471 research outputs found

    High-throughput measurement methodologies for developing nutrient-dense crops

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    With the development of nutrient-dense crops comes the need for analytical methodologies to enable rapid and accurate analysis of the micronutrients of interest. The analysis of provitamin A carotenoids (pVACs) and the minerals iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) are the focus of this chapter with the considerations and commonly employed methods discussed. When analyzing samples there are various considerations to minimise analyte degradation (in the case of provitamin A) and reduce possible contamination from external sources (for Fe and Zn). Spectroscopic and chromatographic analyses are the most common analysis approaches utilised when screening for carotenoids. Spectroscopic analyses including near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and iCheck are rapid and require minimal samples preparation and provide fast analysis times. The carotenoids present in the sample is dependent on the crop analyzed and resulting number and concentration of carotenoids present will impact the final decision on suitable analysis techniques. For example, in crops with high concentrations of non-pVACs, chromatographic analysis is necessary in order to accurately quantify the micronutrients. This process is able to accurately identify and quantify individual carotenoids, but requires extensive sample preparation and often long chromatographic separation analysis. When analyzing the minerals Fe and Zn, these same techniques are not suitable, but it is still important to ensure careful sample preparation to deliver accurate analytical results. Degradation of these micronutrients is not a concern, however, possible contamination from soil/ dust/ insects can lead to inaccurate results. Commonly employed analysis such as atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry ICP-OES or Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) require sample digestion prior to analysis and highly pure reagents and gases. These techniques are able to analyze multiple elements and have high accuracy and sensitivity but require specialised facilities and highly trained staff. The use of high-throughput analyses to complement these high-accuracy methods include colorimetric and X-ray flourescence (XRF) technologies. These approaches enable much higher throughput with simple sample preparation and enable screening for micronutrient concentration without the need for specialised facilities.Keywords: Screening, Analysis, Carotenoid, Provitamin A, Iron, Zinc, Micronutrient analysi

    Long continuous actin bundles in Drosophila bristles are constructed by overlapping short filaments

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    The actin bundles essential for Drosophila bristle elongation are hundreds of microns long and composed of cross-linked unipolar filaments. These long bundles are built from much shorter modules that graft together. Using both confocal and electron microscopy, we demonstrate that newly synthesized modules are short (1–2 μm in length); modules elongate to ∼3 μm by growing over the surface of longitudinally adjacent modules to form a graft; the grafted regions are initially secured by the forked protein cross-bridge and later by the fascin cross-bridge; actin bundles are smoothed by filament addition and appear continuous and without swellings; and in the absence of grafting, dramatic alterations in cell shape occur that substitutes cell width expansion for elongation. Thus, bundle morphogenesis has several components: module formation, elongation, grafting, and bundle smoothing. These actin bundles are much like a rope or cable, made by overlapping elements that run a small fraction of the overall length, and stiffened by cross-linking

    Geotail and LFM comparisons of plasma sheet climatology: 2. Flow variability

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    [1] We characterize the variability of central plasma sheet bulk flows with a 6-year Geotail data set and a 2-month Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry (LFM) global MHD simulation at two spatial resolutions. Comparing long databases of observed and simulated parameters enable rigorous statistical tests of the model\u27s ability to predict plasma sheet properties during routine driving conditions and represent a new method of global MHD validation. In this study, we use probability density functions (PDFs) to compare the statistics of plasma sheet velocities in the Geotail observations with those in the LFM simulations. We find that the low-resolution model grossly underestimates the occurrence of fast earthward and tailward flows. Increasing the simulation resolution inherently changes plasma sheet mass transport in the model, allowing the development of fast, bursty flows. These flows fill out the wings of the velocity distribution and bring the PDF into closer agreement with observations

    Geotail and LFM comparisons of plasma sheet climatology: 1. Average values

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    [1] We compare the statistics of central plasma sheet properties from 6 years of Geotail observations with 2 months of Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry (LFM) global MHD simulations. This statistical validation effort represents an inherently new method of systematically characterizing and quantifying global MHD model performance. For our comparison, we identify the central plasma sheet in the observations and simulation by identical criteria and select the simulation interval to ensure statistically similar distributions of solar wind conditions in both studies. After verifying our plasma sheet selection by inspecting the magnetic signatures of both studies, we compare the resultant number densities, thermal pressures, thermal energies, and bulk flows as functions of position across the equatorial plane. We find that the LFM model successfully reproduces the gross features of the global plasma sheet in a statistical sense. However, our comparison also reveals certain systematic discrepancies between the model and the observations. The LFM predicts a plasma sheet which is too dense, too cool, and exhibits faster globally averaged bulk flows than the observed plasma sheet. By quantifying the LFM overestimate of ionospheric transpolar potential and showing that ΦPC correlates with plasma sheet flow speed, we demonstrate that 15% of the plasma sheet velocity discrepancy is reflected in a ΦPC overestimate. This statistical validation effort represents an essential first step toward the rigorous, quantitative evaluation of a global MHD model in the plasma sheet
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