5 research outputs found

    Nucleoli and Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein (PML) bodies are phase separated nuclear protein quality control compartments for misfolded proteins

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    We uncovered a role for nucleoli and PML-bodies as phase-separated protein quality control organelles that compartmentalize protein quality control factors and misfolded proteins for their efficient clearance. Failure to dispose misfolded proteins converts nucleoli and PML-bodies into a solid state that immobilizes ubiquitin, limiting its recycling for genome integrity maintenance

    Defective ribosomal products challenge nuclear function by impairing nuclear condensate dynamics and immobilizing ubiquitin

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    Nuclear protein aggregation has been linked to genome instability and disease. The main source of aggregation-prone proteins in cells is defective ribosomal products (DRiPs), which are generated by translating ribosomes in the cytoplasm. Here, we report that DRiPs rapidly diffuse into the nucleus and accumulate in nucleoli and PML bodies, two membraneless organelles formed by liquid\u2013liquid phase separation. We show that nucleoli and PML bodies act as dynamic overflow compartments that recruit protein quality control factors and store DRiPs for later clearance. Whereas nucleoli serve as constitutive overflow compartments, PML bodies are stress-inducible overflow compartments for DRiPs. If DRiPs are not properly cleared by chaperones and proteasomes due to proteostasis impairment, nucleoli undergo amyloidogenesis and PML bodies solidify. Solid PML bodies immobilize 20S proteasomes and limit the recycling of free ubiquitin. Ubiquitin depletion, in turn, compromises the formation of DNA repair compartments at fragile chromosomal sites, ultimately threatening cell survival

    A fly trap mechanism provides sequence-specific RNA recognition by CPEB proteins

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    Cytoplasmic changes in polyA tail length is a key mechanism of translational control and is implicated in germline development, synaptic plasticity, cellular proliferation, senescence, and cancer progression. The presence of a U-rich cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE) in the 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs) of the responding mRNAs gives them the selectivity to be regulated by the CPE-binding (CPEB) family of proteins, which recognizes RNA via the tandem RNA recognition motifs (RRMs). Here we report the solution structures of the tandem RRMs of two human paralogs (CPEB1 and CPEB4) in their free and RNA-bound states. The structures reveal an unprecedented arrangement of RRMs in the free state that undergo an original closure motion upon RNA binding that ensures high fidelity. Structural and functional characterization of the ZZ domain (zinc-binding domain) of CPEB1 suggests a role in both protein–protein and protein–RNA interactions. Together with functional studies, the structures reveal how RNA binding by CPEB proteins leads to an optimal positioning of the N-terminal and ZZ domains at the 3′ UTR, which favors the nucleation of the functional ribonucleoprotein complexes for translation regulation

    RNA-Induced Conformational Switching and Clustering of G3BP Drive Stress Granule Assembly by Condensation

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    © 2020 The Author(s)Reconstitution of stress granule assembly reveals an autoinhibitory conformation of G3BP that is alleviated by RNA binding, demonstrating how this central node of the stress granule network phase-separates in response to rising cellular RNA concentrations. © 2020 The Author(s)Stressed cells shut down translation, release mRNA molecules from polysomes, and form stress granules (SGs) via a network of interactions that involve G3BP. Here we focus on the mechanistic underpinnings of SG assembly. We show that, under non-stress conditions, G3BP adopts a compact auto-inhibited state stabilized by electrostatic intramolecular interactions between the intrinsically disordered acidic tracts and the positively charged arginine-rich region. Upon release from polysomes, unfolded mRNAs outcompete G3BP auto-inhibitory interactions, engendering a conformational transition that facilitates clustering of G3BP through protein-RNA interactions. Subsequent physical crosslinking of G3BP clusters drives RNA molecules into networked RNA/protein condensates. We show that G3BP condensates impede RNA entanglement and recruit additional client proteins that promote SG maturation or induce a liquid-to-solid transition that may underlie disease. We propose that condensation coupled to conformational rearrangements and heterotypic multivalent interactions may be a general principle underlying RNP granule assembly11sciescopu