15 research outputs found

    “Caracterización de los sistemas de producción de ovinos de pelo en el suroeste del departamento de Matagalpa 2010”

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    Con el objetivo de caracterizar los sistemas de producción de ovinos de pelo en el territorio suroeste del departamento de Matagalpa 2010. (Sébaco, Ciudad Darío, San Isidro y Matagalpa). Se aplicó una encuesta a 103 productores que poseen ovinos de pelo, la muestra se definió aleatoriamente utilizando la ecuación planteada por Scheaffer (1987), se utilizó la técnica de muestreo de bola de nieve, planteada por Frey et al (2000). Esta investigación permitió conocer las debilidades y oportunidades en los sistemas de explotación de esta especie promisoria para la zona seca del país. Con los resultados obtenidos de las encuestas se procedió ha elaborar una base de datos en el programa SPSS versión 11.5 en español. Encontrando un predominio del sexo femenino como titulares de las explotaciones ovinas, 58.3% cursó educación primaria, el 98% de las explotaciones cuentan con raza pelibuey, el 100% de las explotaciones realizan destete y monta de forma natural, una media de mortalidad de corderos de 1, alimentan a las ovejas con potrero sin división (81.6%), se suministra pasto de corte, pastoreo, leguminosas y se suplementa sal común 49.5%, aplican vacunas contra ántrax y pierna negra (63.1%), desparasitaciones internas y externas (66%), ambos con una frecuencia de 2 veces al año, en el manejo productivo no se lleva control en la actividad ovina (100%), los equipo e instalaciones son rústicas, los corrales ovinos el son elaborados con alambre y/o madera, techado con plástico y/o zinc (49.51%), en cuanto a asistencia técnica el 58.3% ha recibid

    Clipping de 08/09/2017

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    Clipping de 08/09/2017: Feriadão em Floripa / UFSC / Lenine / Camerata Florianópolis / Centro de Cultura e Eventos / Milton Nascimento / Ministro da Educação / Mendonça Filho / Liberação de recursos / Da magia ao desatino / Laudelino Sardá / Jornalista e Professor / Franklin Cascaes / Artistas da ilha / Arte / História / Simpósio de Agronomia em Curitibanos / Médicos / Hospital Universitário / Projeto Escola Sustentável / Camerata / Violência contra mulhe

    Additional file 7: Figure S5. of Overexpression of OsHSP18.0-CI Enhances Resistance to Bacterial Leaf Streak in Rice

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    Effects of OsHsp18.0-CI in transgenic plants. (A) Comparison of transgenic lines and wild type Shengdao 806 at the tillering stage, bar = 10 cm. (B-D) Grain morphology of transgenic lines and Shengdao 806, bar = 10 mm. (E) Plant height of transgenic lines and Shengdao 806 at the tillering stage, mean values were calculated from measurement on at least 10 individuals. (F) Number of tillers per plant in the wild-type and transgenic plants, Data were obtained from at least 10 individuals. (G) Number of grains per panicle in the wild-type and transgenic plants, mean values were calculated from measurement on at least 20 individuals. (G-K) Phenotype statistics of seeds from WT and transgenic plants, mean values were calculated from measurement on at least 20 individuals. The bars represent the means ± SD. “**” indicate extremely significant differences between wild-type and transgenic plants at P = 0.01 by Student’s t test. (TIF 5760 kb

    Cumulative meta-analysis of the association between <i>GSTT1</i>/<i>GSTM1-GSTT1</i> genetic polymorphisms and lung cancer susceptibility.

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    <p>(a) publication time cumulative meta-analysis of <i>GSTT1</i> variants and lung cancer risk; (b) sample size cumulative meta-analysis of <i>GSTT1</i> variants and lung cancer risk; (c) publication time cumulative meta-analysis of <i>GSTM1-GSTT1</i> variants and lung cancer risk; (d) sample size cumulative meta-analysis of <i>GSTM1-GSTT1</i> variants and lung cancer risk.</p

    Begg's funnel plot and Egger's linear regression test of the association between <i>GSTs</i> polymorphisms and lung cancer risk.

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    <p>Begg's funnel plot is used to detect potential publication bias in which a symmetric funnel shape means no publication bias. Egger's linear regression test is used to quantify the potential presence of publication bias; (a) (b) <i>GSTM1</i>: No publication bias has been found from 68 inclusive studies about the association between <i>GSTM1</i> polymorphisms and lung cancer risk by Begg's??? test and Egger's test, respectively; (c)(d) <i>GSTT1</i>: No publication bias has been found from 17 inclusive studies about the association between <i>GSTT1</i> polymorphisms and lung cancer risk by Begg's test and Egger's test, respectively; (e)(f) <i>GSTM1-GSTT1</i> dual-null genotype: No publication bias has been found from 8 inclusive studies about the association between <i>GSTM1-GSTT1</i> dual-null genotype and lung cancer risk by Begg's test and Egger's test, respectively.</p