25 research outputs found

    Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Distribution of Deep-Water Gorgonian Corals in Relation to Seabed Topography on the Norwegian Margin

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    Investigating the relationship between deep-water coral distribution and seabed topography is important for understanding the terrain habitat selection of these species and for the development of predictive habitat models. In this study, the distribution of the deep-water gorgonians, Paragorgia arborea and Primnoa resedaeformis, in relation to terrain variables at multiple scales of 30 m, 90 m and 170 m were investigated at Røst Reef, Traena Reef and Sotbakken Reef on the Norwegian margin, with Ecological Niche Factor Analysis applied. To date, there have been few published studies investigating this aspect of gorgonian distribution. A similar correlation between the distribution of P. arborea and P. resedaeformis and each particular terrain variable was found at each study site, but the strength of the correlation between each variable and distribution differed by reef. The terrain variables of bathymetric position index (BPI) and curvature at analysis scales of 90 m or 170 m were most strongly linked to the distribution of both species at the three geographically distinct study sites. Both gorgonian species tended to inhabit local topographic highs across all three sites, particularly at Sotbakken Reef and Traena Reef, with both species observed almost exclusively on such topographic highs. The tendency for observed P. arborea to inhabit ridge crests at Røst Reef was much greater than was indicated for P. resedaeformis. This investigation identifies the terrain variables which most closely correlate with distribution of these two gorgonian species, and analyzes their terrain habitat selection; further development of predictive habitat models may be considered essential for effective management of these species

    Picking Up the Pieces—Harmonising and Collating Seabed Substrate Data for European Maritime Areas

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    The poor access to data on the marine environment is a handicap to government decision-making, a barrier to scientific understanding and an obstacle to economic growth. In this light, the European Commission initiated the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) in 2009 to assemble and disseminate hitherto dispersed marine data. In the ten years since then, EMODnet has become a key producer of publicly available, harmonised datasets covering broad areas. This paper describes the methodologies applied in EMODnet Geology project to produce fully populated GIS layers of seabed substrate distribution for the European marine areas. We describe steps involved in translating national seabed substrate data, conforming to various standards, into a uniform EMODnet substrate classification scheme (i.e., the Folk sediment classification). Rock and boulders form an additional substrate class. Seabed substrate data products at scales of 1:250,000 and 1:1 million, compiled using descriptions and analyses of seabed samples as well as interpreted acoustic images, cover about 20% and 65% of the European maritime areas, respectively. A simple confidence assessment, based on sample and acoustic coverage, is helpful in identifying data gaps. The harmonised seabed substrate maps are particularly useful in supraregional, transnational and pan-European marine spatial planning

    Defining biological assemblages (biotopes) of conservation interest in the submarine canyons of the South West Approaches (offshore United Kingdom) for use in marine habitat mapping

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    In 2007, the upper part of a submarine canyon system located in water depths between 138 and 1165 m in the South West (SW) Approaches (North East Atlantic Ocean) was surveyed over a 2 week period. High-resolution multibeam echosounder data covering 1106 km2, and 44 ground-truthing video and image transects were acquired to characterise the biological assemblages of the canyons. The SW Approaches is an area of complex terrain, and intensive ground-truthing revealed the canyons to be dominated by soft sediment assemblages. A combination of multivariate analysis of seabed photographs (184–1059 m) and visual assessment of video ground-truthing identified 12 megabenthic assemblages (biotopes) at an appropriate scale to act as mapping units. Of these biotopes, 5 adhered to current definitions of habitats of conservation concern, 4 of which were classed as Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems. Some of the biotopes correspond to descriptions of communities from other megahabitat features (for example the continental shelf and seamounts), although it appears that the canyons host modified versions, possibly due to the inferred high rates of sedimentation in the canyons. Other biotopes described appear to be unique to canyon features, particularly the sea pen biotope consisting of Kophobelemnon stelliferum and cerianthids

    Modeling the habitat suitability for deep-water gorgonian corals based on terrain variables

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    The coral species Paragorgia arborea and Primnoa resedaeformis are abundant and widely distributed gorgonians in North Atlantic waters. Both species add significant habitat complexity to the benthic environment, and support a host of invertebrate species. Mapping their distribution is an essential step in conservation and resource management, but challenging as a result of their remoteness. In this study, three predictive models — Ecological Niche Factor Analysis, Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Production and Maximum Entropy modeling (MaxEnt) were applied to predict the distribution of species' suitable habitat across a region of Røst Reef (Norwegian margin) based on multiscale terrain variables. All three models were successful in predicting the habitat suitability for both gorgonian species across the study area, and the MaxEnt predictions were shown to outperform other predictions. All three models predicted the most suitable habitats for both species to mainly occur along the ridges and on the upper section of the large slide, suggesting both species preferentially colonize topographic highs. Jackknife tests for MaxEnt predictions highlighted the seabed aspect in relation to P. arborea distribution, and the seabed relative position (curvature) in relation to the distribution of both species. Given the vulnerability of deep-water corals to anthropogenic impacts, further comparative study over a wider study area would be particularly beneficial for the management of the species

    Multiscale Terrain Analysis of Multibeam Bathymetry Data for Habitat Mapping on the Continental Slope

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    Multibeam surveys can provide detailed bathymetry data for the continental slope from which quantitative descriptors of the seabed terrain (e.g., slope) may be obtained. We illustrate the value of these descriptors for benthic habitat mapping, and highlight the advantages of multiscale analysis. We examine the application of these descriptors as predictor variables for species distribution models, which are particularly valuable in the deep sea where opportunities to directly survey the benthic fauna remain limited. Our initial models are encouraging and suggest that wider adoption of these methods may assist the delivery of ecologically relevant information to marine resource managers

    Quantifying relationships between abundances of cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa and terrain features: A case study on the Norwegian margin

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    An understanding of how terrain features influence abundance of a particular species greatly aids in the development of accurate predictive habitat suitability models. In this study, we investigated the observed seafloor coverage of cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa in relation to seabed topography at the Sotbakken and Røst Reefs on the Norwegian margin. The primary terrain features at the study sites are a SW-NE stretching mound at Sotbakken Reef and SW-NE running ridges at Røst Reef, located at depths of ~300–400 m and ~250–320 m respectively. Ship-borne multibeam bathymetry data, JAGO dive video data and JAGO positioning data were used in this study. Terrain variables were calculated at scales of 30 m, 90 m and 170 m based on the bathymetry data. Additionally, we investigated the relationships between the terrain variables at multiple scales using the Unweighted Pair Group Method

    Detailed plots of boxed areas B1, B2 and B3 (from Figure 11B).

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    <p>The substrate presence, <i>P. arborea</i> and <i>P. resedaeformis</i> occurrence along the JAGO dive transects were shown for each corresponding area.</p