592 research outputs found

    Il tentativo di riforma del Senato del Governo Renzi.

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    INTRODUZIONE/RIASSUNTO Il dibattito e i tentativi di riforma del bicameralismo perfetto, ed in particolare del Senato, hanno caratterizzato la Repubblica italiana fin dalle sue origini; è stata sempre avvertita infatti, la sensazione che una revisione del sistema parlamentare avrebbe garantito un migliore funzionamento dello Stato, una risposta più adeguata alle aspettative dei cittadini, oltre a rappresentare un punto di partenza per una rinascita economica e sociale. Il presente lavoro si propone, prima di tutto, di realizzare uno studio sul tentativo di riforma del Senato e del bicameralismo paritario proposto dal Governo Renzi, al quale sarà interamente dedicato il IV Capitolo. Tuttavia, al fine di realizzare un'analisi più completa possibile, ho deciso di iniziare da molto più lontano, incentrando il I Capitolo sul modello di bicameralismo previsto dallo Statuto Albertino, per poi analizzare l'evoluzione da esso subita in Assemblea Costituente, verso la configurazione attuale. Il II Capitolo invece tratta dei principali orientamenti, spesso concretizzatisi in veri e propri tentativi di riforma, circa il superamento dell'assetto bicamerale perfetto “costruito” in Assemblea Costituente, partendo dalle prima Legislatura della Repubblica italiana fino ad arrivare ai tempi più recenti; su questa linea prosegue il III Capitolo, che tratta degli ultimi due tentativi di revisione costituzionale riguardanti il Senato ed il bicameralismo perfetto, cioè il Comitato dei Saggi istituito dal Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano e la Commissione per le riforme costituzionali istituita dall'allora Presidente del Consiglio Enrico Letta. Il V Capitolo invece si propone di realizzare una comparazione tra gli attuali modelli di seconda Camera e di bicameralismo degli Stati Uniti e dei principali Stati europei caratterizzati da una forma di Stato federale o da un decentramento territoriale accentuato, rispetto ai quali, in seguito alla riforma del Titolo V della seconda parte della Costituzione, il nostro Paese ormai presenta diverse similitudini. ABSTRACT Debate and attempts to reform the perfect bicameralism, and particularly the Senate, have characterized the Italian Republic since its origins; was always perceived in fact, the feeling that a revision of the parliamentary system would ensure a better functioning of the State, a more appropriate response to citizens' expectations, as well as representing a starting point for an economic and social renaissance. The present work, it is proposed, first of all, to conduct a study on the attempt to reform the Senate and of the equal bicameralism put in place by the Government Renzi, which will be entirely dedicated Chapter IV. However, in order to achieve a more complete analysis possible, I decided to start from much further away, focusing on the I Chapter of bicameralism model provided by the Statute Albertino, and then analyze the evolution from it suffered in the Constituent Assembly, to the current configuration. The Chapter II instead is the major orientations, often been invoked in real attempts at reform, about overcoming of the bicameral perfect "built" in the Constituent Assembly, starting from the first legislature of the Italian Republic up to the more recent times; on this line continues the Chapter III, which deals with the last two attempts at constitutional amendment regarding the Senate and the perfect bicameralism, that the Committee of Wise Men set up by President Giorgio Napolitano and the Commission for constitutional reforms instituted by the then President of Enrico Letta. The Chapter V instead aims to create a comparison between the current models of the second Chamber of bicameralism and the United States and key European states characterized by a form of federal state or a territorial decentralization accentuated, with respect to which, following the reform Title V of the second part of the Constitution, our country now has several similarities

    Update on the management of inflammatory bowel disease: specific role of adalimumab

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    Anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) medications are a class of biologics employed in the treatment of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Adalimumab is the first fully human monoclonal immunoglobulin directed against TNF-α, which binds with high affinity and specificity to membrane and soluble TNF. Adalimumab administered subcutaneously has demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, and severe chronic psoriasis. Studies have shown that adalimumab is effective for inducing and maintaining remission of moderate-to-severe active Crohn’s disease (CD) patients at an induction dose of 160/80 mg (week 0 and 2) and at a maintenance dose of 40 mg every other week. The efficacy of adalimumab as a second-line therapy has also been documented for patients with loss of response or intolerance to infliximab. Adalimumab is also superior to placebo for inducing and maintaining complete perianal fistula closure. It also seems effective for reducing extraintestinal manifestations. The safety profile is similar to that of other anti-TNF therapy in CD patients, with lower immunogenicity and rate of adverse injection reactions than infliximab. Adalimumab is not approved for the treatment of ulcerative colitis (UC). Recently, however, the results of the first randomized, controlled trial on adalimumab for UC showed that adalimumab at 160/80 mg induction dose was safe and effective for inducing remission and clinical response after 8 weeks in patients with moderately-to-severely active UC failing treatment with corticosteroids and/or immunosuppressants. More data are necessary to clarify the therapeutic role of adalimumab in UC. This review of the literature summarizes available data on the efficacy and safety profile adalimumab in patients with IBD

    The public do not understand logarithmic graphs used to portray COVID-19

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    Mass media routinely portray information about COVID-19 deaths on logarithmic graphs. But do their readers understand them? Alessandro Romano, Chiara Sotis, Goran Dominioni, and Sebastián Guidi carried out an experiment which suggests that they don’t. What is perhaps more relevant: respondents looking at a linear scale graph have different attitudes and policy preferences towards the pandemic than those shown the same data on a logarithmic graph. Consequently, merely changing the scale on which the data is presented can alter public policy preferences and the level of worry, even at a time when people are routinely exposed to a lot of COVID-19 related information. Based on these findings, they call for the use of linear scale graphs by media and government agencies

    Coded Spectral Doppler Imaging: from simulation to real-time processing

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    Steering efficiency of a ultrarelativistic proton beam in a thin bent crystal

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    Crystals with small thickness along the beam exhibit top performance for steering particle beams through planar channeling. For such crystals, the effect of nuclear dechanneling plays an important role because it affects their efficiency. We addressed the problem through experimental work carried out with 400 GeV/c protons at fixed-target facilities of CERN-SPS. The dependence of efficiency vs. curvature radius has been investigated and compared favourably to the results of modeling. A realistic estimate of the performance of a crystal designed for LHC energy including nuclear dechanneling has been achieved.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    How can the public be persuaded to accept vaccine passports?

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    Vaccine passports can be unpopular. Researchers from Bocconi, LSE and Yale carried out two experiments to explore how governments could persuade people of their merits

    J-SPACE: a Julia package for the simulation of spatial models of cancer evolution and of sequencing experiments

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    Background: The combined effects of biological variability and measurement-related errors on cancer sequencing data remain largely unexplored. However, the spatio-temporal simulation of multi-cellular systems provides a powerful instrument to address this issue. In particular, efficient algorithmic frameworks are needed to overcome the harsh trade-off between scalability and expressivity, so to allow one to simulate both realistic cancer evolution scenarios and the related sequencing experiments, which can then be used to benchmark downstream bioinformatics methods.Result: We introduce a Julia package for SPAtial Cancer Evolution (J-SPACE), which allows one to model and simulate a broad set of experimental scenarios, phenomenological rules and sequencing settings.Specifically, J-SPACE simulates the spatial dynamics of cells as a continuous-time multi-type birth-death stochastic process on a arbitrary graph, employing different rules of interaction and an optimised Gillespie algorithm. The evolutionary dynamics of genomic alterations (single-nucleotide variants and indels) is simulated either under the Infinite Sites Assumption or several different substitution models, including one based on mutational signatures. After mimicking the spatial sampling of tumour cells, J-SPACE returns the related phylogenetic model, and allows one to generate synthetic reads from several Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) platforms, via the ART read simulator. The results are finally returned in standard FASTA, FASTQ, SAM, ALN and Newick file formats.Conclusion: J-SPACE is designed to efficiently simulate the heterogeneous behaviour of a large number of cancer cells and produces a rich set of outputs. Our framework is useful to investigate the emergent spatial dynamics of cancer subpopulations, as well as to assess the impact of incomplete sampling and of experiment-specific errors. Importantly, the output of J-SPACE is designed to allow the performance assessment of downstream bioinformatics pipelines processing NGS data. J-SPACE is freely available at: https://github.com/BIMIB-DISCo/J-Space.jl
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