54 research outputs found

    Delayed luminescence to monitor programmed cell death induced by berberine on thyroid cancer cells

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    Correlation between apoptosis and UVA-induced ultraweak photon emission delayed luminescence (DL) from tumor thyroid cell lines was investigated. In particular, the effects of berberine, an alkaloid that has been reported to have anticancer activities, on two cancer cell lines were studied. The FTC-133 and 8305C cell lines, as representative of follicular and anaplastic thyroid human cancer, respectively, were chosen. The results show that berberine is able to arrest cell cycle and activate apoptotic pathway as shown in both cell lines by deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation, caspase-3 cleavage, p53 and p27 protein overexpression. In parallel, changes in DL spectral components after berberine treatment support the hypothesis that DL from human cells originates mainly from mitochondria, since berberine acts especially at the mitochondrial level. The decrease of DL blue component for both cell lines could be related to the decrease of intra-mitochondrial nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and may be a hallmark of induced apoptosis. In contrast, the response in the red spectral range is different for the two cell lines and may be ascribed to a different iron homeostasis

    Study of the 9Be(p,α)6Li reaction via the Trojan Horse Method

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    The Trojan Horse Method has been applied to the 2H(9Be, 6Liα)n three-body reaction in order to investigate the 9Be(p, α)6Li two-body reaction, which is involved in the study of light element abundances (lithium, beryllium and boron). A coincidence measurement was performed in order to identify the presence of the quasi-free mechanism in the three-body reaction, needed for the application of the method. The astrophysical S(E)-factor was extracted and compared to direct data. No information about electron screening effects can be extracted due to the poor resolution of the indirect data

    Asymptotic normalization coefficients from the 14C(d,p)15C reaction

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    The {sup 14}C(n, {gamma}){sup 15}C reaction plays an important role in inhomogeneous big bang models. In Timofeyuk et al.[Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 162501 (2006)] it was shown that the {sup 14}C(n, {gamma}){sup 15}C radiative capture at astrophysically relevant energies is a peripheral reaction, i.e., the overall normalization of its cross section is determined by the asymptotic normalization coefficient (ANC) for {sup 15}C{yields}{sup 14}C+n. Here we present new measurements of the {sup 14}C(d, p){sup 15}C differential cross sections at deuteron incident energy of 17.06 MeV and the analysis to determine the ANCs for neutron removal from the ground and first excited states of {sup 15}C. The results are compared with previous estimations

    Mitochondrial respiratory complex I probed by delayed luminescence spectroscopy.

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    The role of mitochondrial complex I in ultraweak photon-induced delayed photon emission (delayed luminescence (DL)) of human leukemia Jurkat T cells was probed by using complex I targeting agents like rotenone, menadione, and quercetin. Rotenone, a complex I-specific inhibitor, dose-dependently increased the mitochondrial level of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), decreased clonogenic survival, and induced apoptosis. A strong correlation was found between the mitochondrial levels of NADH and oxidized flavin mononucleotide (FMNox) in rotenone-, menadione- and quercetin-treated cells. Rotenone enhanced DL dose-dependently, whereas quercetin and menadione inhibited DL as well as NADH or FMNox. Collectively, the data suggest that DL of Jurkat cells originates mainly from mitochondrial complex I, which functions predomi- nantly as a dimer and less frequently as a tetramer. In individual monomers, both pairs of pyridine nucleotide (NADH/reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) sites and flavin (FMN-a/FMN-b) sites appear to bind cooperatively their specific ligands. Enhancement of delayed red-light emission by rotenone suggests that the mean time for one-electron reduction of ubiquinone or FMN-a by the terminal Fe/S center (N2) is 20 or 284 μs, respectively. All these findings suggest that DL spectroscopy could be used as a reliable, sensitive, and robust technique to probe electron flow within complex I in situ. © 2013 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentatio

    Overview on the Trojan Horse Method in nuclear astrophysics

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    The use of the Trojan Horse Method (THM) appears as one of the most suitable tools for investigating nuclear processes of interest for astrophysics. THM has been demonstrated to be useful for exploring different nuclear reactions intervening both in stellar and primordial nucleosynthesis as well. Some recent results will be here discussed together with a brief discussion of the fundamental theoretical description. General details about the recently studied 7Be(n,α)4He reaction will be givenDepartamento de Física Aplicad

    Trojan Horse Investigation for AGB Stellar Nucleosynthesis

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    Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars are among the most important astrophysical sites influencing the nucleosynthesis and the chemical abundances in the Universe. From a pure nuclear point of view, several processes take part during this peculiar stage of stellar evolution thus requiring detailed experimental cross section measurements. Here, we report on the most recent results achieved via the application of the Trojan Horse Method (THM) and Asymptotic Normalization Coefficient (ANC) indirect techniques, discussing the details of the experimental procedure and the deduced reaction rates. In addition, we report also on the on going studies of interest for AGB nucleosynthesis

    Trojan Horse Method experiments with radioactive ion beams

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    The Trojan Horse Method (THM) is an indirect method that allows to get information about a two body reaction cross-section even at very low energy, avoiding the suppression effects due to the presence of the Coulomb barrier. The method requires a very accurate measurement of a three body reaction in order to reconstruct the whole kinematics and discriminate among different reaction mechanisms that can populate the same final state. These requirements hardly match with the typical low intensity and large divergence of radioactive ion beams (RIBs), and experimental improvements are mandatory for the applicability of the method. The first reaction induced by a radio activeion beam studied by applying the THM was the 18F(p,α)15O. Two experiments were performed in two different laboratories and using different experimental set-ups. The two experiments will be discussed and some results will be presented

    The 10B(p,α)7Be S(E)-factor from 5 keV to 1.5 MeV using the Trojan Horse Method

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    The 10 B(p, α ) 7 Be reaction is the main responsible for the 10 B destruction in stellar interior [1]. In such environments this p-capture process occurs at a Gamow energy of 10 keV and takes places mainly through a resonant state (Ex = 8.701 MeV) of the compound 11 C nucleus. Thus a resonance right in the region of the Gamow peak is expected to significantly influence the behavior of the astrophysical S(E)-factor. The 10 B(p, α ) 7 Be reaction was studied via the Trojan Horse Method (THM) applied to the 2 H( 10 B, α 7 Be)n in order to extract the astrophysical S(E)-factor in a wide energy range from 5 keV to 1.5 MeV


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    The 18O(p, α)15N reaction is of primary importance to pin down the uncertainties, due to nuclear physics input, affecting present-day models of asymptotic giant branch stars. Its reaction rate can modify both fluorine nucleosynthesis inside such stars and oxygen and nitrogen isotopic ratios, which allow one to constrain the proposed astrophysical scenarios. Thus, an indirect measurement of the low-energy region of the 18O(p, α)15N reaction has been performed to access, for the first time, the range of relevance for astrophysical application. In particular, a full, high-accuracy spectroscopic study of the 20 and 90 keV resonances has been performed and the strengths deduced to evaluate the reaction rate and the consequences for astrophysics

    Electron screening effects in (p,α) reactions induced on boron isotopes studied via the Trojan Horse Method

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    The Trojan Horse Method is a powerful indirect technique allowing one to measure the bare nucleus S(E)-factor and the electron screening potential for astrophysically relevant reactions without the needs of extrapolations. The case of the (p,α) reactions induced on the two boron isotopes 10,11B is here discussed in view of the recent Trojan Horse (TH) applications to the quasi-free 10,11B+2H reactions. The comparison between the TH and the low-energy direct data allowed us to determine the electron screening potential for the 11B(p,α) reaction, while preliminary results on the 10B(p,α) reaction have been extracted