646 research outputs found

    New CO and Millimeter Continuum Observations of the z=2.394 Radio Galaxy 53W002

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    The z=2.39 radio galaxy 53W002 lies in a cluster of Ly-alpha emission line objects and may itself be undergoing a major burst of star formation. CO(3--2) emission, at 102 GHz, was detected from 53W002 by Scoville et al. (1997a), who also reported a possible 30 kpc extension and velocity gradient suggesting a rotating gaseous disk. In this paper we present new interferometric CO(3--2) observations which confirm the previous line detection with improved signal-to-noise ratio, but show no evidence for source extension or velocity gradient. The compact nature of the CO source and the molecular mass found in this object are similar to luminous infrared galaxies and other AGNs previously studied

    High Redshift Quasars and Star Formation in the Early Universe

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    In order to derive information on the star formation history in the early universe we observed 6 high-redshift (z=3.4) quasars in the near-infrared to measure the relative iron and \mgii emission strengths. A detailed comparison of the resulting spectra with those of low-redshift quasars show essentially the same FeII/MgII emission ratios and very similar continuum and line spectral properties, indicating a lack of evolution of the relative iron to magnesium abundance of the gas since z=3.4 in bright quasars. On the basis of current chemical evolution scenarios of galaxies, where magnesium is produced in massive stars ending in type II SNe, while iron is formed predominantly in SNe of type Ia with a delay of ~1 Gyr and assuming as cosmological parameters H_o = 72 km/s Mpc, Omega_M = 0.3, and Omega_Lambda = 0.7$, we conclude that major star formation activity in the host galaxies of our z=3.4 quasars must have started already at an epoch corresponding to z_f ~= 10, when the age of the universe was less than 0.5 Gyrs.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, ApJ in pres

    Dust continuum and Polarization from Envelope to Cores in Star Formation: A Case Study in the W51 North region

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    We present the first high-angular resolution (up to 0.7", ~5000 AU) polarization and thermal dust continuum images toward the massive star-forming region W51 North. The observations were carried out with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) in both the subcompact (SMA-SubC) and extended (SMA-Ext) configurations at a wavelength of 870 micron. W51 North is resolved into four cores (SMA1 to SMA4) in the 870 micron continuum image. The associated dust polarization exhibits more complex structures than seen at lower angular resolution. We analyze the inferred morphologies of the plane-of-sky magnetic field (B_bot) in the SMA1 to SMA4 cores and in the envelope using the SMA-Ext and SMA-SubC data. These results are compared with the B_bot archive images obtained from the CSO and JCMT. A correlation between dust intensity gradient position angles (phi_{nabla I}) and magnetic field position angles (phi_B) is found in the CSO, JCMT and both SMA data sets. This correlation is further analyzed quantitatively. A systematically tighter correlation between phi_{nabla I} and phi_B is found in the cores, whereas the correlation decreases in outside-core regions. Magnetic field-to-gravity force ratio (Sigma_B) maps are derived using the newly developed polarization - intensity gradient method by Koch, Tang & Ho 2012. We find that the force ratios tend to be small (Sigma_B <= 0.5) in the cores in all 4 data sets. In regions outside of the cores, the ratios increase or the field is even dominating gravity (Sigma_B > 1). This possibly provides a physical explanation of the tightening correlation between phi_{nabla I} and phi_B in the cores: the more the B field lines are dragged and aligned by gravity, the tighter the correlation is. Finally, we propose a schematic scenario for the magnetic field in W51 North to interpret the four polarization observations at different physical scales.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 10 pages. 7 figure

    The circumstellar disk of AB Aurigae: evidence for envelope accretion at late stages of star formation?

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    The circumstellar disk of AB Aurigae has garnered strong attention owing to the apparent existence of spirals at a relatively young stage and also the asymmetric disk traced in thermal dust emission. However, the physical conditions of the spirals are still not well understood. The origin of the asymmetric thermal emission is unclear. We observed the disk at 230 GHz (1.3 mm) in both the continuum and the spectral line ^12CO J=2-1 with IRAM 30-m, the Plateau de Bure interferometer, and the Submillimeter Array to sample all spatial scales from 0.37" to about 50". To combine the data obtained from these telescopes, several methods and calibration issues were checked and discussed. The 1.3 mm continuum (dust) emission is resolved into inner disk and outer ring. Molecular gas at high velocities traced by the CO line is detected next to the stellar location. The inclination angle of the disk is found to decrease toward the center. On a larger scale, based on the intensity weighted dispersion and the integrated intensity map of ^12CO J=2-1, four spirals are identified, where two of them are also detected in the near infrared. The total gas mass of the 4 spirals (M_spiral) is 10^-7 < M_spiral < 10^-5 M_sun, which is 3 orders of magnitude smaller than the mass of the gas ring. Surprisingly, the CO gas inside the spiral is apparently counter-rotating with respect to the CO disk, and it only exhibits small radial motion. The wide gap, the warped disk, and the asymmetric dust ring suggest that there is an undetected companion with a mass of 0.03 M_sun at a radius of 45 AU. Although an hypothetical fly-by cannot be ruled out, the most likely explanation of the AB Aurigae system may be inhomogeneous accretion well above or below the main disk plane from the remnant envelope, which can explain both the rotation and large-scale motions detected with the 30-m image.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&A journal. Typos are correcte

    Radio Observations of Infrared Luminous High Redshift QSOs

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    We present Very Large Array (VLA) observations at 1.4 GHz and 5 GHz of a sample of 12 Quasi-stellar Objects (QSOs) at z = 3.99 to 4.46. The sources were selected as the brightest sources at 250 GHz from the recent survey of Omont et al. (2001). We detect seven sources at 1.4 GHz with flux densities, S_{1.4} > 50 microJy. These centimeter (cm) wavelength observations imply that the millimeter (mm) emission is most likely thermal dust emission. The radio-through-optical spectral energy distributions for these sources are within the broad range defined by lower redshift, lower optical luminosity QSOs. For two sources the radio continuum luminosities and morphologies indicate steep spectrum, radio loud emission from a jet-driven radio source. For the remaining 10 sources the 1.4 GHz flux densities, or limits, are consistent with those expected for active star forming galaxies. If the radio emission is powered by star formation in these systems, then the implied star formation rates are of order 1e3 M_solar/year. We discuss the angular sizes and spatial distributions of the radio emitting regions, and we consider briefly these results in the context of co-eval black hole and stellar bulge formation in galaxies.Comment: to appear in the A

    A Study of CO Emission in High Redshift QSOs Using the Owens Valley Millimeter Array

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    Searches for CO emission in high-redshift objects have traditionally suffered from the accuracy of optically-derived redshifts due to lack of bandwidth in correlators at radio observatories. This problem has motivated the creation of the new COBRA continuum correlator, with 4 GHz available bandwidth, at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory Millimeter Array. Presented here are the first scientific results from COBRA. We report detections of redshifted CO(J=3-2) emission in the QSOs SMM J04135+10277 and VCV J140955.5+562827, as well as a probable detection in RX J0911.4+0551. At redshifts of z=2.846, z=2.585, and z=2.796, we find integrated CO flux densities of 5.4 Jy km/s, 2.4 Jy km/s, and 2.9 Jy km/s for SMM J04135+10277, VCV J140955.5+562827, and RX J0911.4+0551, respectively, over linewidths of Delta(V_{FWHM}) ~ 350 km/s. These measurements, when corrected for gravitational lensing, correspond to molecular gas masses of order M(H_2) ~ 10^{9.6-11.1} solar masses, and are consistent with previous CO observations of high-redshift QSOs. We also report 3-sigma upper limits on CO(3-2) emission in the QSO LBQS 0018-0220 of 1.3 Jy km/s. We do not detect significant 3mm continuum emission from any of the QSOs, with the exception of a tentative (3-sigma) detection in RX J0911.4+0551 of S_{3mm}=0.92 mJy/beam.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, accepted to ApJ. Changes made for version 2: citations added, 2 objects added to Table 2 and Figure

    Molecular line radiative transfer in protoplanetary disks: Monte Carlo simulations versus approximate methods

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    We analyze the line radiative transfer in protoplanetary disks using several approximate methods and a well-tested Accelerated Monte Carlo code. A low-mass flaring disk model with uniform as well as stratified molecular abundances is adopted. Radiative transfer in low and high rotational lines of CO, C18O, HCO+, DCO+, HCN, CS, and H2CO is simulated. The corresponding excitation temperatures, synthetic spectra, and channel maps are derived and compared to the results of the Monte Carlo calculations. A simple scheme that describes the conditions of the line excitation for a chosen molecular transition is elaborated. We find that the simple LTE approach can safely be applied for the low molecular transitions only, while it significantly overestimates the intensities of the upper lines. In contrast, the Full Escape Probability (FEP) approximation can safely be used for the upper transitions (J_{\rm up} \ga 3) but it is not appropriate for the lowest transitions because of the maser effect. In general, the molecular lines in protoplanetary disks are partly subthermally excited and require more sophisticated approximate line radiative transfer methods. We analyze a number of approximate methods, namely, LVG, VEP (Vertical Escape Probability) and VOR (Vertical One Ray) and discuss their algorithms in detail. In addition, two modifications to the canonical Monte Carlo algorithm that allow a significant speed up of the line radiative transfer modeling in rotating configurations by a factor of 10--50 are described.Comment: 47 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Thermal Emission from Warm Dust in the Most Distant Quasars

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    We report new continuum observations of fourteen z~6 quasars at 250 GHz and fourteen quasars at 1.4 GHz. We summarize all recent millimeter and radio observations of the sample of the thirty-three quasars known with 5.71<=z<=6.43, and present a study of the rest frame far-infrared (FIR) properties of this sample. These quasars were observed with the Max Plank Millimeter Bolometer Array (MAMBO) at 250 GHz with mJy sensitivity, and 30% of them were detected. We also recover the average 250 GHz flux density of the MAMBO undetected sources at 4 sigma, by stacking the on-source measurements. The derived mean radio-to-UV spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the full sample and the 250 GHz non-detections show no significant difference from that of lower-redshift optical quasars. Obvious FIR excesses are seen in the individual SEDs of the strong 250 GHz detections, with FIR-to-radio emission ratios consistent with that of typical star forming galaxies. Most 250 GHz-detected sources follow the L_{FIR}--L_{bol} relationship derived from a sample of local IR luminous quasars (L_{IR}>10^{12}L_{\odot}), while the average L_{FIR}/L_{bol} ratio of the non-detections is consistent with that of the optically-selected PG quasars. The MAMBO detections also tend to have weaker Ly\alpha emission than the non-detected sources. We discuss possible FIR dust heating sources, and critically assess the possibility of active star formation in the host galaxies of the z~6 quasars. The average star formation rate of the MAMBO non-detections is likely to be less than a few hundred M_{\odot} yr^{-1}, but in the strong detections, the host galaxy star formation is probably at a rate of \gtrsim10^{3} M_{\odot} yr^{-1}, which dominates the FIR dust heating.Comment: 32 pages with 6 figures; ApJ, in press; Added references; Corrected typo

    Molecular Gas in the Lensed Lyman Break Galaxy cB58

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    We have used the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer to map CO(3-2) emission from the gravitationally lensed Lyman break galaxy MS1512-cB58. This is the first detection of a molecular emission line in any Lyman break system; its integrated intensity implies a total molecular gas mass of 6.6e9 Msun, while its width implies a dynamical mass of 1.0e10 csc^2i Msun (for a flat Lambda=0.7 cosmology). These estimates are in excellent concordance with nearly all parameters of the system measured at other wavelengths, and yield a consistent picture of past and future star formation with no obvious discrepancies requiring explanation by differential lensing. In particular, we find that the age and remaining lifetime of the current episode of star formation are likely to be similar; the surface densities of star formation and molecular gas mass are related by a Schmidt law; and the fraction of baryonic mass already converted into stars is sufficient to account for the observed enrichment of the interstellar medium to 0.4 Zsun. Barring substantial gas inflow or a major merger, the stars forming in the current episode will have mass and coevality at z=0 similar to those of a spiral bulge. Assuming cB58 is a typical Lyman break galaxy apart from its magnification, its global parameters suggest that the prescriptions for star formation used in some semi-analytic models of galaxy evolution require moderate revision, although the general prediction that gas mass fraction should increase with redshift is validated. [abridged]Comment: 41 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Ap

    A Test of Pre-Main Sequence Evolutionary Models Across the Stellar/Substellar Boundary Based on Spectra of the Young Quadruple GG Tau

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    We present spatially separated optical spectra of the components of the young hierarchical quadruple GG Tau. Spectra of GG Tau Aa and Ab (separation 0".25 ~ 35 AU) were obtained with the Faint Object Spectrograph aboard the Hubble Space Telescope. Spectra of GG Tau Ba and Bb (separation 1".48 ~ 207 AU) were obtained with both the HIRES and the LRIS spectrographs on the W. M. Keck telescopes. The components of this mini-cluster, which span a wide range in spectral type (K7 - M7), are used to test both evolutionary models and the temperature scale for very young, low mass stars under the assumption of coeval formation. Of the evolutionary models tested, those of Baraffe et al. (1998, A&A, 337, 403) yield the most consistent ages when combined with a temperature scale intermediate between that of dwarfs and giants. The version of the Baraffe et al. models computed with a mixing length nearly twice the pressure scale height is of particular interest as it predicts masses for GG Tau Aa and Ab that are in agreement with their dynamical mass estimate. Using this evolutionary model and a coeval (at 1.5 Myrs) temperature scale, we find that the coldest component of the GG Tau system, GG Tau Bb, is substellar with a mass of 0.044 +/- 0.006 Msun. This brown dwarf companion is especially intriguing as it shows signatures of accretion, although this accretion is not likely to alter its mass significantly. GG Tau Bb is currently the lowest mass, spectroscopically confirmed companion to a T Tauri star, and is one of the coldest, lowest mass T Tauri objects in the Taurus-Auriga star forming region.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
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