37 research outputs found

    The Historical Lexicon of Nationalism: Ethnicity, Ethnos, Race, Volksstamm: Historical Footnotes

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    This paper is primarily concerned with the etymology of some terms in the historical lexicon of nationalism: ethnicity, ethnos, race, Volksstamm. It is argued that European and US usages of race are radically different. It is also argued that the Habsburg-era term Volksstamm was the basis for the term narodnost in Socialist Yugoslavia

    The Austrian littoral in a Cisleithanian perspective

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    The strange death of area studies and the normative turn

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    Areas Studies were set up in universities in the United States at the beginning of the Cold War. The end of the Cold War has entailed the downsizing of this form of academic organization, and the emergence of Global Studies in its place. In a parallel fashion, the 1980s witnessed the rise of Audit Culture in European university systems. These two quite distinct processes have favoured what could tentatively be called a \uabNormative Turn\ubb in the social sciences, i.e. a switch to an approach which was much more normatively oriented than was the case during the Cold War

    The Former Austrian Littoral and the Rediscovery of Ethnic Cleansing

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    This paper addresses two distinct issues. The first is the emergence of a variety of an interpretative paradigms within Nationalism Studies in the 1980s and 1990s. The second is the actual use of an interpretative model derived from such debates, with special reference to the former Austrian Littoral. Nationalism Studies re-emerged in the 1980s out of the convergent efforts of historians and social scientists on both sides of the Cold War divide. The more specific issues of genocide and ethnic cleansing were not central to that debate, except as issues which belonged to a relatively distant past. This radically changed in the 1990s, when the issues re-emerged for a variety of reasons, not least the Wars of Yugoslav Dissolution and the massacres in Rwanda. It led, on the one hand, to a normative turn in Nationalism Studies (which were no longer expected to explain, but also to judge the historical legitimacy of national claims), on the other, to a hasty re-discovery of historical cases (which, in fact, had never been neglected, let alone forgotten). In recent discussions of the Austrian Littoral in the period 1918-1948 the final turn of events in the region has been explained by some authors as the result of the partly “Eastern European” nature of the region. It is argued that this paradigm of ethnic cleansing may be challenged, and a more nuanced perspective can be applied to the historical problem of the Austrian Littoral

    The Historical Lexicon of Nationalism: Ethnicity, Ethnos, Race, Volksstamm: Historical Footnotes

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    The Historical Lexicon of Nationalism: Ethnicity, Ethnos, Race, Volksstamm: Historical Footnotes This paper is primarily concerned with the etymology of some terms in the historical lexicon of nationalism: ethnicity, ethnos, race, Volksstamm. It is argued that European and US usages of race are radically different. It is also argued that the Habsburg-era term Volksstamm was the basis for the term narodnost in Socialist Yugoslavia.   Historyczny słownik nacjonalizmu: etniczność, ethnos, rasa, Volksstamm: Przypisy historyczne W moim artykule koncentruję się przede wszystkim na etymologii wybranych terminów w historycznym leksykonie nacjonalizmu: etniczność, ethnos, rasa, Volksstamm. Argumentuję, że europejskie użycia terminu „rasa” całkowicie różnią się od amerykańskich. Staram się unaocznić, że używany w czasach imperium Habsburgów termin Volksstamm stał się podstawą dla terminu narodnost w socjalistycznej Jugosławii

    Szűcs’s Challenge

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    The Historical Construction of National Consciousness. Selected Writings. By Jenő Szűcs. Edited by Gábor Klaniczay, Balázs Trencsényi, and Gábor Gyáni. Budapest–Vienna–New York: Central European University Press, 2022. 354 pp

    Leo Weiczen: Communist, Democratic Communist, Revolutionary Democrat

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    Leo Weiczen imao je kompleksan politički itinerar, od svojih ranih dana kao ortodoksni komunist, do faze “demokratskog komunista” (povezanog s Que faire?, tajnom frakcijom francuske komunističke partije iz sredine 1930.-ih), te naposljetku do promjene u revolucionarnog demokrata, koji je postepeno iznicao tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata. Ovaj je rad temeljen na trenutno dostupnim istraživanjima (uz poneke dodatne materijale). Cilj jest kontekstualizacija Valianijevih odabira unutar povijesti međuratnih komunističkih, socijalističkih i revolucionarno demokratskih pokreta.Leo Weiczen followed a complex political itinerary, from his early years as an orthodox Communist, to his phase as a “Democratic Communist” (linked to the Que faire? secret faction in the French Communist Party in the mid-1930s), and finally to his shift to a position of Revolutionary Democrat, which gradually emerged during the Second World War. This outline is based on currently available research (together with some neglected material). The aim is to contextualize Valiani’s choices in the history of interwar Communist, Socialist and Revolutionary Democratic movements

    Le Elezioni Galiziane al Reichsrat di Vienna, 1907-1911

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    This paper is a case study in the electoral history of Austria-Hungary, with special reference to province of Galicia. The Introduction illustrates the problems associated with the collection of historical data in East-Central Europe. Chapter 1 examines the connections between the Habsburg historical and constitutioonal context and Galicia. Chapter 2 provides a general overview of the Galician context in the late Habsburg epoch. Chapter 3 discusses the historical evolution of the electoral system in the Dualist era. Chapter 4 examines the electoral returns in six electoral districts in Galicia. The Conclusions briefly illustrate the possible use of electoral data in the study of ethnic groups.Austria-Hungary, Galicia, Reichsrat, elections

    Franco Venturi in Retrospect

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    This review essay intends to provide an overview of the many studies of Franco Venturi\u2019s life and work which have been published since his death in 1994. The starting-point is Adriano Viarengo\u2019s recent biography of Venturi. The successive stages of his life (Family and Education, Paris, War and Post-War, Moscow, Academic Life, later Turning-points and Twilight Years) are followed on the basis of the newly available evidence. A selection of publications on Franco Venturi is provided.