549 research outputs found

    Exchange your knowledge on plant gene families

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    Genomic analysis of NAC transcription factors in banana (Musa acuminata) and definition of NAC orthologous groups for monocots and dicots

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    Identifying the molecular mechanisms underlying tolerance to abiotic stresses is important in crop breeding. A comprehensive understanding of the gene families associated with drought tolerance is therefore highly relevant. NAC transcription factors form a large plant-specific gene family involved in the regulation of tissue development and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. The main goal of this study was to set up a framework of orthologous groups determined by an expert sequence comparison of NAC genes from both monocots and dicots. In order to clarify the orthologous relationships among NAC genes of different species, we performed an in-depth comparative study of four divergent taxa, in dicots and monocots, whose genomes have already been completely sequenced: Arabidopsis thaliana, Vitis vinifera, Musa acuminata and Oryza sativa. Due to independent evolution, NAC copy number is highly variable in these plant genomes. Based on an expert NAC sequence comparison, we propose forty orthologous groups of NAC sequences that were probably derived from an ancestor gene present in the most recent common ancestor of dicots and monocots. These orthologous groups provide a curated resource for large-scale protein sequence annotation of NAC transcription factors. The established orthology relationships also provide a useful reference for NAC function studies in newly sequenced genomes such as M. acuminata and other plant species

    WomaNews- Mar. 1978

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    Missouri\u27s Workers\u27 Compensation Law: Expanding the Definitions of Medical Treatment and Medical Necessity

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    The purpose of workers\u27 compensation law is to relieve society from the burden of providing support to workers injured on the job by shifting the burden onto the employer. With advances in medical technology, Missouri courts have struggled to define medical treatment\u27 and medical necessity for the purpose of compensating injured workers. The Missouri Court of Appeals for the Western District of Missouri in Mickey v. City Wide Maintenance addressed the situation when a worker could recover for a service not explicitly covered under the definition of medical treatment. The court found that a specially equipped van was medical treatment and was a medical necessity. Thus, Mickey poses interesting questions about how courts will define medical treatment and medical necessity in future cases

    Trois zones de coconstruction de savoirs professionnels issues des médiations de débats en groupe

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    Cette contribution présente un cadre d’analyse des pratiques professionnelles structuré autour de trois zones de coconstruction de savoirs, dégagé des conversations entre des enseignantes ayant participé à une rechercheformation. L’analyse de leurs négociations conversationnelles autour des cas de pratique a permis de mettre en lumière les « zones partagées » de savoirs, « admises » ou encore « contestées » qui sous-tendent leur territoire de pratique. Nous montrons l’intérêt de ce cadre d’analyse pour la production de connaissances scientifiques à propos d’une activité professionnelle et pour une démarche de développement professionnel de praticiens en exercice. Enin, nous examinons les conditions de réalisation d’une intervention supportant ces deux visées, nous attardant en particulier sur les médiations à mobiliser pour nous donner accès aux savoirs d’une pratique professionnelle à partir de la rélexivité des praticiens, et nous soulignons les contributions pour les communautés scientifique, notamment pour le domaine de la communication, et professionnelle de ce cadre d’analyse.This paper presents an analytical framework of teacher professional knowledge, developed from the analysis of teacher’s conversations during a research-training project. Based on the analysis of their conversational negotiations around practical cases, this framework enlightens the professional group activity by identifying three areas of knowledge, “shared”, “accepted” and “contested”, which frames the territory of their practice. We expose this framework’s value for scientiic production of knowledge on a professional activity and for the professional development of practitioners. Finally, we examine the conditions of implementing a kind of intervention that supports those two aims, focusing in particular on the mediations to be mobilized in order to gain access to the knowledge of a professional practice based on the relexivity of the practitioners, and we highlight the contribution of this framework for scientiic communities – especially the communication domain – and the professional ones

    GreenPhylDB: phylogenomic resources for comparative and functional genomics in plants

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    Poster presented at 9th PlantGEM 2011. Istanbul (Turkey), 4-7 May 201
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