848 research outputs found

    Maria Morris Miller: The Many Functions of her Art

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    This article examines the career of flower painter and botanical illustrator Maria Morris Miller as a product of the deeply gendered bourgeois ideology of Victorian Halifax.Dans cet article, Janet Guildford examine la carrière de peintre floral et d'illustratrice d'espèces botaniques de Maria Morris Miller, laquelle est, à son avis, le produit d'une idéologic bourgeoise profondément établie sur la division des roles entre les hommes et les femmes, dans le Halifax de l'époque victorienne

    Obligation and Opportunity: Single Maritime Women in Boston, 1870-1930. Betsy Beattie.

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    "Whate'er the duty of the hour demands": The Work of Middle-Class Women in Halifax, 1840-1880

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    In mid-nineteenth-century Halifax middle-class women performed a variety of work, both inside and outside their homes, and made important contributions to their household economies. Women’s economic contribution has been obscured by the prevailing gender ideology of separate spheres and a legal code which both limited their economic activities and made them nearly invisible to historians. An examination of women’s work and its relationship to gender and class ideology is essential, however, if we are to understand the ways in which women and men collaborated in the formation of the middle class.Dans le Halifax du milieu du XIXe siècle, les femmes de la classe moyenne effectuaient toutes sortes de travaux, tant chez elles qu’à l’extérieur, et contribuaient de manière importante à leur économie domestique. L’apport économique des femmes a toutefois été occulté par l’idéologie sexuelle dominante des sphères distinctes et par un code de justice, qui, dans les deux cas, limitaient leurs activités économiques et les rendaient presque invisibles aux historiens. Il faut absolument examiner le travail des femmes et son rapport avec l’idéologie des sexes et des classes pour comprendre la façon dont les femmes et les hommes ont collaboré à la formation de la classe moyenne

    The Gender of Breadwinners: Women, Men, and Change in Two Industrial Towns, 1880-1950. Joy Parr.

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    (a) The synthesis of thiazole derivatives and other heterocyclic compounds of possible pharmalogical value; and (b) The development of a rapid micro-method of estimating sulphur

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    The method described by Friedrich and Mandl for the volumetric estimation of sulphuric acid as benzidine sulphate was examined and found to yield high results. When the procedure was slightly modified, figures approximating more closely to the actual were obtained, but the degree of accuracy was still low.Estimating the sulphuric acid produced gravimetri cally, the possibility was investigated of determining sulphur in organic compounds on the micro -scale by a method of wet oxidation at atmospheric pressure. The conversion of sulphur to sulphuric acid was found to be far from complete.

    Sex, Drugs, and Rodent Reward: An Exploration of the Sex-Specific Roles of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in Ethanol Reward

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    Alcohol, recently named the most dangerous drug in the world, contributes to nearly 40% of violent crimes and fatal traffic accidents, increases risk of roughly 60 different diseases and injuries, and is responsible for 2.5 million deaths each year worldwide. Despite these staggering figures, treatments remain ineffective and riddled with adverse side effects, making successful use of even the most effective treatments unlikely. Moreover, many of the treatments, and the supporting research, have focused only on male subjects, despite sex differences in various alcohol-related behaviors. Human alcohol use is frequently accompanied by nicotine use, and vice versa, suggesting a common mechanism of the two drugs. In fact, alcohol may act through the same family of receptors as nicotine, the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), eliciting similar activation of the reward pathway as nicotine and other drugs of abuse. Studies have shown that nAChRs containing the α4 and/or α6 subunits are involved in nicotine-induced activation of the reward pathway, leading to the hypothesis that these same receptor subtypes may be important for alcohol effects in the brain as well. Using male and female genetic mouse models and various behavioral assays, we have shown not only that these α4 and/or α6-containing nAChRs are involved in alcohol- related behaviors and activation of the reward pathway, but also show sex differences in this involvement. Uncovering the mechanism of alcohol in the brain, in males as well as in females, is an important step in developing targeted treatments for alcohol abuse
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