107 research outputs found

    Inicjatywy Ministerstwa Gospodarki, Pracy i Polityki Społecznej na rzecz budowy w Polsce gospodarki opartej na wiedzy

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    This article presents a number of initiatives undertaken by the Ministry of Economy, and currently the Ministry of the Economy, Labour and Social Policy, related to ministerial interest on the subject of KBE and its development in Poland. It presents elements of strategic governmental documents and resultant measures, intended to strengthen specific elements of KBE, particularly in the field of increasing innovation of the economy.W artykule przedstawiono inicjatywy podejmowane przez Ministerstwo Gospodarki, a obecnie Ministerstwo Gospodarki, Pracy i Polityki Społecznej, wynikające z zainteresowania tematyką gospodarki opartej na wiedzy oraz przyczyniające się do tworzenia takiej gospodarki w Polsce. Zaprezentowano również elementy strategii rządowych i wynikające z nich działania mające na celu wzmacnianie poszczególnych obszarów gospodarki opartej na wiedzy, przede wszystkim w zakresie poprawy poziomu innowacyjności gospodarki


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    Penelitian telah dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keseimbangan dinamis harga jangka panjang dari sistem pemasaran cengkeh di Indonesia khususnya Kota Jawa Tengah. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik dari data sekunder sejak tahun 2010 sampai 2020. Analisis harga jangka panjang diolah dengan menggunakan model Cobweb dan persamaan simultan model Nerlove yang dimodifikasi. Fluktuasi produksi cengkeh Indonesia menunjukkan perilaku musiman, yang memiliki siklus setiap empat tahun, panen besar dengan produksi tinggi tidak langsung diikuti oleh harga rendah, sebaliknya produksi rendah langsung diikuti oleh harga tinggi. Dalam jangka panjang, harga cenderung bergerak ke titik keseimbangan (siklus konvergen) dimana harga di tingkat pabrik rokok lebih berfluktuasi daripada di tingkat petani.  Keseimbangan harga di tingkat petani setelah BPPC lebih tinggi dari sebelum dan di bawah BPPC


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    Methods of mapping and measuring an animal’s gait have found an application in equestrian and cynological sports. One of the key elements of diagnosing a dog or horse’s gait is an assessment of movement range in individual joints. Digital image registration, frame-by-frame analysis of all phases (steps) enables researchers to pinpoint abnormalities in the way an animal moves. Goniometry, the measurement of angles between bones connected by joints, assumes values for intervals defined for species and anatomic structures. Properly functioning joints allow an animal to shift its weight onto individual body parts without any effort. A proper gait not only testifies that an animal has good utility value for sports, but is also a key economic aspect taken under consideration when evaluating animals for breeding purposes

    Transfer technologii w warunkach polskiej uczelni - doświadczenia Uniwersyteckiego Ośrodka Transferu Technologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

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    This article presents the practical experience of the employees of the Warsaw University Centre for the Transfer of Technology in their professional work. Now that a KBE is becoming the basis for the competitiveness of countries, it is essential to ensure a good flow of innovation from academic centres to the private sector. The basic obstacle to this process is the absence of legal regulations, traditions, and sometimes even an understanding of the problem. Why this is so, what can be done to alter this situation and who should do it - answers to these questions are attempted by the very persons who face such questions on a daily basis. The article presents the work of the Warsaw University Centre for the Transfer of Technology to increase the awareness of University students and employees and seek enterprises that are willing to cooperate with the University.Gospodarka oparta na wiedzy, transfer technologii czy wręcz transfer wiedzy mają być fundamentem przyszłego wzrostu gospodarczego Unii Europejskiej. Jest to także deklarowany przez władze państwowe kierunek rozwoju Polski, będącej już właściwie członkiem Unii Europejskiej. Kierunek zmian europejskiej gospodarki wyznacza przyjęta w 2000 roku tzw. Strategia Lizbońska , która zakłada, że do 2010 r. gospodarka Unii Europejskiej stanie się najbardziej konkurencyjną gospodarką świata. Istotną rolę w podnoszeniu konkurencyjności może odegrać współpraca trzech struktur - akademii (czyli ośrodków akademickich „produkujących” wiedzę), władz (zwłaszcza lokalnych, zainteresowanych rozwojem swojego regionu) oraz gospodarki (dążącej do zwiększenia swojej konkurencyjności). Współpraca ta jest z jednej strony niezwykle trudna, biorąc pod uwagę choćby odmienne horyzonty czasowe działalności prowadzonej przez każdą ze stron, ale też z drugiej - potencjalnie bardzo korzystna dla gospodarki, rynku pracy, rozwoju regionalnego i finansowania badań naukowych. W artykule opisano kilkuletnie doświadczenia Uniwersyteckiego Ośrodka Transferu Technologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, który stara się włączyć do procesu tworzenia gospodarki opartej na wiedzy


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    The study encompassed a population of noble mares, assessed in Poland during performance tests. The statistical analysis pertained to results obtained by warmblood mares within a period of 10 years. Performance tests were conducted in II systems: field and stationary. The analysis encompassed 1490 mares, each of which participated in at least one performance test. The conducted study revealed statistically significant differences between average results obtained by 2-3 year-old mares and 4-year-olds only in the free jumping and rideability categories – in favor of 4-year-old mares. No statistically significant differences were noted between average scores for: walk, trot and gallop. The study did not reveal the impact of age on final scores for warmblood mares for the following traits during performance tests: walk, trot and gallop. Age did impact the results of: free jumping and rideability. The authors believe that the horses’ natural gait (its movements since infancy) is determined genetically and does not depend on age or length of training

    Antena integrated to automobile seat

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem antény integrované do sedadla automobilu. Seznamuje se základy technologie RFID a jeho principem. Konkrétně se práce zabývá návrhem tagu pracujícího v pásmu UHF. Tag byl navržen v programu CST Microwave studio, kde byly provedeny simulace, k ověření základních vlastností antény tagu jako jsou například činitel odrazu a směrová charakteristika. Jsou zde také simulace vlivu sedadla automobilu na vyzařovací charakteristiku. Dále je zde popsána výroba antény na textilním substrátu a jsou zde změřeny její vlastnosti.This thesis is focused on the design of the antenna integrated to automobile seat. Thesis explains the basics of RFID technology, and how RFID works. Especially explains the design of tag, which works in the UHF band. The tag was designed in the CST Microwave studio, where simulations were realized to verify basic properties of the tag such as S11 parameter and directivity. The thesis also contains simulation of the impact of automobile seat on the directivity. Here is the description of how the antenna was made on a textile substrate and here are also measured properties of the antenna.

    Solution technology of production part cast in condition small engineering company

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    Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na navržení a optimalizace slévárenské technologie odlitku a výroby konkrétního modelu pro daný odlitek. Návrh technologie a sestavení soustavy formy ve 3D za pomocí CAD sytému. Simulace lití v CAE systému MAGMAsoft® a vyhodnocení navržené technologie odlitku. Výroba modelu za pomocí CAD/CAM software a obráběcího CNC stroje se zaměřením na 3-osé a 5-osé třískové obrábění. Ekonomické přínosy pro firmu.The dissertation work focuses on the design and optimization of the castings and foundry technology and the production a particular model for the casting. The technology proposal and the pattern set building in 3D using CAD system. The casting simulation in CAE MAGMAsoft® system and evaluation of the proposed casting technology. Production of the pattern using CAD/CAM software and CNC machine tools with a focus on 3-axis and 5-axis machining. The economic benefits for the company.

    Solution technology of production body of model "Těleso"-part to CAD/CAM in condition firm Armo Metal Brno.

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    Projektová práce obsahuje informace o výrobě modelového zařízení pro součást “Těleso“ s využitím CAD/CAM software SolidWorks, Surfcam. 3D CAD SolidWorks umožňuje navrhnout kompletním řešení pro daný díl nebo sestavu. Obráběcí software Surfcam umožňuje počítačovou přípravu 3osé obrábění, navržení řezných nástrojů, generování NC kódů s následným postprocesingem pro řídící systém Heidenhain iTNC 530 a následné obrábění na stroji MCV 1210 CNC. Systém Surfcam umožňuje ověřovat dráhy nástroje a upozorňuje na případné kolize s modelem či upínacím přípravkem.The Project contains the information about the production of pattern for body with using CAD/CAM system SolidWorks, Surfcam. Three-dimensional Cad SolidWorks makes a full suggestion of existing part or formation. Machining software Surfcam makes computer preparation possible to 3-axis machining, project of cut tools, generation of NC codes with postprocesing for control system Heidenhain iTNC 530 and machining on MCV 1210 CNC. Surfcam system makes a check on trajectory of toll and notices clashes with pattern or fixture.

    Gold fragmentation induced by stopped antiprotons

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    A natural gold target was irradiated with the antiproton beam from the Low Energy Antiproton Ring at CERN. Antiprotons of 200 MeV/c momentum were stopped in a thick target, products of their annihilations on Au nuclei were detected using the off-line gamma-ray spectroscopy method. In total, yields for 114 residual nuclei were determined, providing a data set to deduce the complete mass and charge distribution of all products with A > 20 from a fitting procedure. The contribution of evaporation and fission decay modes to the total reaction cross section as well as the mean mass loss were estimated. The fission probability for Au absorbing antiprotons at rest was determined to be equal to (3.8+-0.5)%, in good agreement with an estimation derived using other techniques. The mass-charge yield distribution was compared with the results obtained for proton and pion induced gold fragmentation. On the average, the energy released in pbar annihilation is similar to that introduced by ~ 1 GeV protons. However, compared to proton bombardment products, the yield distribution of antiproton absorption residues in the N-Z plane is clearly distinct. The data for antiprotons exhibit also a substantial influence of odd-even and shell effects.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, Revtex 4, to be published in Physical Review

    Analisa Quarterlife crisis Mahasiswa Dan Mahasiswi Tingkat Akhir STMIK Royal Kisaran Dengan Backward Chaining

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    Sistem pakar membentuk kecerdasan buatan yang mempelajari suatu aspek atau banyak aspek ilmu dari seorang pakar maupun banyak pakar agar dapat mengadopsi pemahaman manusia ke komputer dan komputer dapat menyelesaikan masalah seperti yang biasa dilakukan oleh para pakar. Hambatan yang paling sering dialami oleh mahasiswa dan mahasiswi tingkat akhir yatitu munculnya perasaan panik, ketidakstabilan serta kebimbangan karena banyaknya pilihan bahkan frustasi yang sering disebut sebagai Quarterlife crisis. Quarterlife crisis ialah suatu respon emosional yang ditandai dengan munculnya perasaan panik, tidak berdaya, ketidakstabilan, kebimbangan karena banyaknya pilihan, cemas, tertekan, bahkan frustrasi, yang dialami oleh individu pada rentang usia 18-29 tahun, terprimer ketika akan atau baru menyelesaikan pendidikan di bangku kuliah dan menangkili real world yang penuh tantangan dan tuntutan yakni fresh graduate dan juga mahasiswa tingkat akhir. kerelevanan komputerisasi dan teknologi dalam sistem pakar analisa quarterlife crisis pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir ini dibutuhkan guna membantu mahasiswa menangkili quarterlife crisis dan mendapatkan solusi mengenai masalahnya. Kemajuan teknologi inilah yang dapat membantu mengalihkan pemahaman manusia ke dalam bentuk sistem sehingga dapat digunakan oleh banyak orang dan tidak terbatas oleh waktu tanpa menggantikan peran manusia