116 research outputs found

    About constant-product automated market makers

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    Constant-product market making functions were first introduced by Hayden Adams in 2017 to create Uniswap, a decentralised exchange on Ethereum. This enables users to exchange assets at any given rate. Some variations such as Balancer and Curve were later introduced. In this paper, we analyse the maths that rule this type of protocol. We show that splitting a trade in multiple smaller trades does not impact the final exchange rate. We also show that the protocol is safer and more profitable when no one recompounds their fees

    A construção do ethos discursivo secretária executiva no filme “O diabo veste prada”

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    The main objective of this article is to analyse the construction of the executive secretary's discursive ethos, through the character Andrea Sachs in the film “The Devil wears Prada”. The corpus selected for analysis is composed of 8 (eight) scenes from the aforementioned film, containing the images of the scenes and the transcription of the characters' speech involved. This is qualitative research so that we can carry out a discursive and interpretive approach to language and its production contexts. The theoretical framework is composed of authors such as Ruth Amossy (2008, 2022), and Dominique Maingueneau (1997, 2006, 2008, 2011, and 2015). To support the concept of discursive ethos, as well as authors Nonato Junior, Jefferson Sampaio, among others, discuss the training, performance, and profile of the Executive Secretariat professional. From the analyses developed, we observed that the construction of the executive secretary ethosevokes social representations, historically idealized and ingrained, which cross the daily life of the various professionals in this area.  Este artigo tem como objetivo principal analisar a construção do ethos discursivo secretária executiva, por meio da personagem Andrea Sachs, no filme “O Diabo veste Prada”. O corpus selecionado para análise é formado por 8 (oito) cenas do referido filme, contendo a transcrição das falas dos personagens envolvidos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa em que foi realizada uma abordagem discursiva e interpretativa da linguagem e seus contextos de produção. O arcabouço teórico é composto por autores como Ruth Amossy (2008, 2022), Dominique Maingueneau (1997, 2006, 2008, 2011 e 2015), para fundamentar o conceito de ethos discursivo, assim como os autores Nonato Junior (2009), Jefferson Sampaio (2019), dentre outros, para discutirmos a formação, a atuação e o perfil do profissional de Secretariado Executivo. A partir das análises desenvolvidas, observamos que a construção do ethos secretária executiva evoca representações sociais, historicamente idealizadas e arraigadas, que atravessam o cotidiano dos diversos profissionais dessa área

    Imaginários sociais e construção de identidades discursivas de secretárias executivas na ficção

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    Este artigo aborda como são construídas as identidades discursivas das personagens secretárias no conto “Caso de Secretária”, de Carlos Drummond de Andrade, e na música “Secretária”, de Amado Batista. A pesquisa tem como objetivo principal desvelar como os imaginários sociais evocados favorecem a construção de identidades estereotipadas em que a profissional de secretariado é subalternizada em decorrência de seu gênero social. Nesse contexto, buscamos compreender as relações estabelecidas entre imaginários sociais e identidades discursivas das personagens, e as formas dos sujeitos enunciadores se relacionarem com as alteridades que os constituem. A metodologia adotada foi qualitativa, por meio de uma abordagem discursiva e interpretativa, a fim de se considerar os contextos socioculturais em que os discursos foram produzidos. Os pressupostos teóricos de Bernardino e Nunes (2013), Camargo (2021), Charaudeau (2017), Sabino e Bezerra (2019) serviram como principal referência para o desenvolvimento das análises expostas ao longo desta pesquisa.  Os resultados apontam que a construção de identidades discursivas estereotipadas está diretamente ligada a imaginários sociais que reforçam estigmas e a subalternização da secretária e da mulher em esferas organizacionais

    The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets XIV. A temperate (Teq ~ 300 K) super-earth around the nearby star Gliese 411

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    Periodic radial velocity variations in the nearby M-dwarf star Gl 411 are reported, based on measurements with the SOPHIE spectrograph. Current data do not allow us to distinguish between a 12.95-day period and its one-day alias at 1.08 days, but favour the former slightly. The velocity variation has an amplitude of 1.6 m s−1, making this the lowest-amplitude signal detected with SOPHIE up to now. We have performed a detailed analysis of the significance of the signal and its origin, including extensive simulations with both uncorrelated and correlated noise, representing the signal induced by stellar activity. The signal is significantly detected, and the results from all tests point to its planetary origin. Additionally, the presence of an additional acceleration in the velocity time series is suggested by the current data. On the other hand, a previously reported signal with a period of 9.9 days, detected in HIRES velocities of this star, is not recovered in the SOPHIE data. An independent analysis of the HIRES dataset also fails to unveil the 9.9-day signal. If the 12.95-day period is the real one, the amplitude of the signal detected with SOPHIE implies the presence of a planet, called Gl 411 b, with a minimum mass of around three Earth masses, orbiting its star at a distance of 0.079 AU. The planet receives about 3.5 times the insolation received by Earth, which implies an equilibrium temperature between 256 and 350 K, and makes it too hot to be in the habitable zone. At a distance of only 2.5 pc, Gl 411 b, is the third closest low-mass planet detected to date. Its proximity to Earth will permit probing its atmosphere with a combination of high-contrast imaging and high-dispersion spectroscopy in the next decade

    I sleep but I feel, the role of affects in sensory processing during sleep

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    The detection of a stimulus in the environment largely depends on its salience (e.g. an intense flash of light is easier to detect than a faint light) but the state of the brain has also a strong influence on the perception and response to stimuli. Sleep is a typical and extreme example of such influence. It is thought that the sensory isolation that operates during sleep serves vital functions and that the processing of irrelevant stimuli is impaired during sleep. Yet, what makes a stimulus relevant for the sleeper remains to be elucidated. Sleep is a composite state divided in several sleep stages with distinct behavioral, physiological, electrophysiological, and phenomenal manifestations that reflect the action of different functions. The perceptual dimensions that make a stimulus relevant should therefore depends on the sleep functions that operate and therefore, on sleep stages. In this thesis, I investigated the relation between vigilance states and which perceptual dimensions are relevant to the sleeping brain by recording the cerebral response during sleep to stimuli of different natures. First, I recorded the brain response to interoceptive signals (i.e. heartbeat) in sleep stages with distinct degrees of sensory disconnection. I found a consistent change of brain response to visceral signals between wakefulness and sleep and between sleep states of high and low sensory disconnection. Thus, although interoceptive signals convey to the brain crucial information about the body and would be expected to be constantly relevant, their processing changes with sleep stages. Then, I investigated the brain response to intrinsically aversive stimuli (screams) during sleep. I found that screams evoked more sleep oscillations than controlled “neutral” vocalizations. This result suggests that intrinsically alarming signals conserve their relevant status during sleep. Next, I operated a conditioning procedure on participants to associate an auditory cue with humorous pictures and another auditory cue with neutral pictures. These participants were medically resistant epileptic patients implanted with intracranial electroencephalography for pre-surgical evaluation. I benefited from rare intracranial recordings to investigate the response of specific brain regions to the two conditioned auditory cues during sleep. I found that the orbitofrontal cortex, a brain region crucially implicated in the evaluation of the affective properties of stimuli evoked more sleep oscillations in response to the auditory cues paired with emotional items. This result suggests that emotion-related brain regions react to relevant stimuli during sleep. Finally, I recorded participants with electroencephalography and polysomnography while they were stimulated with odors overnight. I recorded a response of the brain to odors in wakefulness and sleep which supports the detection of odors by the sleeping brain. In addition, odors modified the sleep architecture: they reduced the sleep latency but fragmented deep sleep. This new knowledge informs about which stimuli can fragment human sleep, can influence sleep state, or can evoke complex sensory representations. In the long term, they could serve to inform public health policies and design overnight stimulation to treat disorders including insomnia

    Élection de M. Thouret à la Présidence de l'Assemblée, lors de la séance du 11 septembre 1791

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    Vernier Théodore, Thouret Jacques Guillaume. Élection de M. Thouret à la Présidence de l'Assemblée, lors de la séance du 11 septembre 1791. In: Archives Parlementaires de 1787 à 1860 - Première série (1787-1799) Tome XXX - Du 28 août au 17 septembre 1791. Paris : Librairie Administrative P. Dupont, 1888. p. 559

    Un détail sur l'Escalade

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    par Eugène de Budé; lu à la Société d'histoire et d'archéologi

    Discussion sur le payement des droits dont la perception a été continuée, lors de la séance du 4 aout 1790

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    Vernier Théodore, Gouttes Jean-Louis, Goupil de Préfeln Guillaume François. Discussion sur le payement des droits dont la perception a été continuée, lors de la séance du 4 aout 1790. In: Archives Parlementaires de 1787 à 1860 - Première série (1787-1799) Tome XVII - Du 9 juillet au 12 aout 1790. Paris : Librairie Administrative P. Dupont, 1884. p. 605