39 research outputs found

    Elite integration: an empirical study

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    "Elite integration has been a central topic within research an elites. In this paper, theoretical ideas about factors behind elite cohesion are discussed and empirically tested. The analyses presented in the paper Show that ideological integration is strongest in elite groups where the share of members with upper/upper middle class origin is highest. This finding is valid whether the elite groups are located to the left or to the right in the political landscape. Various explanations of the finding are discussed." (author's abstract

    Business Elite as Elected Representatives in Voluntary Organizations in Norway

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    Little is known about the links between the business sector and civil society in Norway. To address the lack of knowledge, this study focused on members of the business elite who are elected representatives in voluntary organizations. Information about these representatives was obtained from a national survey of Norwegian elites and used to examine to what extent voluntary organizations are integrated into the business community’s network of institutions and organizations outside the corporate world. The analyses demonstrate that voluntary organizations are well placed within this network. Moreover, business leaders who are elected representatives are well-connected. Several of them serve on state boards and have frequent contact with politicians and state administrators. Business leaders who have experienced pronounced social mobility seem to be more attracted to being involved in the governance of voluntary organizations than their colleagues with a more privileged background.publishedVersio

    Business Elite as Elected Representatives in Voluntary Organizations in Norway

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    Little is known about the links between the business sector and civil society in Norway. To address the lack of knowledge, this study focused on members of the business elite who are elected representatives in voluntary organizations. Information about these representatives was obtained from a national survey of Norwegian elites and used to examine to what extent voluntary organizations are integrated into the business community’s network of institutions and organizations outside the corporate world. The analyses demonstrate that voluntary organizations are well placed within this network. Moreover, business leaders who are elected representatives are well-connected. Several of them serve on state boards and have frequent contact with politicians and state administrators. Business leaders who have experienced pronounced social mobility seem to be more attracted to being involved in the governance of voluntary organizations than their colleagues with a more privileged background.publishedVersio

    Elite ambiguity towards internationalization? The case of Norway

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    En rask eller lang og kronglete vei til topps? Næringslivslederes karriereforløp

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    I sentrum for kryssende forventninger : Norges Bedriftsidrettsforbund - strategiske utfordringer og veivalg.

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    Formålet med denne rapporten er å beskrive de utfordringene Norges Bedriftsidrettsforbund står overfor og diskutere noen sentrale strategiske veivalg. Det empiriske materialet som er hentet inn viser at de viktigste utfordringene er: (i) Synkende medlemstall, (ii) større vansker med å rekruttere tillitsvalgte, og (iii) en svakere økonomi som følge av reduserte overføringer av spillemidler fra Norges Idrettsforbund. De to første utfordringene deler forbundet med en rekke andre frivillige organisasjoner. Men i forbundets tilfelle blir disse utfordringene forsterket av forhold som er særegne for bedriftsidretten. For det første har forbundet i mange kretser problemer med å få adgang til haller og andre idrettsanlegg. Dette svekker tilbudet som kan gis til arbeidstakere interessert i å delta i bedriftsidretten. For det andre opplever en del av kretsene en økende konkurranse fra private treningssentre. Norges Bedriftsidrettsforbund har både sentralt og lokalt forsøkt å møte utfordringene forbundet har blitt stilt overfor gjennom ulike omstillinger. Gjennom disse omstillingene har forbundet kommet inn i en situasjon hvor det blir konfrontert med nok en utfordring - kryssende eller endog motstridende forventninger. Spesielt forbundsledelsen og forbundskontoret møter nå forventninger fra medlemmer, kretser og omgivelsene som går i ulike retninger. Det synes som om forbundsledelsen har klart å skape en konstruktiv balanse mellom de ulike forventningene og hensynen