14 research outputs found

    DESIGNER Extracts as Tools to Balance Estrogenic and Chemopreventive Activities of Botanicals for Women’s Health

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    Botanical dietary supplements contain multiple bioactive compounds that target numerous biological pathways. The lack of uniform standardization requirements is one reason that inconsistent clinical effects are reported frequently. The multifaceted biological interactions of active principles can be disentangled by a coupled pharmacological/phytochemical approach using specialized ("knock-out") extracts. This is demonstrated for hops, a botanical for menopausal symptom management. Employing targeted, adsorbent-free countercurrent separation, Humulus lupulus extracts were designed for pre- and postmenopausal women by containing various amounts of the phytoestrogen 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN) and the chemopreventive constituent xanthohumol (XH). Analysis of their estrogenic (alkaline phosphatase), chemopreventive (NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase 1 [NQO1]), and cytotoxic bioactivities revealed that the estrogenicity of hops is a function of 8-PN, whereas their NQO1 induction and cytotoxic properties depend on XH levels. Antagonization of the estrogenicity of 8-PN by elevated XH concentrations provided evidence for the interdependence of the biological effects. A designed postmenopausal hop extract was prepared to balance 8-PN and XH levels for both estrogenic and chemopreventive properties. An extract designed for premenopausal women contains reduced 8-PN levels and high XH concentrations to minimize estrogenic while retaining chemopreventive properties. This study demonstrates the feasibility of modulating the concentrations of bioactive compounds in botanical extracts for potentially improved efficacy and safety

    Structure of the N-terminal domain of ClpC1 in complex with the antituberculosis natural product ecumicin reveals unique binding interactions

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    The biological processes related to protein homeostasis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the etiologic agent of tuberculosis, have recently been established as critical pathways for therapeutic intervention. Proteins of particular interest are ClpC1 and the ClpC1-ClpP1-ClpP2 proteasome complex. The structure of the potent antituberculosis macrocyclic depsipeptide ecumicin complexed with the N-terminal domain of ClpC1 (ClpC1-NTD) is presented here. Crystals of the ClpC1-NTD-ecumicin complex were monoclinic (unit-cell parameters a = 80.0, b = 130.0, c = 112.0 Å, β = 90.07°; space group P21; 12 complexes per asymmetric unit) and diffracted to 2.5 Å resolution. The structure was solved by molecular replacement using the self-rotation function to resolve space-group ambiguities. The new structure of the ecumicin complex showed a unique 1:2 (target:ligand) stoichiometry exploiting the intramolecular dyad in the α-helical fold of the target N-terminal domain. The structure of the ecumicin complex unveiled extensive interactions in the uniquely extended N-terminus, a critical binding site for the known cyclopeptide complexes. This structure, in comparison with the previously reported rufomycin I complex, revealed unique features that could be relevant for understanding the mechanism of action of these potential antituberculosis drug leads. Comparison of the ecumicin complex and the ClpC1-NTD-L92S/L96P double-mutant structure with the available structures of rufomycin I and cyclomarin A complexes revealed a range of conformational changes available to this small N-terminal helical domain and the minor helical alterations involved in the antibiotic-resistance mechanism. The different modes of binding and structural alterations could be related to distinct modes of action

    New Rufomycins from Streptomyces atratus MJM3502 Expand Anti- Mycobacterium tuberculosis Structure-Activity Relationships

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    Four new rufomycins, compounds 1-4, named rufomycins 56, 57, 58, and 61, respectively, exhibiting new skeletal features, were obtained from Streptomyces atratus strain MJM3502 and were fully characterized. Compounds 1 and 2 possess a 4-imidazolidinone ring not previously encountered in this family of cyclopeptides, thereby resulting in a [5,17] bicyclic framework. The in vitro anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis potency of compounds 3 and 4 is remarkable, with minimum inhibitory concentration values of 8.5 and 130 nM, respectively

    Strategies in anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug discovery based on phenotypic screening

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    The rise of multi- and extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb) strains and co-infection with human immunodeficiency virus has escalated the need for new anti-M. tb drugs. Numerous challenges associated with the M. tb, in particular slow growth and pathogenicity level 3, discouraged use of this organism in past primary screening efforts. From current knowledge of the physiology and drug susceptibility of mycobacteria in general and M. tb specifically, it can be assumed that many potentially useful drug leads were missed by failing to screen directly against this pathogen. This review discusses recent high-throughput phenotypic screening strategies for anti-M. tb drug discovery. Emphasis is placed on prioritization of hits, including their extensive biological and chemical profiling, as well as the development status of promising drug candidates discovered with phenotypic screening

    Rufomycin Exhibits Dual Effects Against Mycobacterium abscessus Infection by Inducing Host Defense and Antimicrobial Activities

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    Nontuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary infection is often aggravated due to antibiotic resistance issues. There is a need for development of new drugs inducing both host immune responses and antimicrobial activities. This study shows that the rufomycins 4/5/6/7 (Rufomycin 4-7), which targets ClpC1 as a subunit of caseinolytic protein complex ClpC1/ClpP1/ClpP2 of mycobacteria, exhibits a dual effect in host innate defense and in vivo antimicrobial activities against a rough morphotype of Mycobacterium abscessus (Mabs-R), a clinically severe morphotype that causes hyperinflammation. Rufomycin 4-7 treatment showed antimicrobial effects against Mabs pulmonary infection in vivo and in macrophages. In addition, Rufomycin 4-7 significantly decreased inflammation, but enhanced the autophagy/lysosomal genes through upregulation of the nuclear translocation of transcription factor EB (TFEB). Furthermore, Rufomycin 4-7 treatment effectively inhibited mitochondrial damage and oxidative stresses in macrophages during Mabs-R infection. Collectively, Rufomycin 4-7-mediated dual effects inducing both antimicrobial activities and host immune defense might confer an advantage to treatment against Mabs-R infection

    Antimycobacterial Rufomycin Analogues from Streptomyces atratus Strain MJM3502

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    This study represents a systematic chemical and biological study of the rufomycin (RUF) class of cyclic heptapeptides, which our anti-TB drug discovery efforts have identified as potentially promising anti-TB agents that newly target the caseinolytic protein C1, ClpC1. Eight new RUF analogues, rufomycins NBZ1-NBZ8 (1-8), as well as five known peptides (9-13) were isolated and characterized from the Streptomyces atratus strain MJM3502. Advanced Marfey's and X-ray crystallographic analysis led to the assignment of the absolute configuration of the RUFs. Several isolates exhibited potent activity against both pathogens M. tuberculosis H37Rv and M. abscessus, paired with favorable selectivity (selectivity index >60), which collectively underscores the promise of the rufomycins as potential anti-TB drug leads