5,786 research outputs found

    Explicit receivers for pure-interference bosonic multiple access channels

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    The pure-interference bosonic multiple access channel has two senders and one receiver, such that the senders each communicate with multiple temporal modes of a single spatial mode of light. The channel mixes the input modes from the two users pairwise on a lossless beamsplitter, and the receiver has access to one of the two output ports. In prior work, Yen and Shapiro found the capacity region of this channel if encodings consist of coherent-state preparations. Here, we demonstrate how to achieve the coherent-state Yen-Shapiro region (for a range of parameters) using a sequential decoding strategy, and we show that our strategy outperforms the rate regions achievable using conventional receivers. Our receiver performs binary-outcome quantum measurements for every codeword pair in the senders' codebooks. A crucial component of this scheme is a non-destructive "vacuum-or-not" measurement that projects an n-symbol modulated codeword onto the n-fold vacuum state or its orthogonal complement, such that the post-measurement state is either the n-fold vacuum or has the vacuum removed from the support of the n symbols' joint quantum state. This receiver requires the additional ability to perform multimode optical phase-space displacements which are realizable using a beamsplitter and a laser.Comment: v1: 9 pages, 2 figures, submission to the 2012 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications (ISITA 2012), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA; v2: minor change

    Near-Optimal Distributed Approximation of Minimum-Weight Connected Dominating Set

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    This paper presents a near-optimal distributed approximation algorithm for the minimum-weight connected dominating set (MCDS) problem. The presented algorithm finds an O(logn)O(\log n) approximation in O~(D+n)\tilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n}) rounds, where DD is the network diameter and nn is the number of nodes. MCDS is a classical NP-hard problem and the achieved approximation factor O(logn)O(\log n) is known to be optimal up to a constant factor, unless P=NP. Furthermore, the O~(D+n)\tilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n}) round complexity is known to be optimal modulo logarithmic factors (for any approximation), following [Das Sarma et al.---STOC'11].Comment: An extended abstract version of this result appears in the proceedings of 41st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2014

    Second-order coding rates for pure-loss bosonic channels

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    A pure-loss bosonic channel is a simple model for communication over free-space or fiber-optic links. More generally, phase-insensitive bosonic channels model other kinds of noise, such as thermalizing or amplifying processes. Recent work has established the classical capacity of all of these channels, and furthermore, it is now known that a strong converse theorem holds for the classical capacity of these channels under a particular photon number constraint. The goal of the present paper is to initiate the study of second-order coding rates for these channels, by beginning with the simplest one, the pure-loss bosonic channel. In a second-order analysis of communication, one fixes the tolerable error probability and seeks to understand the back-off from capacity for a sufficiently large yet finite number of channel uses. We find a lower bound on the maximum achievable code size for the pure-loss bosonic channel, in terms of the known expression for its capacity and a quantity called channel dispersion. We accomplish this by proving a general "one-shot" coding theorem for channels with classical inputs and pure-state quantum outputs which reside in a separable Hilbert space. The theorem leads to an optimal second-order characterization when the channel output is finite-dimensional, and it remains an open question to determine whether the characterization is optimal for the pure-loss bosonic channel.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures; v3: final version accepted for publication in Quantum Information Processin

    Fundamental rate-loss tradeoff for optical quantum key distribution

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    Since 1984, various optical quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols have been proposed and examined. In all of them, the rate of secret key generation decays exponentially with distance. A natural and fundamental question is then whether there are yet-to-be discovered optical QKD protocols (without quantum repeaters) that could circumvent this rate-distance tradeoff. This paper provides a major step towards answering this question. We show that the secret-key-agreement capacity of a lossy and noisy optical channel assisted by unlimited two-way public classical communication is limited by an upper bound that is solely a function of the channel loss, regardless of how much optical power the protocol may use. Our result has major implications for understanding the secret-key-agreement capacity of optical channels---a long-standing open problem in optical quantum information theory---and strongly suggests a real need for quantum repeaters to perform QKD at high rates over long distances.Comment: 9+4 pages, 3 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1310.012

    The squashed entanglement of a quantum channel

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    This paper defines the squashed entanglement of a quantum channel as the maximum squashed entanglement that can be registered by a sender and receiver at the input and output of a quantum channel, respectively. A new subadditivity inequality for the original squashed entanglement measure of Christandl and Winter leads to the conclusion that the squashed entanglement of a quantum channel is an additive function of a tensor product of any two quantum channels. More importantly, this new subadditivity inequality, along with prior results of Christandl, Winter, et al., establishes the squashed entanglement of a quantum channel as an upper bound on the quantum communication capacity of any channel assisted by unlimited forward and backward classical communication. A similar proof establishes this quantity as an upper bound on the private capacity of a quantum channel assisted by unlimited forward and backward public classical communication. This latter result is relevant as a limitation on rates achievable in quantum key distribution. As an important application, we determine that these capacities can never exceed log((1+eta)/(1-eta)) for a pure-loss bosonic channel for which a fraction eta of the input photons make it to the output on average. The best known lower bound on these capacities is equal to log(1/(1-eta)). Thus, in the high-loss regime for which eta << 1, this new upper bound demonstrates that the protocols corresponding to the above lower bound are nearly optimal.Comment: v3: 25 pages, 3 figures, significant expansion of paper; v2: error in a prior version corrected (main result unaffected), cited Tucci for his work related to squashed entanglement; 5 + epsilon pages and 2-page appendi

    Quantum trade-off coding for bosonic communication

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    The trade-off capacity region of a quantum channel characterizes the optimal net rates at which a sender can communicate classical, quantum, and entangled bits to a receiver by exploiting many independent uses of the channel, along with the help of the same resources. Similarly, one can consider a trade-off capacity region when the noiseless resources are public, private, and secret key bits. In [Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 140501 (2012)], we identified these trade-off rate regions for the pure-loss bosonic channel and proved that they are optimal provided that a longstanding minimum output entropy conjecture is true. Additionally, we showed that the performance gains of a trade-off coding strategy when compared to a time-sharing strategy can be quite significant. In the present paper, we provide detailed derivations of the results announced there, and we extend the application of these ideas to thermalizing and amplifying bosonic channels. We also derive a "rule of thumb" for trade-off coding, which determines how to allocate photons in a coding strategy if a large mean photon number is available at the channel input. Our results on the amplifying bosonic channel also apply to the "Unruh channel" considered in the context of relativistic quantum information theory.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, v2 has a new figure and a proof that the regions are optimal for the lossy bosonic channel if the entropy photon-number inequality is true; v3, submission to Physical Review A (see related work at http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.140501); v4, final version accepted into Physical Review

    Performance of polar codes for quantum and private classical communication

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    We analyze the practical performance of quantum polar codes, by computing rigorous bounds on block error probability and by numerically simulating them. We evaluate our bounds for quantum erasure channels with coding block lengths between 2^10 and 2^20, and we report the results of simulations for quantum erasure channels, quantum depolarizing channels, and "BB84" channels with coding block lengths up to N = 1024. For quantum erasure channels, we observe that high quantum data rates can be achieved for block error rates less than 10^(-4) and that somewhat lower quantum data rates can be achieved for quantum depolarizing and BB84 channels. Our results here also serve as bounds for and simulations of private classical data transmission over these channels, essentially due to Renes' duality bounds for privacy amplification and classical data transmission of complementary observables. Future work might be able to improve upon our numerical results for quantum depolarizing and BB84 channels by employing a polar coding rule other than the heuristic used here.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submission to the 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing 201

    Refactoring Legacy JavaScript Code to Use Classes: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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    JavaScript systems are becoming increasingly complex and large. To tackle the challenges involved in implementing these systems, the language is evolving to include several constructions for programming- in-the-large. For example, although the language is prototype-based, the latest JavaScript standard, named ECMAScript 6 (ES6), provides native support for implementing classes. Even though most modern web browsers support ES6, only a very few applications use the class syntax. In this paper, we analyze the process of migrating structures that emulate classes in legacy JavaScript code to adopt the new syntax for classes introduced by ES6. We apply a set of migration rules on eight legacy JavaScript systems. In our study, we document: (a) cases that are straightforward to migrate (the good parts); (b) cases that require manual and ad-hoc migration (the bad parts); and (c) cases that cannot be migrated due to limitations and restrictions of ES6 (the ugly parts). Six out of eight systems (75%) contain instances of bad and/or ugly cases. We also collect the perceptions of JavaScript developers about migrating their code to use the new syntax for classes.Comment: Paper accepted at 16th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR), 2017; 16 page