35 research outputs found

    Synergic effect of chronic hepatitis C infection and beta thalassemia major with marked hepatic iron overload on liver fibrosis: a retrospective cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Increased hepatic iron is assumed to potentiate progression towards liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. In this study we have evaluated the potentiating effect of marked hepatic iron overload and chronic HCV infection on hepatic fibrosis in thalassemic patients. METHODS: Liver biopsies of one group of patients with beta thalassemia major and chronic HCV infection (group 1) was compared with two groups of patients (groups 2&3) with either chronic HCV infection or thalassemia major, respectively (20 patients in each group). Necroinflammation, fibrosis, and iron overload were graded and compared. RESULTS: Stage of fibrosis in group 1 patients was significantly higher than the other two groups (p < 0.05). Necroinflammatory grade was significantly lower, but iron score was significantly higher in thalassemic patients (group 3) in comparison to groups 1 and 2 (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that marked liver iron overload and HCV infection in thalassemic patients have potentiating effect on hepatic fibrogenesis


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    The study on the serum protein electrophoresis following thyroidectomy in A puppies showed a significant decrease in the albumin and -a-ratio associated with a relative increase in gamma and total globulin, but alterations of alpha I and beta globulin were not statistically charcteristic in our thyroidectomized dogs

    Effects of Methylthiouracil on the Serum Protein Fractions in Dog

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    The effects of a prolonged oral administration of methylthiouracil was studied on the electrophoretically - separated serum protein fractions in 24 dogs. Though the statistical mean of changes in serum albumin and alpha2 globulin were highly significant but the individual alterations were not consistent and therefore on the basis of the available data there does not seem to be a characteristic electrophoretic pattern in the experimentally produced hypothyroidism in the dog. This finding is in agreement with the clinical electrophoretic pattern reported in the human spontaneous hypothyroidism

    [Strategies for the diffusion and dissemination of health technology assessment (HTA) products]

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    El objetivo de este documento es analizar las experiencias en la difusi?n y diseminaci?n de productos y actividades desarrolladas por las agencias y unidades de ETS tanto en el ?mbito internacional y nacional. La tipolog?a documental resulta variada. Las agencias centran su trabajo en informes de evaluaci?n, seguido de consultas t?cnicas y fichas t?cnicas. Estos documentos est?n b?sicamente dirigidos a la audiencia administrativa. En estos casos no parece haber ning?n formato espec?ficamente adaptado a estos usuarios m?s que las versiones breves y completas. La audiencia cl?nica se sit?a en segundo lugar. En la mayor?a de los casos se centran en cl?nicos, siendo anecd?ticos los casos que dirigen a otras profesiones del ?mbito sanitario. El resto de usuarios (comunidad investigadora, medios de comunicaci?n...) aparecen reflejados de modo anecd?tico. La p?gina web es el elemento m?s empleado, con informaci?n sobre la misi?n, estructura o actividades llevadas a cabo. Sin embargo, en pocas ocasiones se especifican claramente los usuarios. La presencia de estos documentos en bases de datos especializadas es pr?cticamente total, pero no sucede lo mismo en el ?mbito general

    Detection sensitivity of lymph nodes of various sizes using USPIO nanoparticles in magnetic resonance imaging

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    Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) nanoparticles-based magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have offered new promise for early detection of lymph nodes and their metastases. These nanoparticles are taken up by macrophages in normal lymph nodes and produce signal changes based on susceptibility artifact and dipolar relaxation. The effects of MR protocols and their parameters on artifact size and detection sensitivity have been studied before. In this study USPIO nanoparticles were used as MRI contrast agent, and their detection sensitivity in axillary lymph nodes was evaluated using earlier defined pulse sequences. The minimum amount (dose) of USPIO nanoparticles that delineates lymph nodes of various sizes using susceptibility-based gradient echo pulse sequences was also determined. It was found that a dose administration of as low as 0.028 mg iron (Fe)/kg for subcutaneous injection and 0.16 mg Fe/kg for intravenous injection can be used to visualize axillary lymph nodes when a sensitive MR protocol is employed. From the Clinical Editor: Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) nanoparticles are taken up by macrophages and have been shown to be promising negative contrast agents in the early detection of metastases in lymph nodes. In this study, their detection sensitivity in axillary lymph nodes was evaluated using previously defined MRI pulse sequences. The minimum dose of USPIO to delineate lymph nodes using gradient echo-based optimized pulse sequences was 0.028 mgFe/kg for subcutaneous and 0.16 mgFe/kg for intravenous injection. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved