3 research outputs found

    Development of the radiation and magnetic field tolerant DC/DC converter system for the ATLAS ITk Strip Detector

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    The radiation and magnetic field tolerant step-down DC/DC converter system is developed to supply low-voltage power for the ATLAS ITk Strip Detector. The system is modular and consists of custom designed crates with embedded cooling plates, backplane, and DC/DC converter modules. Each converter module comprises two or four power channels. Each channel comprises a 48-to-11 V DC/DC converter, hardware overcurrent and overvoltage protection circuits, correction circuitry to compensate for voltage drops along the cables, and control and monitoring functionality based on the AMACStar chip. We present the design and performance of such a DC/DC converter system, including evaluation of its radiation tolerance

    Measurement of the γ\gamma Decay from the Energy Region of the Pygmy Dipole States Excited in the 208^{208}Pb(p,pγ)(p,p'\gamma ) Reaction at CCB

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    International audienceFor a few years, the medical cyclotron Proteus C-235 at the Cyclotron Centre Bronowice in Kraków, Poland has been regularly used for nuclear structure experiments. One of the ongoing studies is focused on the γ decay of collective states populated in (p, p0γ) reactions. In a recent experiment, γ decays of excited states in the energy region of the Pygmy Dipole States in 208Pb have been observed. Good efficiency and energy resolution provided by the PARIS clusters and LaBr3:Ce scintillators facilitate a comparison of the obtained energy spectra with previous measurements of pygmy states in this nucleus

    Testing of the Brink--Axel Hypothesis with the HECTOR+PARIS+KRATTA Set-up

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    International audienceA very first experiment in the field of nuclear structure at the Cyclotron Centre Bronowice (CCB) facility in Kraków, Poland has been performed recently. The medical cyclotron IBA Proteus C-235 located at CCB produces proton beams in the energy range of 70–230 MeV, that can be used for experimental purposes as well. In the reported measurement, the energy of scattered protons at the incident beam energy of 85 MeV and emitted γ rays from the excited 208Pb target were measured in coincidence. During the experiment excitations in the energy region of the Giant Quadrupole and Dipole Resonances, as well as the Pygmy Dipole States were observed. By applying different conditions on the data, spectra corresponding to γ decays of excited states to selected low-lying levels in 208Pb were obtained, allowing a look into the Brink–Axel hypothesis