14 research outputs found

    An Assessment of Oral Health Status and Dental Plaque of Non-Dental School Students in Turkey

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    Svrha: Zadatak ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati oralni status i zubni plak kod studenata upisanih na sve visoke škole, osim na Stomatološki fakultet. Ispitanici i postupci: U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 308 studenta i to 238 muškaraca i 70 žena. Svi su ispunili upitnike kako bi stručnjaci skupili informacije o njihovim navikama u vezi s oralnom higijenom te na temelju tih podataka procijenili stanje njihova oralnog zdravlja. Status zubnog karijesa određivao se prema smjernicama Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije za kriterije karijesa, zuba koji manjkaju i onih s ispunima te broj zahvaćenih površina. Za procjenu statusa plaka bio je odabran Silness-Löeov indeks. Osim navedenoga, zapisivalo se i koji se materijal rabio za ispune te je na kraju klinički ocijenjeno njihovo stanje. Rezultati: Svi su studenti održavali oralnu higijenu – 92,3 posto koristilo se četkicom i zubnom pastom, a 43,3 posto njih četkali su zube dva ili više puta na dan. Kod pregledanih studenata aritmetička sredina KEP-indeksa zuba iznosila je 1,54 (±1,60), a KEP-indeksa površine 7,62 (±7,85). Aritmetička sredina indeksa plaka bila je 1,01 (±0,40). KEP-indeks bio je niži kod žena negoli kod muškaraca, premda statistički razlika nije bila velika. Povezanost spola i indeksa plaka bila je statistički znatna (p=0,006) - studenti su imali više plaka od studentica. aključak: Premda su KEP-indeksi zuba studenata bili razmjerno niski i njihovo oralno zdravlje dobro, trebalo ih je obavijestiti o njihovu stanju i je li im tijekom školovanja potrebna protetska rehabilitacija.Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyse the oral health status, and dental plaque with that of non-dental students. Methods: 308 university students were included in this study (238 females and 70 males). A questionnaire was used to collect information on oral hygiene habits and self-reported perception of oral health status of the students. Dental caries status was evaluated using the World Health Organization caries diagnostic criteria for decayed, missing, and filled teeth and surface. For the evaluation of plaque status, Silness&Löe plaque index was utilized. Besides these, material of restorations worn by the students were recorded and clinically evaluated. Results: It was observed that all the students performed oral care, 92.3% used toothbrush and toothpaste for care, and the frequency of brushing the teeth twice or more a day was 43.3%. The mean DMFT index was 1.54 (±1.60), the mean DMFS index was 7.62 (±7.85) for the students. The mean plaque index of the students was 1.01 (±0.40). DMFT score was lower in females than males, however, these differences were not statistically significant. The relationship between gender and plaque was observed to be significant (p=0.006). Male students had more plaque than the female ones. Conclusions: Although DMFT and plaque indices of the students were relatively low and their perception of oral health was good, they had to be evaluated and informed about oral health status and needs of prosthetic rehabilitation during their education

    Treatment of localized anterior tooth wear with a glass-fiber-reinforced composite resin: A clinical report

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    WOS: 000245598700003PubMed ID: 17394910Developments in adhesive dentistry have provided the dental profession with new restorative materials and technology to restore esthetics and function to the worn anterior dentition. This clinical report describes treatment of localized anterior tooth wear with fiber-reinforced composite resin restorations as an alternative treatment method

    Examination of the Heads of the Lateral Pterygoid Muscle on the Temporomandibular Joint

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    WOS: 000262838400057PubMed ID: 19165031The lateral pterygoid muscles (LPMs) function as a unit during precise mandibular positioning movements that occur during such activities as speech, singing, or playing musical instruments. The LPM has been the focus of an attempt to explain problems associated with the temporomandibular joint and anterior displacement of the meniscus of the joint. The aim of the study was to define the general morphology, describing the position and shape of the heads of the LPMs. In the course of dissection, the heads of the LPMs were noted, as well as the pattern, position of the origin and insertion, and course under 2.5x loupe magnification in 25 adult male human cadavers. The LPM has the general form of an irregular pyramid that narrows progressively toward the front. As a result of the macroscopic examination, the LPM was found to originate, with 3 heads as the Superior LPM (SLIM), the inferior LPM (ILPM), and inner LPM. It was realized that the ILPM width was 3 times more than that of the SLPM. The SLPM ending fibers of LPM had a more tendinous structure compared with the ILPM ending fibers. The SLPM and ILPM were observed as being adhered mostly to the pterygoid fovea. The study has shown that the muscle has atypical penniform structure made up of 8 tendinous layers that were particularly well developed. It is an indisputable fact that the success in surgical strategy and planning mainly relies on the surgeon's knowledge of the variable origins and insertions of the LPM.Research and Application Center of Science and Technology, Ege University, TurkeyEge UniversityThis investigation was supported by the Research and Application Center of Science and Technology, Ege University, Turkey

    Does the state of dentition effect the type of stylohyoid chain calcification pattern?

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    WOS: 000382112700008PubMed ID: 26780778The human stylohyoid chain calcification patterns (SCP) present considerable anatomic variability. This study was performed to investigate the calcification on SCP in the dentate and total edentulous population and its relation to mandibular protrusive movement. The study analyzed 1.234 SCP in digital panoramic radiographs of 617 subjects. The SCP were classified according to Mac Donald-Jankowski. The amount of mandibular protrusion movement limitation was evaluated for each subject. The data were analyzed using one-way Anova, Kruskall Wallis, Mann-Whitney U, and Chi-squared tests with significance set at p = 0.05. Among the 617 subjects evaluated there was symmetry of the SCP between the left and right sides in 87.3 % of the cases. In the study population 501 subjects were dentate (Class I, Class II, Class III molar relationship) and 116 subjects were total edentulous. There were significant differences among dentate and total edentulous patients for the distribution of SCP (p < 0.05). Elongated group was more prevalent in total edentulous subjects while in subjects with Class I occlusion normal SCP was observed. Although mandibular protrusive movement range was within normal limits for all the groups, calcified and elongated groups have numerically less protrusive movement compared to normal groups (p < 0.05). Among dentate and total edentulous subjects, similarity in SCP for right and left side was observed. The elongation of SCP was more common in the total edentulous group. Further studies conducted on larger populations are necessary to establish the effect of the state of dentition on the SCP

    Malnutrition due to bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw in a chronic dialysis patient: case report

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    WOS: 000321855200013PubMed ID: 23826768Adequate nutrition is imperative for a successful outcome in dialysis patients. Excellent oral hygiene and an efficient mastication can help to correct several metabolic and endocrine disturbances as well as delay initiation of dialysis in patients with chronic renal failure. However, concerns exist about the risk of malnutrition and protein depletion. On the other hand, intravenous bisphosphonates are the current standard of care for the treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy and for the prevention of skeletal complications associated with bone metastases. Recently, retrospective case studies have reported an association between long-term bisphosphonate therapy and osteonecrosis of the jaws. This complication occurs either spontaneously or after minor dento-alveolar surgery including extraction of teeth. A malnourished dialysis patient who showed the typical clinical features of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) without any obvious radiological changes in his panoramic radiograph is reported. To minimize the risk of BRONJ, patients initiated on bisphosphonates should optimize routine dental care and have their baseline oral health evaluated by both clinical and radiographic examinations before initiation of bisphosphonate therapy

    An Assessment of Oral Health Status and Dental Plaque of Non-Dental School Students in Turkey

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    Svrha: Zadatak ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati oralni status i zubni plak kod studenata upisanih na sve visoke škole, osim na Stomatološki fakultet. Ispitanici i postupci: U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 308 studenta i to 238 muškaraca i 70 žena. Svi su ispunili upitnike kako bi stručnjaci skupili informacije o njihovim navikama u vezi s oralnom higijenom te na temelju tih podataka procijenili stanje njihova oralnog zdravlja. Status zubnog karijesa određivao se prema smjernicama Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije za kriterije karijesa, zuba koji manjkaju i onih s ispunima te broj zahvaćenih površina. Za procjenu statusa plaka bio je odabran Silness-Löeov indeks. Osim navedenoga, zapisivalo se i koji se materijal rabio za ispune te je na kraju klinički ocijenjeno njihovo stanje. Rezultati: Svi su studenti održavali oralnu higijenu – 92,3 posto koristilo se četkicom i zubnom pastom, a 43,3 posto njih četkali su zube dva ili više puta na dan. Kod pregledanih studenata aritmetička sredina KEP-indeksa zuba iznosila je 1,54 (±1,60), a KEP-indeksa površine 7,62 (±7,85). Aritmetička sredina indeksa plaka bila je 1,01 (±0,40). KEP-indeks bio je niži kod žena negoli kod muškaraca, premda statistički razlika nije bila velika. Povezanost spola i indeksa plaka bila je statistički znatna (p=0,006) - studenti su imali više plaka od studentica. aključak: Premda su KEP-indeksi zuba studenata bili razmjerno niski i njihovo oralno zdravlje dobro, trebalo ih je obavijestiti o njihovu stanju i je li im tijekom školovanja potrebna protetska rehabilitacija.Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyse the oral health status, and dental plaque with that of non-dental students. Methods: 308 university students were included in this study (238 females and 70 males). A questionnaire was used to collect information on oral hygiene habits and self-reported perception of oral health status of the students. Dental caries status was evaluated using the World Health Organization caries diagnostic criteria for decayed, missing, and filled teeth and surface. For the evaluation of plaque status, Silness&Löe plaque index was utilized. Besides these, material of restorations worn by the students were recorded and clinically evaluated. Results: It was observed that all the students performed oral care, 92.3% used toothbrush and toothpaste for care, and the frequency of brushing the teeth twice or more a day was 43.3%. The mean DMFT index was 1.54 (±1.60), the mean DMFS index was 7.62 (±7.85) for the students. The mean plaque index of the students was 1.01 (±0.40). DMFT score was lower in females than males, however, these differences were not statistically significant. The relationship between gender and plaque was observed to be significant (p=0.006). Male students had more plaque than the female ones. Conclusions: Although DMFT and plaque indices of the students were relatively low and their perception of oral health was good, they had to be evaluated and informed about oral health status and needs of prosthetic rehabilitation during their education

    Sex estimation: 3D CTA-scan based on orbital measurements in Turkish population

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    WOS: 000345553800012The orbit is an essential anatomic landmark and orbital measurements are one of the craniofacial parameters that could be used in sexual and ethnic estimation in terms of anthropologic studies. The aim of this study is to obtain and analyze data regarding the computed scans of orbital aperture measurements in Turkish population for sex estimation and for comparing with other populations. A total of 112 Three-Dimensional Angiography Computed Tomography scans of 52 female and 60 male subjects aged between 13 and 86 years were examined in terms of Orbital Width (OW) and Orbital Height (OH). Sexual dimorphism was analyzed using by discriminant function models. It was determined that both left and right OW and OH of males were significantly larger than females. While single variable used for sexual dimorphism, the most confidential variable was the left OW for males (71.7%) and the left OH for females (69.2%). When combined models were used, the left OW and OH model was the best one for both males (80.0%) and females (69.2%). Data obtained from this study showed that orbital measurements could be used to create a new data collection for Turkish population. However, it was seen that these measurements are not reliable parameters for sex discrimination. It should be better, if they are combined with other methods for sex estimation

    Systemic Consequences of Poor Oral Health in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

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    WOS: 000286452900030PubMed ID: 21115624Changes in the oral cavity, such as periodontitis and other manifestations of poor oral health, are common in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and may contribute to increased morbidity and mortality because of systemic consequences such as inflammation, infections, protein-energy wasting, and atherosclerotic complications. Poor oral health in CKD patients may thus represent an important, but often overlooked, problem. Several studies show that uremic patients have higher rates of decayed, missing, and filled teeth, loss of attachment, and periapical and mucosal lesions than the general population. The consequences of poor oral health may be more severe in CKD patients because of advanced age, common comorbidities such as diabetes, concurrent medications, and a state of immune dysfunction that may increase the risk for systemic consequences of periodontitis and other oral and dental pathologic conditions. Poor dentition and other signs of poor oral health should be an alarm clock also at early stages of CKD. However, it remains to be determined whether more successful management of poor oral health and periodontitis will reduce the risk of inflammation, infection, protein-energy wasting, and atherosclerotic complications in CKD patients. This review explores etiological factors and potential systemic consequences of poor oral health in CKD patients as well as possible preventive and therapeutic strategies. Clin J Am Sac Nephrol 6: 218-226, 2011. doi:10.2215/CJN.05470610ERA-EDTA; Baxter HealthcareHarun Akar was supported by an ERA-EDTA Short-term Fellowship. The authors and some of the studies hereby presented also benefitted from Karolinska Institutet Centre for Gender Medicine, the Heart and Lung Foundation, the Swedish Kidney Association, Scandinavian Clinical Nutrition AB, and the Loo and Hans Osterman's Foundation. Baxter Novum is supported by a grant from Baxter Healthcare