applied to many other cases where the processing involves manual or automatic selection of suitable "key points" on repetitive traces

    Bounding Selmer groups for the Rankin--Selberg convolution of Coleman families

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    Let ff and gg be two cuspidal modular forms and let F\mathcal{F} be a Coleman family passing through ff, defined over an open affinoid subdomain VV of weight space W\mathcal{W}. Using ideas of Pottharst, under certain hypotheses on ff and gg we construct a coherent sheaf over V×WV \times \mathcal{W} which interpolates the Bloch-Kato Selmer group of the Rankin-Selberg convolution of two modular forms in the critical range (i.e. the range where the pp-adic LL-function LpL_p interpolates critical values of the global LL-function). We show that the support of this sheaf is contained in the vanishing locus of LpL_p.Comment: Final version. To appear in Canadian Jour. Mat

    CHEM 125-017: General Chemistry I

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    The first two decisions of the European Court of Justice on the law applicable to employment contracts

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    Abstract: The article examines the first two decisions of the Court of Justice of the EuropeanUnion on Article 6 of the Rome Convention on the law applicable to employment contracts.The author underlines the effort of the Court in giving raise to a well integrated European systemof conflict of laws and international procedure’s rules. Building on the value given by the Court to itsprevious case law on grounds for jurisdiction in employment contracts, the author then argues that sucha system is thoroughly oriented towards a substantive (not formal) construction of conflict of laws’rules,in view of attaining the aim of protection of the employee.Key words: Rome Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligation, notion of «habitualplace of work», employees performing their work in more than one State. Estratto: Il contributo esamina le prime due sentenze nelle quali la Corte di giustizia dell’Unioneeuropea interpreta l’art. 6 della Convenzione di Roma, relativo alla legge applicabile ai contratti individualidi lavoro. L’autore sottolinea lo sforzo della Corte nella ricostruzione di un sistema di dirittointernazionale privato e processuale europeo organico e ben integrato. Sulla scorta del valore attribuitodalla Corte alla propria precedente giurisprudenza sui titoli di giurisdizione in materia di contratto dilavoro, l’autore sostiene che tale sistema appare fortemente orientato verso un’interpretazione materiale(non formale) delle regole di conflitto, volta alla realizzazione della miglior tutela del lavoratore. Parole chiave: Convenzione di Roma sulla legge applicabile alle obbligazioni contrattuali,nozione di «luogo abituale di lavoro», dipendenti che prestano l’attivitĂ  lavorativa in piĂč di un Paese

    CHEM 126-020: General Chemistry II

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