616 research outputs found

    Etudes des déterminants moléculaires impliqués dans la capacité de transmission d'Alternaria brassicicola aux semences d'Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Seed transmission is one on the most efficient way for fungal pathogens to survive and ensure their dispersal. On the other hand, contaminated seeds are compromised on their germination and survival capacities. Hence, we aimed at identifying molecular mechanisms involved in the transmission abilities of seed-borne fungi using the model pathosystem based on Alternaria brassicicola and Arabidopsis thaliana. We analyzed the response of A. brassicicola to various in vitro and in vivo conditions: stress induced by Brassicaceous defenses metabolites (camalexin, brassinin and isothiocyanates), stress related to a water deficiency (desiccation, sorbitol and PEG) and stress occurring during seed colonization through siliques. Concerning the first type of stress, we showed that indolic phytoalexins probably target mitochondria as revealed by altered respiration and mitochondrial membrane potential after short time exposures. Our analyses also revealed that the fungal response to water stress involved hydrophilins-like and eisosomal proteins. We showed that the expression of most of these proteins was dependent of at least one of the three protein kinases AbSch9, AbNik1 and AbHog1. Finally, our in planta analysis revealed an unexpected possible role of chromatin remodeling mechanisms in the regulation of fungal genes expression during seed transmission

    Quasispecies evolution in NS5A region of hepatitis C virus genotype 1b during interferon or combined interferon-ribavirin therapy

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    AIM: To evaluate the implication of substitutions in the hepatitis C virus (HCV) non-structural 5A (NS5A) protein in the resistance of HCV during mono-interferon (IFN) or combined IFN-ribavirin (IFN-R) therapy. Although NS5A has been reported to interact with the HCV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, NS5B, as well as with many cellular proteins, the function of NS5A in the life cycle of HCV remains unclear. METHODS: HCV quasispecies were studied by cloning and sequencing of sequential isolates from patients infected by HCV genotype 1b. Patients were treated by IFN-alpha2b for 3 mo followed by IFN-alpha2b alone or combined IFN-R therapy for 9 additional months. Patients were categorized into two groups based on their response to the treatments: 7 with sustained virological response (SVR) (quasispecies = 150) and 3 non-responders (NR) to IFN-R (quasispecies = 106). RESULTS: Prior to treatment, SVR patients displayed a lower complexity of quasispecies than NR patients. Most patients had a decrease in the complexity of quasispecies during therapy. Analysis of amino acids substitutions showed that the degree of the complexity of the interferon sensitivity-determining region (ISDR) and the V3 domain of NS5A protein was able to discriminate the two groups of patients. Moreover, SVR patients displayed more variability in the NS5A region than NR patients. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that detailed molecular analysis of the NS5A region may be important for understanding its function in IFN response during HCV 1b infection

    Flux and Seasonality of Dissolved Organic Matter From the Northern Dvina (Severnaya Dvina) River, Russia

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    Pan‐Arctic riverine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) fluxes represent a major transfer of carbon from land‐to‐ocean, and past scaling estimates have been predominantly derived from the six major Arctic rivers. However, smaller watersheds are constrained to northern high‐latitude regions and, particularly with respect to the Eurasian Arctic, have received little attention. In this study, we evaluated the concentration of DOC and composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) via optical parameters, biomarkers (lignin phenols), and ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry in the Northern Dvina River (a midsized high‐latitude constrained river). Elevated DOC, lignin concentrations, and aromatic DOM indicators were observed throughout the year in comparison to the major Arctic rivers with seasonality exhibiting a clear spring freshet and also some years a secondary pulse in the autumn concurrent with the onset of freezing. Chromophoric DOM absorbance at a350 was strongly correlated to DOC and lignin across the hydrograph; however, the relationships did not fit previous models derived from the six major Arctic rivers. Updated DOC and lignin fluxes were derived for the pan‐Arctic watershed by scaling from the Northern Dvina resulting in increased DOC and lignin fluxes (50 Tg yr−1 and 216 Gg yr−1, respectively) compared to past estimates. This leads to a reduction in the residence time for terrestrial carbon in the Arctic Ocean (0.5 to 1.8 years). These findings suggest that constrained northern high‐latitude rivers are underrepresented in models of fluxes based from the six largest Arctic rivers with important ramifications for the export and fate of terrestrial carbon in the Arctic Ocean

    Gene Disruption in Scedosporium aurantiacum: Proof of Concept with the Disruption of SODC Gene Encoding a Cytosolic Cu,Zn-Superoxide Dismutase

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    Scedosporium species are opportunistic pathogens responsible for a large variety of infections in humans. An increasing occurrence was observed in patients with underlying conditions such as immunosuppression or cystic fibrosis. Indeed, the genus Scedosporium ranks the second among the filamentous fungi colonizing the respiratory tracts of the CF patients. To date, there is very scarce information on the pathogenic mechanisms, at least in part because of the limited genetic tools available. In the present study, we successfully developed an efficient transformation and targeted gene disruption approach on the species Scedosporium aurantiacum. The disruption cassette was constructed using double-joint PCR procedure, and resistance to hygromycin B as the selection marker. This proof of concept was performed on the functional gene SODC encoding the Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase. Disruption of the SODC gene improved susceptibility of the fungus to oxidative stress. This technical advance should open new research areas and help to better understand the biology of Scedosporium species