43 research outputs found

    The 3.5 keV Line from Stringy Axions

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    An interesting result in particle astrophysics is the recent detection of an unexplained 3.5 keV line from galaxy clusters. A promising model, which can explain the morphology of the signal and its non-observation in dwarf spheroidal galaxies, involves a 7 keV dark matter particle decaying into a pair of ultra-light axions that convert into photons in the magnetic field of the clusters. Given that light axions emerge naturally in 4D string vacua, in this paper we present a microscopic realisation of this model within the framework of type IIB flux compactifications. Dark matter is a local closed string axion which develops a tiny mass due to subdominant poly-instanton corrections to the superpotential and couples via kinetic mixing to an almost massless open string axion living on a D3-brane at a singularity. The interaction of this ultra-light axion with photons is induced by U(1) kinetic mixing. After describing the Calabi-Yau geometry and the brane set-up, we discuss in depth moduli stabilisation, the resulting mass spectrum and the strength of all relevant couplings.Comment: 27 pages + appendices, 1 figure; typos corrected, references added, additional comments on the cosmological history and DM production in the conclusion

    A geometrical instability for ultra-light fields during inflation?

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    Westudythebehaviourofisocurvatureperturbationsinnon-linearsigmamodels which naturally emerge in supergravity and string inflationary scenarios. We focus on the case of negatively curved field manifolds which can potentially lead to a geometrical destabilisation of isocurvature modes. We find however that heavy fields are stable when their effective mass is computed on the attractor background solution. On the other hand, we show that ultra-light fields can potentially suffer from a geometrical instability when the background trajectory is a geodesic in field space. In this case a full understanding of the system is likely to require the use of non-perturbative methods.Comment: Matches published version, 5 pages, 2 figure

    Probing optimisation in physics-informed neural networks

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    A novel comparison is presented of the effect of optimiser choice on the accuracy of physics-informed neural networks (PINNs). To give insight into why some optimisers are better, a new approach is proposed that tracks the training trajectory curvature and can be evaluated on the fly at a low computational cost. The linear advection equation is studied for several advective velocities, and we show that the optimiser choice substantially impacts PINNs model performance and accuracy. Furthermore, using the curvature measure, we found a negative correlation between the convergence error and the curvature in the optimiser local reference frame. It is concluded that, in this case, larger local curvature values result in better solutions. Consequently, optimisation of PINNs is made more difficult as minima are in highly curved regions.Comment: Accepted at the ICLR 2023 Workshop on Physics for Machine Learnin

    Axion-like particles and inflation from String Theory

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    This thesis is focused on cosmological applications of the 4D Effective Field Theory (EFT) coming from type IIB string theory. We focus in particular on model building in inflation, dark matter and dark radiation using Kaehler moduli and axion-like fields which are ubiquitous features of type IIB flux compactifications. These fields enjoy effective approximate symmetries which can protect their potential against quantum corrections. This property makes both of them good inflaton candidates and implies that axion-like particles from string theory tend naturally to be very light with intriguing applications to dark radiation and dark matter. We first consider a class of type IIB inflationary models called "Fibre Inflation" where the inflaton is a Kaehler modulus. We provide a consistent global embedding of these models into Calabi-Yau orientifolds with D-branes, fluxes and a chiral visible sector. We also analyse the multi-field dynamics of this class of models, including both Kaehler moduli and axion-like particles which give rise to isocurvature perturbations. We then focus on different applications of axion-like particles coming from string theory. Depending on the value of their mass and decay constant, together with their production mechanism, these particles can drive inflation or can represent a non-negligible component of dark matter and dark radiation. We provide a string embedding of a model that explains the 3.5 keV line recently detected from galaxy clusters by exploting axion-photon conversion in astrophysical magnetic fields. Finally, we analyse the mechanisms of electro-magnetic dissipation in models where the inflaton is an axion, finding a new resonant behaviour in the gauge field production that affects the shape of the cosmological parameters

    Axionic Festina Lente

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    The swampland conjecture known as Festina Lente (FL) imposes a lower bound on the mass of all charged particles in a quasi-de Sitter space. In this paper, we propose the aFL (axionic Festina Lente) bound, an extension of FL to axion-like particles arising from type II string theory. We find that the product of the instanton action and the axion decay constant is bounded from below by the vacuum energy. This is achieved indirectly, using dimensional reduction on Calabi-Yau threefolds, and translating the FL result for dipoles into a purely geometric bound. We discuss axionic black holes evolution, and aFL constraints on Euclidean wormholes, showing that the gravitational arguments leading to the FL bound for U(1)(1) charged particles cannot be directly applied to axions. Moreover, we discuss phenomenological implications of the aFL bound, including constraints on string inflation models and the axion-photon coupling via kinetic mixing.Comment: v3: minor revisions, version published in JHEP, 21 pages, 2 figure

    Real-world data mining meets clinical practice: Research challenges and perspective

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    As Big Data Analysis meets healthcare applications, domain-specific challenges and opportunities materialize in all aspects of data science. Advanced statistical methods and Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are used both for knowledge discovery purposes and clinical decision support. Such techniques enable the emerging Predictive, Preventative, Personalized, and Participatory Medicine (P4M) paradigm. Working with the Infectious Disease Clinic of the University Hospital of Modena, Italy, we have developed a range of Data-Driven (DD) approaches to solve critical clinical applications using statistics, Machine Learning (ML) and Big Data Analytics on real-world EHRs. Here, we describe our perspective on the challenges we encountered. Some are connected to medical data and their sparse, scarce, and unbalanced nature. Others are bound to the application environment, as medical AI tools can affect people's health and life. For each of these problems, we report some available techniques to tackle them, present examples drawn from our experience, and propose which approaches, in our opinion, could lead to successful real-world, end-to-end implementations. DESY report number: DESY-22-153

    On the choice of entropy variables in multifield inflation

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    We discuss the usefulness and theoretical consistency of different entropy variables used in the literature to describe isocurvature perturbations in multifield inflationary models with a generic curved field space. We clarify which is the proper entropy variable to be used to match the evolution of isocurvature modes during inflation to the one after the reheating epoch in order to compare with observational constraints. In particular, we find that commonly used variables, as the relative entropy perturbation or the one associated to the decomposition in tangent and normal perturbations with respect to the inflationary trajectory, even if more useful to perform numerical studies, can lead to results which are wrong by several orders of magnitude, or even to apparent destabilisation effects which are unphysical for cases with light kinetically coupled spectator fields.Comment: 20 pages + appendices, 3 figure