98 research outputs found

    Predicting Stream Nitrogen Concentration From Watershed Features Using Neural Networks

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    The present work describes the development and validation of an artificial neural network (ANN) for the purpose of estimating inorganic and total nitrogen concentrations. The ANN approach has been developed and tested using 927 nonpoint source watersheds studied for relationships between macro-drainage area characteristics and nutrient levels in streams. The ANN had eight independent input variables of watershed parameters (five on land use features, mean annual precipitation, animal unit density and mean stream flow) and two dependent output variables (total and inorganic nitrogen concentrations in the stream). The predictive quality of ANN models was judged with “hold-out” validation procedures. After ANN learning with the training set of data, we obtained a correlation coefficient r of about 0.85 in the testing set. Thus, ANNs are capable of learning the relationships between drainage area characteristics and nitrogen levels in streams, and show a high ability to predict from the new data set. On the basis of the sensitivity analyses we established the relationship between nitrogen concentration and the eight environmental variables

    Particle size and metal distributions in anaerobically digested pig slurry

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    Particle size distribution and trace element patterns were studied in a full-scale anaerobic digestion plant treating pig slurry. Mass balance was established for major (N, P, K, Ca, Fe, Mg and S) and minor (Al, Cu, Mn and Zn) elements. Most of the elements were conserved through the process but part of the P, Ca, Mg and Mn was deposited as crystals lining the digester. In the dry matter of the slurry, Cu and Zn occurred at between 170 and 2600 mg kg1 due to pig diet supplements. Analyses of particle size distributions in raw and digested slurries showed a general shift in distribution towards larger sizes due to degradation of small and easily degradable particles as well as formation of large microbial filaments. Graded sieving of digested slurry showed metals to be mainly present on 3–25 lm particles. Less than 2% Cu and Zn was removed by passage through a 250 lm rotary screen

    Bioavailability of Cu and Zn in raw and anaerobically digested pig slurry

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    The impact of anaerobic digestion on the bioavailability of copper and zinc from pig slurry was assessed. Both chemical and biological approaches were used independently on raw slurry (RS) and anaerobically digested pig slurry (DS). This work, using ultracentrifugation pellets from the same pig slurry before and after an anaerobic treatment, confirmed that Cu and Zn behave differently in terms of bioavailability, and contrasting results were obtained by chemical and biological assessments. A chemical approach combined a preliminary study of the pH effect on particulate/dissolved metal partitioning, sequential extraction, and biochemical fractionation. This approach tended to show a lower mobility of metals from digested slurry (DS). A biological approach was carried out with Zea mays and Vicia faba to study Cu and Zn uptake in soil amended with RS or DS. This assay could not differentiate the two slurries

    Multi-metal contamination of a calcic cambisol by fallout from a lead-recycling plant

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    The present study deals with the impact of a lead-recycling plant on metal accumulation in soils, evaluated by a global pedological analysis. This general approach can be used on various contaminated sites to evaluate impact of an anthropogenic activity and inform on metal origin and behavior. A soil profile collected in the vicinity of a lead-recycling plant in operation for 40 years was studied. Correlations between major and trace elements highlighted different patterns of metals according to their origins. Two groups of metals were identified: (i) Pb, Sb, Sn, As, Cu and Zn of anthropogenic origin and (ii) Ni and Cr of natural origin. The results showed that Pb, Sb and Sn presented the highest relative contamination followed by Cu, As and Zn. Moreover, Pb and Sb migrated most along the profile at an estimated rate of 1.5 cm y−1, followed by Sn, then Zn, Cu and finally As. Sequential extractions showed that all metals were mainly solubilized by reduction and therefore estimated to be bound to iron oxides, except lead which was rather in the acid-soluble fraction in the contaminated horizons. Furthermore, high levels of lead were found in water-soluble and exchangeable fractions (4.2 mg kg−1) suggesting the occurrence of lead transfer towards the trophic chain

    Assessment of the genotoxicity of Cu and Zn in raw and anaerobically digested slurry with the Vicia faba micronucleus test

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    Genotoxicity of Cu and Zn was assessed by use of the micronucleus (MN) test on Vicia faba roots. Plants were exposed to various leachates of rawand anaerobically digested pig slurry, with maximum total concentrations of 200MCu and 600MZn. The results indicated stabilisation of the organic matter during anaerobic digestion of the slurry and bioconversion of some phytotoxic organic compounds (e.g. phenols or p-cresol), but did not showa relationship between Cu and Zn concentrations and MN frequency. Exposure of Vicia plants to binary inorganic solutions of Cu and Zn (CuSO4/ZnSO4, 1:3) showed a significant micronucleus induction at concentrations of 40M Cu and 120M Zn and higher. When MN frequency was plotted against dissolved Cu (<0.45m), applied as slurry or as CuSO4, a single curve was obtained. At concentrations lower than 10M, modulation of the genotoxic effect of Cu was found. At concentrations up to 150M,MNinduction increased significantly, while phytotoxic symptoms appeared at higher concentrations

    New direct contact approach to evaluate soil genotoxicity using the Vicia faba micronucleus test.

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    A method to assess micronucleus (MN) induction in Vicia faba roots by direct contact exposure to a solid matrix was developed. The procedure comprised a 5-d germination period, as in the well-known method using aqueous extracts. However, the seeds were here sown directly into the test soil whereas a culture period is necessary before exposing seedlings to a liquid medium. One soil under forest and two contaminated soils from areas affected by industrial installations and a coke works were used. Three durations of direct exposure were tested: 2, 5 and 7 d. The optimal duration was evaluated at 2 d to observe maximal MN induction without observing toxicity symptoms. The methodology using aqueous extracts was applied to the same three soils: MN frequency was higher than in the direct contact assay but the ratios of MN frequencies from tested soils in comparison to the negative control were lower. However, for each soil, both the direct contact method and the aqueous extract exposure led to the same risk assessment diagnosis. The evaluation of a concentration range of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)-contaminated soil showed a dose-dependent MN frequency when the seeds were allowed to germinate before sowing in the soil: the soil genotoxicity was the highest at intermediate doses. The direct contact method was found to be rapid, sensitive and well suited to the evaluation of soil qualit

    Calcul des doses d'irrigation pour les sols salés : application d'une méthode géochimique de calcul à un sol tunisien

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    La méthode de prévision du volume de lessivage recommandée par la FAO (méthode classique) néglige la précipitation des minéraux à partir de la solution du sol. La méthode dite géochimique prend en compte ces phénomènes par le biais d'un modèle thermodynamique. L'application de ces deux méthodes à la station de Cherfech en Tunisie permet de comparer leur validit

    Reducing Ammonia Losses By Adding FeCI3 During Composting Of Sewage Sludge

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    The release of ammonia nitrogen during composting of sewage sludge mixed with a lignocellulosic bulking agent leads to a reduction in the agronomic value of the final compost and to harmful effects on the environment. We propose adding a cheap salt FeCl3 which can be used without special precaution to reduce ammonia losses by decreasing pH conditions. An in-vessel co-composting experiment was conducted in a large reactor (100 L) in which FeCl3 was added to sludge mixed with a bulking agent (pine shavings and sawdust) and compared with a control mixture without FeCl3. Temperature, oxygen consumption and pH were monitored throughout the composting of both mixtures. The final balance of organic matter, organic and inorganic nitrogen permitted to conclude that the addition of FeCl3 reduced nitrogen loss (by a factor of 2.4 in relation to the control) and increased mineralisation of the organic nitrogen by 1.6

    Elemental and isotopic composition of river water during a flood event in agricultural watershed: insight of sources and pathways of water and terrestrial derived matter

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    Flood event in agricultural watershed represents 64% of water discharge but up to 71% of dissolved organic carbon and 94 of total suspended matter export. It therefore constitutes a key period to assess change in surface water contamination and quality. While during base flow conditions most of river discharge is supported by groundwater input, during storm period surface and subsurface runoffs contribute to river flow. Integration of water pathway complexity and spatial heterogeneity of contaminant inputs in the watershed need to be assessed by biogeochemical proxy measured at watershed outlet in the main river channel

    Potential role of NADPH-oxidase in early steps of lead-induced oxidative burst in Vicia faba roots

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    The mechanism of oxidative burst induced by lead in Vicia faba excised roots was investigated by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence. Results showed that lead triggered a rapid and dose-dependent increase in chemiluminescence production. In this study, specific inhibitors of putative reactive oxygen species (ROS) sources were used to determine the mechanism of lead-induced ROS generation. This generation was sensitive to dephenylene iodonium (DPI), quinacrine and imidazole, some inhibitors of the NADPH-oxidase and not inhibited by other putative ROS sources inhibitors. Data reported in this work clearly demonstrated the pivotal role of NADPH-oxidase-like enzyme in early steps of lead-induced oxidative burst. To investigate the respective implication of calmodulin and protein kinase (PK) in leadinduced NADPH-oxidase activation, excised roots were treated with the calmodulin inhibitor W7 or with the PK inhibitor staurosporine. The chemiluminescence generation inhibition by these inhibitors illustrated the role of PK in lead-induced NADPH-oxidase activation and revealed a calmodulin-dependent step. Using the calcium entry blocker La 3+ or different concentrations of calcium in the extracellular medium, our data highlighted the implication of Ca 2+ channel in leadinduced oxidative burst