5 research outputs found

    Theoretical approaches in subject information organization: an analysis of the presence of subject cataloguing and indexing matters in ISKO-Spain literature

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    [Resumo] O Tratamento Temático da Informação ? TTI, na Biblioteconomia e Documentação, possui natureza mediadora, pois propicia interlocução dos contextos de produção e de uso da informação por meio da análise, descrição e representação do conteúdo dos documentos para armazenamento e recuperação da informação em cujo âmbito se desenvolvem processos, instrumentos e produtos. Essa área de estudos se apresenta, teoricamente, sob três vertentes: catalogação de assunto, de matriz norte-americana, e indexação, de matriz inglesa, mais centradas nos instrumentos e produtos de TTI, e análise documental, de matriz francesa, mais voltada para os procedimentos envolvidos no TTI. Nesse contexto, e considerando que o capítulo espanhol da ISKO atua como um importante e consolidado espaço científico de discussões acadêmicas sobre o TTI, notadamente no âmbito ibero-americano, procede-se a uma análise de domínio das correntes teóricas de matriz anglo-saxônica ? Indexação e Catalogação de Assunto ? nas comunicações apresentadas nos nove congressos de ISKO-España até então realizados, para identificar sua presença, sua articulação e seus referentes teóricos como subsídio aos estudos epistemológicos em organização do conhecimento.[Abstract] Subject information organization has a capital position in the Library and Documentation field since it promotes a dialogical dimension (or sometimes a bridge) between the information production and the information use by means of set of special activities like subject analysis, description and representation in order to promote information retrieval. Such branch of studies presents can be presented by means of different theoretical approaches. In this sense, the anglo-saxon approaches ? subject cataloguing and indexing ? are more devoted to the development of indexing languages and catalogues while the French-oriented approach - analyse documentaire - denotes a bigger concern on the procedures involved. Considering that the Spanish chapter of ISKO has been acting as an important scientific in knowledge organization matters (including subject information organization) specially in the Ibero-American countries, it carries out an analysis of the presence of the mentioned Anglo-saxon approaches - subject cataloguing and indexing ? in the papers presented at the ISKO-Spain congresses already occurred in order to identify the scientific articulation degree among their theoretical referents as a subsidy to the epistemological studies in knowledge organization in Spain

    Theoretical models in documentary analysis of content within Spanish academic environment of Library and Information Science

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    [Resumo] Considerando a análise documental enquanto dimensão teórica do tratamento temático da informação, ao lado das concepções da catalogação de assunto e da indexação, analisa-se teoricamente a sua construção na França e seus reflexos no ambiente científico espanhol. A vista disso, e com base em depoimentos dos docentes da área no universo acadêmico espanhol de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, analisam-se quais os referentes teóricos considerados mais significativos por essa comunidade e, valendo-se da análise de citações e da rede de cocitações de autores, como esses referentes interagem e se articulam no ambiente acadêmico analisado.[Abstract] Considering analyse documentaire as a theoretical dimension of subject analysis subject information organization, beside subject cataloguing and indexing, it carries out a theoretical approach of its conception in France as well as its reflects in the Spanish LIS environment. Basing on information from Spanish professors in such special branch, it is possible to built a set of theoretical referents in analyse documentaire as well as to analyze how those authors interact and articulate each other in the studied academic universe

    Aspectos éticos de la organización de la información

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    We discuss the ethical aspects of the organization of the information to be presented and analyzed a number of examples terminological subject to various subjective meanings, due to linguistic and ideological contexts in which each term is framed

    Florescimento da lavoura cafeeira sob diferentes manejos de irrigaçâo

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different irrigation managements on flower induction and bloom of coffee trees. The study was carried out at the experimental area of the Engineering Department at Universidade Federal de Lavras, on Acaia Cerrado MG-1474 coffee cultivar, planted 3.0 meters between rows and 0.6 meters between plants and drip irrigated since planting in 1997. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 4 replicates and 5 irrigation treatment: A= non irrigated; B= irrigated throughout the whole year every time the water available was at most 25% of total available water (TAW); C= irrigated during the whole year every time the water available was at most 75% of TAW; D = treatment C during January, February, March, July, October, November and December and treatment B during April, May, June, August and September; E= treatment C during April, May, June, August and September. Each plot was composed of 10 plants and used 2 plants for the evaluation of secondary branches, number of flowers per flowering, number of fruit and fruit set between September and May during the growing seasons of 2006/2007 and 2007/2008. The different irrigation managements did not significantly influence the total number of flowers, number of branches and percentage of flowers that resulted in fruits. Comparing data from two harvests verified the biennial effect in the total number of flowers, percentage of fruit set and branch gain