76 research outputs found

    Visible Minorities: What Individual Characteristics Determine Electoral Success in Municipal Councils in the Greater Toronto Area?

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    This paper examines the extent to which individual characteristics contribute to electoral success in the municipal context with a particular focus on visible minority (VM) candidates in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). It uses a cross-sectional study approach to test four hypotheses: if the VM candidate was born in Canada, he/she is more likely to have electoral success; if the VM candidate has previous political experience, he/she is more likely to be elected to a municipal council; if the VM candidate has a political mentor, he/she is more likely to have electoral success; and if the VM candidate runs for office in a “colour coded” or high visible minority area, he/she is more likely to have electoral success. In addition, VM office holders in ten municipalities in the GTA – Ajax, Brampton, Clarington, Markham, Milton, Mississauga, Oakville, Richmond Hill, Toronto, and Vaughan – were selected to participate in a survey. The findings reveal that evidence from the survey results is inconclusive in relation to the arguments presented in the four hypotheses, indicating a need for further research

    Efficacy of amphotericin B and fluconazole in the murine mycotie (Candida albicans) mastitis model

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    The majority of animal models in antifungal tests use systemic infection and mortality and survival of infected animals as the experimental end—point. We developed a murine model of localised eandidiasis (murine myeotic mastitis) and assessedits effectiveness through infection with Candida albicans followed by intraperitoneal administration of the antifungal drugs flunazole (FLU) and amphotericin B (AmB). Lactating BALB/cJ mice at day 5 post partum were inoculated (two glands) with a high dose of a human pathogenic C. albicans wild-type strain SC5314. Animals were treated immediately after infection with either FLU or AmB intraperitoneally for 4 days and euthanized by intracardiae exsanguination and cervical dislocation following anaesthesia with a mixture of Ketamine arid Xylazine. One infected gland was fixed in formalin and examined histopathologically and the other was homogenised for quantitative fungal cultures. There were severe changes in the untreated control animals (some animals had systemic candidiasis) compared to the treatment groups which had milder lesions. Fungal burden, determined as log [colony forming units (CFU)/g of mammary gland tissue], was similar in the untreated control group (n = 10) and FLU treated group (n = 6). However, there was significantly lower CFU/g in the mammary glands in AmB treated animals (n : 6) compared to both control and FLU treated animals (p < 0.05). The results indicate that AmB is more effective in prevention of murine mycotic mastitis than FLU and that the murine mycotic mastitis model may be an attractive animal model for antifungal chemotherapy studies

    Influence of husbandry procedures on mouse locomotor activity

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    The currently used raL models of obesity and diabetes are derived from either Zucker or from Koletsky rats. Recently, we identified a spontaneous obese rat from out Wistar colony which is maintained as an inbred stock for the past 75 years. Initially, one of the male progeny in a litter was observed to have abnormal body weight for its age. The parents of this ral were identified, the progeny selectively bred, and a colony has been developed. This is designated as WNIN-0b. The colony is maintained by mating heterozygous animals (+/ob), as the homozygous (ob/ob) were found to be infertile. The trait is carried as an autosomal recessive mutation and the colony is currenfly in F7 generation.Obesity is visible in these mutants around 35 days of age. They are hyperphagic and reach a body weight of 500—600 g by 105 days of age. “Kinky” tail is characteristic of this mutant and this is visible around 50-60 days. Sexual maturity is delayed in female obese mutants, as judged by the day of vaginal opening. The animals are cuglyccmic and show hyperinsulinaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, arid hypercholesterolemia. Another mutant showing hyperglycemia is also obtained fromthe obese colony. Unlike earlier models which are essentially derived from a randomAbred stock, this is the first report of a rat obese model, developed spontaneously from an inbred strain

    Facing famine: Somali experiences in the famine of 2011

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    In 2011–12, Somalia experienced the worst famine of the twenty- first century. Since then, research on the famine has focused almost exclusively on the external response, the reasons for the delay in the international response, and the implications for international humanitarian action in the context of the “global war on terror.” This paper focuses on the internal, Somali response to the famine. Themes of diversification, mobility and flexibility are all important to understanding how people coped with the famine, but this paper focuses on the factor that seemed to determine whether and how well people survived the famine: social connectedness, the extent of the social networks of affected populations, and the ability of these networks to mobilize resources. These factors ultimately determined how well people coped with the famine. The nature of reciprocity, the resources available within people's networks, and the collective risks and hazards faced within networks, all determined people's individual and household outcomes in the famine and are related to the social structures and social hierarchies within Somali society. But these networks had a distinctly negative side as well—social identity and social networks were also exploited to trap humanitarian assistance, turn displaced people into “aid bait,” and to a large degree, determined who benefited from aid once it started to flow

    Facing famine: Somali experiences in the famine of 2011

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    In 2011–12, Somalia experienced the worst famine of the twenty- first century. Since then, research on the famine has focused almost exclusively on the external response, the reasons for the delay in the international response, and the implications for international humanitarian action in the context of the “global war on terror.” This paper focuses on the internal, Somali response to the famine. Themes of diversification, mobility and flexibility are all important to understanding how people coped with the famine, but this paper focuses on the factor that seemed to determine whether and how well people survived the famine: social connectedness, the extent of the social networks of affected populations, and the ability of these networks to mobilize resources. These factors ultimately determined how well people coped with the famine. The nature of reciprocity, the resources available within people's networks, and the collective risks and hazards faced within networks, all determined people's individual and household outcomes in the famine and are related to the social structures and social hierarchies within Somali society. But these networks had a distinctly negative side as well—social identity and social networks were also exploited to trap humanitarian assistance, turn displaced people into “aid bait,” and to a large degree, determined who benefited from aid once it started to flow

    Non-invasive biophysical measurement of travelling waves in the insect inner ear

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    Frequency analysis in the mammalian cochlea depends on the propagation of frequency information in the form of a travelling wave (TW) across tonotopically arranged auditory sensilla. TWs have been directly observed in the basilar papilla of birds and the ears of bush-crickets (Insecta: Orthoptera) and have also been indirectly inferred in the hearing organs of some reptiles and frogs. Existing experimental approaches to measure TW function in tetrapods and bushcrickets are inherently invasive, compromising the fine-scale mechanics of each system. Located in the forelegs, the bushcricket ear exhibits outer, middle and inner components; the inner ear containing tonotopically arranged auditory sensilla within a fluid-filled cavity, and externally protected by the leg cuticle. Here, we report bush-crickets with transparent ear cuticles as potential model species for direct, non-invasive measuring of TWs and tonotopy. Using laser Doppler vibrometry and spectroscopy, we show that increased transmittance of light through the ear cuticle allows for effective non-invasive measurements of TWs and frequency mapping. More transparent cuticles allow several properties of TWs to be precisely recovered and measured in vivo from intact specimens. Our approach provides an innovative, noninvasive alternative to measure the natural motion of the sensillia-bearing surface embedded in the intact inner ear fluid

    A two-codon mutant of cholera toxin lacking ADP-ribosylating activity functions as an effective adjuvant for eliciting mucosal and systemic cellular immune responses to peptide antigens

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    Abstract Vaccination with peptide antigens is an effective strategy against mucosal viral infections. We tested a two-codon mutant of cholera toxin (CT-2*) lacking ADP-ribosylating activity and toxicity as a mucosal adjuvant for T cell epitope peptides for intranasal immunization of mice. Efficient induction of helper and cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses associated with TH1 cytokine production were observed in the systemic and mucosal compartments including nasal, gut, and vaginal associated lymphoid tissues. Single or multiple dosing with the peptide antigen and CT-2* induced strong memory immunity without tolerance. These results demonstrate CT-2* as a suitable mucosal adjuvant for priming antigen-specific cellular immune responses

    Hsp90 orchestrates transcriptional regulation by Hsf1 and cell wall remodelling by MAPK signalling during thermal adaptation in a pathogenic yeast

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    Acknowledgments We thank Rebecca Shapiro for creating CaLC1819, CaLC1855 and CaLC1875, Gillian Milne for help with EM, Aaron Mitchell for generously providing the transposon insertion mutant library, Jesus Pla for generously providing the hog1 hst7 mutant, and Cathy Collins for technical assistance.Peer reviewedPublisher PD