12 research outputs found

    Incertidumbre y teoría monetaria en el pensamiento de Keynes y de sus seguidores

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    En este trabajo pretendemos investigar sobre la herencia keynesiana referente a los temas del dinero, del tiempo y de la incertidumbre. Partiendo desde la teoría de Keynes contenida en sus dos obras más representativas, el Tratado del dinero y la Teoría general, el primer paso que se quiere cumplir es aislar los elementos ontológicos y metodológicos del pensamiento del economista de Cambridge, con el objetivo de identificar el sustrato teórico necesario para estudiar como estos mismos contenidos ontológicos y metodológicos han sido desarrollados por parte de los estudiosos de formación post-keynesiana

    Uncertainty, economic cycles and economic crises according to the continuism approach of Keynesian thought

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    Interpretando el pensamiento económico keynesiano según un planteamiento continuista entre el Tratado de la Moneda y la Teoría General, este artículo repasa el pensamiento postkeynesiano y estudia la influencia ejercida por los cambios en las economías occidentales a partir de los años de mil novecientos ochenta - como fueron los de la desregulación del mercado de trabajo, de la desregulación del mercado financiero y del fenómeno de las concentraciones empresariales –mediante proceso recesivo de la economía que llega a la crisis actual.This article revisits the post-Keynesian thought considering Keynes to have a continuism approach, that it to say, assuming that there is no break between A Treatise on Money and The General Theory. It studies the influence on economics of the changes which have taken place in Western economies from the 1980’s - the deregulation of the labor market, the deregulation of financial markets and the business concentration phenomenon – within the recessive process of the economy persisting in the current crisis

    El liberalismo de Jean Baptiste Say, sus discípulos y la Economía Política en España

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    La Riqueza de las Naciones (WN) de Adam Smith no fue traducida de modo completo al castellano hasta ya bien entrada la segunda mitad del siglo XX; en cambio, los libros de Jean Baptiste Say fueron los textos de Economía Política más traducidos en España hasta 1840. Es reconocida la escasa difusión de la WN en España, pero es impreciso el nivel de influencia del liberalismo económico a través de la repercusión de otros autores, como es el caso de Jean Baptiste Say y sus seguidores. Ilustrar conocimientos sobre esta cuestión es el objetivo de este ensayo, cuyo cometido principal será fundamentar la política comercial exterior española ante el debate entre librecambismo y proteccionismo.The Wealth of Nations (WN) of Adam Smith was not completely translated into Spanish until well into the second half of the twentieth century; on the other hand, the books of Jean Baptiste Say were the texts of Political Economy more translated in Spain until 1840. The scarce diffusion of the WN in Spain is recognized, but the level of influence of economic liberalism is imprecise through the repercussion of other authors, as is the case of Jean Baptiste Say and his followers. Illustrating knowledge on this issue is the objective of this essay, whose main task will be to base the Spanish foreign trade policy faced the debate between free trade and protectionism

    Giuseppe Fontana, Money, Uncertainty and Time

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    The economic crisis since 2008 has led to an increasing interest in Keynesian explanations of it. Those who might be interested to understand why there may be many Keynesian interpretations of the crisis will certainly take benefit from Giuseppe Fontana’s essay Money, Uncertainty and Time. More, they will certainly adhere to the author’s purpose of providing its own synthesis of different Post Keynesian traditions in this specific economic context when it seems likely to attract more attentio..

    THE ROLE OF PUBLIC CONFIDENCE IN EUROPEAN UNION ECONOMIC AFFAIRS. Some considerations on the civil economy in contrast to neoclassical political economy and social market economy

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    In the middle of the eighteenth century there was great interest in studies dealing with the twin concepts economy-human happiness, where the pursuit of human happiness can only be achieved by directing the human being to the common good. The civil economy, created with the purpose of contributing to the debate on public happiness, is normally seen as the interpretation of the market economy from a cultural viewpoint, based on the principles of reciprocity and fraternity, as an alternative to the capitalist interpretation. The basic idea of these scholars was the need to introduce anthropology and ethics into the economic sphere, guided by the idea of a society able to promote a \u2018good common life\u2019, through which to achieve individual happiness. Antonio Genovesi, the greatest exponent of the Neapolitan school of civil economy, started from the idea that the economy is one of the expressions of civil life, just like commercial activity, and claimed that civil life and commercial activity were inextricably linked, with the market therefore being an essential element of the socialization and civilization of human beings. Starting from these premises, the subject of the paper is to study Genovesi\u2019s theory of public confidence, to bring out the voice of those scholars who support the paradigm of the civil economy in contrast with those of political economy and social market economy, underlining the importance of the so-called homo reciprocans in a market economy aiming at the realization of good civil life, applying these concepts in the economic affairs of the European Union

    Econom\ueda comportamental, comercio electr\uf3nico y formaci\uf3n de los precios

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    The subject of the paper is to study the role of the consumer in fixing prices with reference to electronic commerce, using the behavioural economy approach, since electronic commerce has moved the encounter between market demand and supply from a traditionally two-dimensional approach, where the variables fundamental are price and quantity, to a multidimensional, dematerialized and potentially infinite space. On the one hand, ICT (Information and Communication Technology), in fact, guarantee greater transparency, reduce information asymmetries and increase competition; on the other hand, however, they can also generate an information overload, inducing consumers to cognitive biases The subject of the paper is to study the role of the consumer in fixing prices with reference to electronic commerce, using the behavioural economy approach, since electronic commerce has moved the encounter between market demand and supply from a traditionally two-dimensional approach, where the variables fundamental are price and quantity, to a multidimensional, dematerialized and potentially infinite space. On the one hand, ICT (Information and Communication Technology), in fact, guarantee greater transparency, reduce information asymmetries and increase competition; on the other hand, however, they can also generate an information overload, inducing consumers to cognitive biases.l objetivo de este texto es estudiar el tema del rol del consumidor en la fijaci\uf3n de los precios con referencia al comercio electr\uf3nico, utilizando el enfoque de la econom\ueda comportamental, teniendo en cuenta que el comercio electr\uf3nico ha trasladado el encuentro entre la demanda y la oferta del mercado desde un enfoque tradicionalmente bidimensional, donde las variables fundamentales son el precio y la cantidad, a un espacio multidimensional, desmaterializado y potencialmente infinito. Por un lado, las TIC (Tecnolog\uedas de la Informaci\uf3n y de la Comunicaci\uf3n), en efecto, garantizan una mayor transparencia, reducen las asimetr\uedas de informaci\uf3n y aumentan la competencia; por otro lado, pueden tambi\ue9n generar una sobrecarga de informaci\uf3n, induciendo al consumidor a sesgos cognitivos y heur\uedstica de toma de decisiones. El sofisticado software cataloga constantemente los h\ue1bitos de comportamiento de los agentes, analiza los procesos cognitivos y subjetivos subyacentes y permite la implementaci\uf3n de estrategias din\ue1micas de fijaci\uf3n de precios con segmentaci\uf3n de precios individuales; sin embargo, los consumidores tienen herramientas, incluso f\ue1cilmente accesibles, para combatir intentos de discriminaci\uf3n de precio. La ley del precio \ufanico no se verifica emp\uedricamente en su totalidad, incluso en mercados totalmente globalizados e informatizados, sino que el enfoque de la econom\ueda comportamental logra proporcionar una mejor justificaci\uf3n de la volatilidad, de la flexibilidad y de la diversificaci\uf3n de precios, ya que atribuye al componente emocional y conf\ueda en un valor que afecta la determinaci\uf3n del precio correcto en las transacciones por internet

    Fiscalidad en España e Italia y la teoría del circuito monetario

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