3 research outputs found

    Fatores sociodemográficos e clínicos associados ao tempo de decisão para a procura de atendimento no infarto agudo do miocárdio

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    OBJETIVO: analizar la interacción del género en la asociación entre el tiempo de decisión para la búsqueda de servicio de salud y las variables sociodemográficas y clínicas. MÉTODO: estudio exploratorio, transversal, con 100 individuos entrevistados en hospitales de Salvador-BA. En el análisis se empleó el test Chi-cuadrado o Exacto de Fisher y el modelo de regresión linear robusto. La significancia estadística adoptada fue de 5%. RESULTADOS: hombres y mujeres presentaron tiempos de decisión elevados. Hubo menor tiempo de decisión para tabaquistas, con dolor constante y de fuerte intensidad. Hubo interacción entre género y tabaquismo y entre género y dolor irradiado para el cuello o mandíbula para el desenlace del tiempo de decisión. CONCLUSIÓN: los tiempos de decisión fueron elevados y sufrieron influencia de variables clínicas y de género. El estudio ofrece subsidios para prácticas de cuidar en enfermería enfocadas en la especificidad de esos factores y de los géneros objetivando obtener éxito en la reducción del tiempo de decisión.OBJETIVO: analisar a interação do sexo na associação entre o tempo de decisão para a procura de serviço de saúde e as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas. MÉTODO: estudo exploratório, transversal, com 100 indivíduos entrevistados em hospitais de Salvador, BA. Na análise, empregou-se o teste qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher e o modelo de regressão linear robusto. A significância estatística adotada foi de 5%. RESULTADOS: Resultados: homens e mulheres apresentaram tempos de decisão elevados. Houve menor tempo de decisão para tabagistas, com dor constante e de forte intensidade. Houve interação entre sexo e tabagismo e entre sexo e dor irradiada para o pescoço ou a mandíbula para o desfecho tempo de decisão. CONCLUSÃO: os tempos de decisão foram elevados e sofreram influência de variáveis clínicas e do sexo. O estudo oferece subsídios para práticas de cuidar em enfermagem, focalizadas na especificidade desses fatores e dos gêneros, visando-se obter êxito na redução do tempo de decisão.OBJECTIVE: this study aimed to analyze the interaction of gender in the association between decision time for seeking healthcare services and the sociodemographic and clinical variables. METHOD: this exploratory, cross-sectional study was performed with 100 individuals interviewed in hospitals in Salvador, Bahia. The chi-square test or Fisher's exact test and the robust linear regression model were used in the analysis. A statistical significance of 5% was adopted. RESULTS: men and women presented long decision times. The decision time was less for smokers and those with constant and/or severe pain. There was an interaction between gender and smoking and between gender and pain radiating to the neck or jaw for the decision time outcome. CONCLUSION: decision times were long and were influenced by clinical and gender variables. The study provides support for nursing care practices focused on the specificity of these factors and of the genders aiming to reduce the decision time

    Effects of neuromuscular electrostimulation in patients with heart failure admitted to ward

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    Background: Neuromuscular electrostimulation has become a promising issue in cardiovascular rehabilitation. However there are few articles published in the literature regarding neuromuscular electrostimulation in patients with heart failure during hospital stay. Methods: This is a randomized controlled pilot trial that aimed to investigate the effect of neuromuscular electrostimulation in the walked distance by the six-minute walking test in 30 patients admitted to ward for heart failure treatment in a tertiary cardiology hospital. Patients in the intervention group performed a conventional rehabilitation and neuromuscular electrostimulation. Patients underwent 60 minutes of electrostimulation (wave frequency was 20 Hz, pulse duration of 20 us) two times a day for consecutive days until hospital discharge. Results: The walked distance in the six-minute walking test improved 75% in the electrostimulation group (from 379.7 +/- 43.5 to 372.9 +/- 46.9 meters to controls and from 372.9 +/- 62.4 to 500 +/- 68 meters to electrostimulation, p<0.001). On the other hand, the walked distance in the control group did not change. Conclusion: The neuromuscular electrostimulation group showed greater improvement in the walked distance in the six-minute walking test in patients admitted to ward for compensation of heart failure