259 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Texture Transfer from Images to Model Collections

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    Large 3D model repositories of common objects are now ubiquitous and are increasingly being used in computer graphics and computer vision for both analysis and synthesis tasks. However, images of objects in the real world have a richness of appearance that these repositories do not capture, largely because most existing 3D models are untextured. In this work we develop an automated pipeline capable of transporting texture information from images of real objects to 3D models of similar objects. This is a challenging problem, as an object's texture as seen in a photograph is distorted by many factors, including pose, geometry, and illumination. These geometric and photometric distortions must be undone in order to transfer the pure underlying texture to a new object --- the 3D model. Instead of using problematic dense correspondences, we factorize the problem into the reconstruction of a set of base textures (materials) and an illumination model for the object in the image. By exploiting the geometry of the similar 3D model, we reconstruct certain reliable texture regions and correct for the illumination, from which a full texture map can be recovered and applied to the model. Our method allows for large-scale unsupervised production of richly textured 3D models directly from image data, providing high quality virtual objects for 3D scene design or photo editing applications, as well as a wealth of data for training machine learning algorithms for various inference tasks in graphics and vision

    The floodlight problem

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    Given three angles summing to 2, given n points in the plane and a tripartition k1 + k2 + k3 = n, we can tripartition the plane into three wedges of the given angles so that the i-th wedge contains ki of the points. This new result on dissecting point sets is used to prove that lights of specied angles not exceeding can be placed at n xed points in the plane to illuminate the entire plane if and only if the angles sum to at least 2. We give O(n log n) algorithms for both these problems

    String Matching and 1d Lattice Gases

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    We calculate the probability distributions for the number of occurrences nn of a given ll letter word in a random string of kk letters. Analytical expressions for the distribution are known for the asymptotic regimes (i) k≫rl≫1k \gg r^l \gg 1 (Gaussian) and k,l→∞k,l \to \infty such that k/rlk/r^l is finite (Compound Poisson). However, it is known that these distributions do now work well in the intermediate regime k≳rl≳1k \gtrsim r^l \gtrsim 1. We show that the problem of calculating the string matching probability can be cast into a determining the configurational partition function of a 1d lattice gas with interacting particles so that the matching probability becomes the grand-partition sum of the lattice gas, with the number of particles corresponding to the number of matches. We perform a virial expansion of the effective equation of state and obtain the probability distribution. Our result reproduces the behavior of the distribution in all regimes. We are also able to show analytically how the limiting distributions arise. Our analysis builds on the fact that the effective interactions between the particles consist of a relatively strong core of size ll, the word length, followed by a weak, exponentially decaying tail. We find that the asymptotic regimes correspond to the case where the tail of the interactions can be neglected, while in the intermediate regime they need to be kept in the analysis. Our results are readily generalized to the case where the random strings are generated by more complicated stochastic processes such as a non-uniform letter probability distribution or Markov chains. We show that in these cases the tails of the effective interactions can be made even more dominant rendering thus the asymptotic approximations less accurate in such a regime.Comment: 44 pages and 8 figures. Major revision of previous version. The lattice gas analogy has been worked out in full, including virial expansion and equation of state. This constitutes the main part of the paper now. Connections with existing work is made and references should be up to date now. To be submitted for publicatio

    On reconfiguration of disks in the plane and related problems

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    We revisit two natural reconfiguration models for systems of disjoint objects in the plane: translation and sliding. Consider a set of n pairwise interior-disjoint objects in the plane that need to be brought from a given start (initial) configuration S into a desired goal (target) configuration T, without causing collisions. In the translation model, in one move an object is translated along a fixed direction to another position in the plane. In the sliding model, one move is sliding an object to another location in the plane by means of an arbitrarily complex continuous motion (that could involve rotations). We obtain various combinatorial and computational results for these two models: (I) For systems of n congruent disks in the translation model, Abellanas et al. showed that 2n − 1 moves always suffice and ⌊8n/5 ⌋ moves are sometimes necessary for transforming the start configuration into the target configuration. Here we further improve the lower bound to ⌊5n/3 ⌋ − 1, and thereby give a partial answer to one of their open problems. (II) We show that the reconfiguration problem with congruent disks in the translation model is NPhard, in both the labeled and unlabeled variants. This answers another open problem of Abellanas et al. (III) We also show that the reconfiguration problem with congruent disks in the sliding model is NP-hard, in both the labeled and unlabeled variants. (IV) For the reconfiguration with translations of n arbitrary convex bodies in the plane, 2n moves are always sufficient and sometimes necessary

    Formalized Verification of Snapshotable Trees: Separation and Sharing

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    Abstract. We use separation logic to specify and verify a Java program that implements snapshotable search trees, fully formalizing the specification and verification in the Coq proof assistant. We achieve local and modular reasoning about a tree and its snapshots and their iterators, although the implementation involves shared mutable heap data structures with no separation or ownership relation between the various data. The paper also introduces a series of four increasingly sophisticated implementations and verifies the first one. The others are included as future work and as a set of challenge problems for full functional specification and verification, whether by separation logic or by other formalisms.

    Computing and Verifying Depth Orders

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    Shortest Path Problems on a Polyhedral Surface

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    We develop algorithms to compute shortest path edge sequences, Voronoi diagrams, the Fréchet distance, and the diameter for a polyhedral surface

    Parallel Write-Efficient Algorithms and Data Structures for Computational Geometry

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    In this paper, we design parallel write-efficient geometric algorithms that perform asymptotically fewer writes than standard algorithms for the same problem. This is motivated by emerging non-volatile memory technologies with read performance being close to that of random access memory but writes being significantly more expensive in terms of energy and latency. We design algorithms for planar Delaunay triangulation, kk-d trees, and static and dynamic augmented trees. Our algorithms are designed in the recently introduced Asymmetric Nested-Parallel Model, which captures the parallel setting in which there is a small symmetric memory where reads and writes are unit cost as well as a large asymmetric memory where writes are ω\omega times more expensive than reads. In designing these algorithms, we introduce several techniques for obtaining write-efficiency, including DAG tracing, prefix doubling, reconstruction-based rebalancing and α\alpha-labeling, which we believe will be useful for designing other parallel write-efficient algorithms

    Computation of protein geometry and its applications: Packing and function prediction

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    This chapter discusses geometric models of biomolecules and geometric constructs, including the union of ball model, the weigthed Voronoi diagram, the weighted Delaunay triangulation, and the alpha shapes. These geometric constructs enable fast and analytical computaton of shapes of biomoleculres (including features such as voids and pockets) and metric properties (such as area and volume). The algorithms of Delaunay triangulation, computation of voids and pockets, as well volume/area computation are also described. In addition, applications in packing analysis of protein structures and protein function prediction are also discussed.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figure
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