150 research outputs found

    CAPRE: A New Methodology for Product Recommendation Based on Customer Actionability and Profitability

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    International audienceRecommender systems can apply knowledge discovery techniques to the problem of making product recommendations. This aims to establish a customer loyalty strategy and thus to optimize the customer life time value. In this paper we propose CAPRE, a data-mining based methodology for recommender systems based on the analysis of turnover for customers of speciïŹc products. Contrary to classical recommender systems, CAPRE does not aspire to predict a customer's behavior but to inïŹ‚uence that behavior. By measuring the actionability and proïŹtability of customers, we have the ability to focus on customers that can afford to spend larger sums of money in the target business. CAPRE aggregates rules to extract characteristic purchasing behaviors, and then analyzes the counter-examples to detect the most actionable and proïŹtable customers. We measure the effectiveness of CAPRE by performing a cross-validation on the MovieLens benchmark. The methodology is applied to over 10,000 individual customers and 100,000 products for the customer relationship management of VM MatĂ©riaux company, thus assisting the salespersons' objective to increase the customer value

    Semantics-based classification of rule interestingness measures

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    Assessing rules with interestingness measures is the cornerstone of successful applications of association rule discovery. However, as numerous measures may be found in the literature, choosing the measures to be applied for a given application is a difficult task. In this chapter, the authors present a novel and useful classification of interestingness measures according to three criteria: the subject, the scope, and the nature of the measure. These criteria seem essential to grasp the meaning of the measures, and therefore to help the user to choose the ones (s)he wants to apply. Moreover, the classification allows one to compare the rules to closely related concepts such as similarities, implications, and equivalences. Finally, the classification shows that some interesting combinations of the criteria are not satisfied by any index

    Interactive visual exploration of association rules with rule-focusing methodology

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    International audienceOn account of the enormous amounts of rules that can be produced by data mining algorithms, knowledge post-processing is a difficult stage in an association rule discovery process. In order to find relevant knowledge for decision making, the user (a decision maker specialized in the data studied) needs to rummage through the rules. To assist him/her in this task, we here propose the rule-focusing methodology, an interactive methodology for the visual post-processing of association rules. It allows the user to explore large sets of rules freely by focusing his/her attention on limited subsets. This new approach relies on rule interestingness measures, on a visual representation, and on interactive navigation among the rules. We have implemented the rule-focusing methodology in a prototype system called ARVis. It exploits the user's focus to guide the generation of the rules by means of a specific constraint-based rule-mining algorithm

    Une mĂ©thodologie de recommandations produits fondĂ©e sur l'actionnabilitĂ© et l'intĂ©rĂȘt Ă©conomique des clients

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    National audienceDans un contexte Ă©conomique difficile, la fidĂ©lisation des clients figure au premier rang des prĂ©occupations des entreprises. En effet, selon le Gartner, fidĂ©liser des clients existants coĂ»terait beaucoup moins cher que prospecter de nouveaux clients. Pour y parvenir, les entreprises optimisent la marge et le cycle de vie des clients en dĂ©veloppant une relation personnalisĂ©e aboutissant Ă  demeilleures recommandations. Dans cet article, nous proposons une mĂ©thodologie pour les systĂšmes de recommandations fondĂ©e sur l'analyse des chiffres d'affaires des clients sur des familles de produits. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, la mĂ©thodologie consiste Ă  extraire des comportements de rĂ©fĂ©rence sous la forme de rĂšgles d'association et Ă  en Ă©valuer l'intĂ©rĂȘt Ă©conomique et l'actionnabilitĂ©. Les recommandations sont rĂ©alisĂ©es en ciblant les contre-exemples les plus actionnables sur les rĂšgles les plus rentables.NotremĂ©thodologie est appliquĂ©e sur 12 000 clients et 100 000 produits de VMMatĂ©riaux afin d'orienter les commerciaux sur les possibilitĂ©s d'accroissement de la valeur client

    Can high-intensity exercise be more pleasant?: Attentional dissociation using music and video

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    Theories suggest that external stimuli (e.g., auditory and visual) may be rendered ineffective in modulating attention when exercise intensity is high. We examined the effects of music and parkland video footage on psychological measures during and after stationary cycling at two intensities: 10% of maximal capacity below ventilatory threshold and 5% above. Participants (N = 34) were exposed to four conditions at each intensity: music only, video only, music and video, and control. Analyses revealed main effects of condition and exercise intensity for affective valence and perceived activation (p < .001), state attention (p < .05), and exercise enjoyment (p < .001). The music-only and music-and-video conditions led to the highest valence and enjoyment scores during and after exercise regardless of intensity. Findings indicate that attentional manipulations can exert a salient influence on affect and enjoyment even at intensities slightly above ventilatory threshold

    Influence of Dataset Parameters on the Performance of Direct UE Positioning via Deep Learning

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    User equipment (UE) positioning accuracy is of paramount importance in current and future communications standard. However, traditional methods tend to perform poorly in non line of sight (NLoS) scenarios. As a result, deep learning is a candidate to enhance the UE positioning accuracy in NLoS environments. In this paper, we study the efficiency of deep learning on the 3GPP indoor factory (InF) statistical channel. More specifically, we analyse the impacts of several key elements on the positioning accuracy: the type of radio data used, the number of base stations (BS), the size of the training dataset, and the generalization ability of a trained model.Comment: Accepted for publication at the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) 202

    An Overview of Interaction Techniques and 3D Representations for Data Mining

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    International audienceAn Overview of Interaction Techniques and 3D Representations for Data Minin

    Simultaneous MFN2 and GDAP1 mutations cause major mitochondrial defects in a patient with CMT

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    Mutations in the MFN2 gene are associated with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A (CMT2A), a dominant axonal CMT, whereas mutations in GDAP1 are associated with recessive demyelinating CMT (CMT4A), recessive axonal CMT (AR-CMT2), and dominant axonal CMT (CMT2K). Both proteins are involved in energy metabolism and dynamics of the mitochondrial network. We have previously reported that, in fibroblasts from patients with CMT, MFN2 mutations resulted in a mitochondrial energy coupling defect, whereas dominant mutation in GDAP1 resulted in defective complex I activity. In this study, we investigated mitochondrial bioenergetics from a severely affected patient with CMT harboring combined mutations in both GDAP1 and MFN2 genes

    Structural insights into chaperone addiction of toxin-antitoxin systems

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    International audienceSecB chaperones assist protein export by binding both unfolded proteins and the SecA motor. Certain SecB homologs can also control toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems known to modulate bacterial growth in response to stress. In such TA-chaperone (TAC) systems, SecB assists the folding and prevents degradation of the antitoxin, thus facilitating toxin inhibition. Chaperone dependency is conferred by a C-terminal extension in the antitoxin known as chaperone addiction (ChAD) sequence, which makes the antitoxin aggregation-prone and prevents toxin inhibition. Using TAC of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we present the structure of a SecB-like chaperone bound to its ChAD peptide. We find differences in the binding interfaces when compared to SecB–SecA or SecB-preprotein complexes, and show that the antitoxin can reach a functional form while bound to the chaperone. This work reveals how chaperones can use discrete surface binding regions to accommodate different clients or partners and thereby expand their substrate repertoire and functions

    Un outil de dĂ©veloppement professionnel des conseillers pĂ©dagogiques dans l’enseignement supĂ©rieur : le rĂ©seau PENSERA

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    Le nombre de personnes ayant une fonction de « conseiller pĂ©dagogique » dans l’enseignement supĂ©rieur en France est en augmentation notable, et la trĂšs grande majoritĂ© d’entre eux dĂ©marre dans cette mission. Cette fonction n’étant validĂ©e par aucun diplĂŽme en France, se pose naturellement la question de la formation associĂ©e. A ce titre, l’expĂ©rience vĂ©cue en RhĂŽne-Alpes (France) peut servir d’exemple. Nous avons formĂ© un rĂ©seau d’échanges et de mutualisation entre les services pĂ©dagogiques de trois Ă©tablissements d’enseignement supĂ©rieur de la rĂ©gion RhĂŽne-Alpes : l’UniversitĂ© Claude Bernard (Lyon-1), l’UniversitĂ© Joseph Fourier (Grenoble-1) et Grenoble-INP. Les 8 conseillers pĂ©dagogiques de ces Ă©tablissements se sont engagĂ©s dans une dynamique d’échanges basĂ©e sur des rencontres mensuelles d’une journĂ©e, et complĂ©tĂ©es par des sessions communes avec le rĂ©seau « initiateur » de suisse romande. Ces rencontres sont l’occasion de favoriser l’enrichissement mutuel : outre le fait d’ĂȘtre mieux armĂ©s autour des questions liĂ©es Ă  l’accompagnement des enseignants ou des institutions, cela permet aussi de partager des formats ou des contenus jugĂ©s pertinents. La philosophie de ces Ă©changes est le transfert de compĂ©tences, avec comme principe d’envisager la co-animation d’ateliers de formation entre un membre de l’institution « d’accueil » et un membre de l’institution « exportatrice ». De ce fait, cette collaboration est un rĂ©el outil de dĂ©veloppement professionnel des conseillers pĂ©dagogiques qui y participent. Le fonctionnement en rĂ©seau qui fait l’objet de cette communication se place en complĂ©ment d’une rĂ©flexion locale, souvent interne Ă  chaque institution, et d’une rĂ©flexion plus globale, dĂ©veloppĂ©e au sein des rĂ©seaux nationaux et internationaux. L’émulation ainsi gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©e offre des opportunitĂ©s pour atteindre la masse critique nĂ©cessaire Ă  l’organisation d’évĂ©nements importants : la tenue en RhĂŽne-Alpes Ă  l’automne 2009 d’un colloque rĂ©unissant les conseillers pĂ©dagogiques de l’enseignement supĂ©rieur francophone (le « BSQF » pour Belgique-Suisse-QuĂ©bec-France) en est une belle illustration
