15 research outputs found

    No Need to Stick Together to Be Connected: Multiple Types of Enhancers' Networking

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    Simple Summary: Transcription regulation programs require the functional interaction of distal and proximal regulatory regions, interacting by specific 3D chromatin configurations. Enhancers are cis-acting regulatory elements able to promote gene expression regardless their orientation and distance from the transcription starting site. Their systematic mapping by genome-wide chromatin profiling and chromosome conformation analysis, combined with the development of gene-editing approaches to modulate their function, revealed that many enhancers work together to fine-tune the expression of their target genes. This review aim to describe the functions of different types of enhancers and the modalities of enhancers' interaction, focusing on their role in the regulation of complex biological processes like cancer development.The control of gene expression at a transcriptional level requires a widespread landscape of regulatory elements. Central to these regulatory circuits are enhancers (ENHs), which are defined as cis-acting DNA elements able to increase the transcription of a target gene in a distance- and orientation-independent manner. ENHs are not independent functional elements but work in a complex and dynamic cooperative network, constituting the building blocks of multimodular domains of gene expression regulation. The information from each of these elements converges on the target promoter, contributing to improving the precision and sharpness of gene modulation. ENHs' interplay varies in its nature and extent, ranging from an additive to redundant effect depending on contexts. Moving from super-enhancers that drive the high expression levels of identity genes, to shadow-enhancers, whose redundant functions contribute to buffering the variation in gene expression, this review aims to describe the different modalities of ENHs' interaction and their role in the regulation of complex biological processes like cancer development

    Cadherin 6 regulates Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition by restraining autophagy and controlling metabolism in metastatic thyroid cancer

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    The transdifferentiation of epithelial cells toward a mesenchymal phenotype(EMT) is a multi-step process fundamental for tumor cells to leave the primary lesion and colonize ectopic sites. Cadherins are structural proteins that also transduce extracellular signals regulating many cellular pathways but the molecular mechanisms guiding this function is poorly understood. Cadherin-6(CDH6) is a type-2 cadherin which drives EMT during development and is re-expressed in some tumors. In thyroid cancer, CDH6 is a target of TGFβ signaling and a marker of EMT, suggesting a role for this protein in the progression of this tumor. Papillary thyroid carcinomas(PTCs) are mostly indolent lesions, but in the 2-5% of cases metastasize. The identification of molecular markers to distinguish which tumors will behave aggressively, would be strategic to develop specific anticancer approaches. In this work, we assessed the role of CDH6 in the metastatic progression of PTCs and evaluated the transcriptional re-programming following TGFβ signaling. We observed that CDH6 knock-down changes cellular morphology and cell-cell interactions, partially reverting the EMT program. Searching for CDH6 interactors we found GABARAP, BNIP3 and BNIP3L/Nix. Through these interactions, CDH6 restrains autophagy and induces DRP1-mediated mitochondrial fission. CDH6 affects mitochondrial structure but also cell metabolism. Indeed, CDH6-mediated mitochondrial fission is required to provide spared mitochondria for a highly energetic profile, needed for cell motility and invasion. Analysis of CDH6 cytoplasmic LIR domains suggests that other cadherins could associate to autophagic machinery regulating the process. Analysis of CDH6 expression in a cohort of human PTCs showed that CDH6 expression is strongly associated with metastatic behavior and worse disease free survival probability of the patients. CDH6 expression is up-regulated specifically in the cells undergoing EMT and leaving the primary site of the tumor. Finally, we attempted to discover new coding and non-coding regulatory elements mediating TGFβ-induced EMT in thyroid cancer cells

    Ex vivo mapping of enhancer networks that define the transcriptional program driving melanoma metastasis

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    : Mortality from vmelanoma is associated with metastatic disease, but the mechanisms leading to spreading of the cancer cells remain obscure. Spatial profiling revealed that melanoma is characterized by a high degree of heterogeneity, which is established by the ability of melanoma cells to switch between different phenotypical stages. This plasticity, likely a heritage from embryonic pathways, accounts for a relevant part of the metastatic potential of these lesions, and requires the rapid and efficient reorganization of the transcriptional landscape of melanoma cells. A large part of the non-coding genome cooperates to control gene expression, specifically through the activity of enhancers (ENHs). In this study, we aimed to identify ex vivo the network of active ENHs and to outline their cooperative interactions in supporting transcriptional adaptation during melanoma metastatic progression. We conducted a genome-wide analysis to map active ENHs distribution in a retrospective cohort of 39 melanoma patients, comparing the profiles obtained in primary (N = 19) and metastatic (N = 20) melanoma lesions. Unsupervised clustering showed that the profile for acetylated histone H3 at lysine 27 (H3K27ac) efficiently segregates lesions into three different clusters corresponding to progressive stages of the disease. We reconstructed the map of super-ENHs (SEs) and cooperative ENHs that associate with metastatic progression in melanoma, which showed that cooperation among regulatory elements is a mandatory requirement for transcriptional plasticity. We also showed that these elements carry out specialized and non-redundant functions, and indicated the existence of a hierarchical organization, with SEs on top as masterminds of the entire transcriptional program and classical ENHs as executors. By providing an innovative vision of how the chromatin landscape of melanoma works during metastatic spreading, our data also point out the need to integrate functional profiling in the analysis of cancer lesions to increase definition and improve interpretation of tumor heterogeneity

    TERT Promoter Mutations in Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinomas

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    Small papillary thyroid carcinomas have contributed to the worldwide increased incidence of differentiated thyroid cancer observed over the past decades. However, the mortality rate has not changed over the same period of time, raising questions about the possibility that thyroid cancer patients, especially those with small tumors, are overdiagnosed and overtreated. Molecular prognostic marker able to discriminate aggressive thyroid cancers from those with an indolent course would be of great relevance to tailor the therapeutic approach and reduce overtreatment. Mutations in the TERT promoter were recently reported to correlate strongly with aggressiveness in advanced forms of thyroid cancer, holding promise for a possible clinical application. The occurrence and potential clinical relevance of TERT mutations in papillary thyroid microcarcinomas (mPTCs) is currently unknown. This study aimed to analyze the occurrence of two TERT promoter mutations (-124C>T and -146C>T) and their potential association with unfavorable clinical features in a large cohort of mPTCs

    Long Noncoding RNA and Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition in Cancer

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    Epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a multistep process that allows epithelial cells to acquire mesenchymal properties. Fundamental in the early stages of embryonic development, this process is aberrantly activated in aggressive cancerous cells to gain motility and invasion capacity, thus promoting metastatic phenotypes. For this reason, EMT is a central topic in cancer research and its regulation by a plethora of mechanisms has been reported. Recently, genomic sequencing and functional genomic studies deepened our knowledge on the fundamental regulatory role of noncoding DNA. A large part of the genome is transcribed in an impressive number of noncoding RNAs. Among these, long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been reported to control several biological processes affecting gene expression at multiple levels from transcription to protein localization and stability. Up to now, more than 8000 lncRNAs were discovered as selectively expressed in cancer cells. Their elevated number and high expression specificity candidate these molecules as a valuable source of biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets. Rising evidence currently highlights a relevant function of lncRNAs on EMT regulation defining a new layer of involvement of these molecules in cancer biology. In this review we aim to summarize the findings on the role of lncRNAs on EMT regulation and to discuss their prospective potential value as biomarkers and therapeutic targets in cancer

    The extent of whole-genome copy number alterations predicts aggressive features in primary melanomas

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    Recent evidence indicates that melanoma comprises distinct types of tumors and suggests that specific morphological features may help predict its clinical behavior. Using a SNP-array approach, we quantified chromosomal copy number alterations (CNA) across the whole-genome in 41 primary melanomas and found a high degree of heterogeneity in their genomic asset. Association analysis correlating the number and relative length of CNA with clinical, morphological and dermoscopic attributes of melanoma revealed that features of aggressiveness were strongly linked to the overall amount of genomic damage. Furthermore, we observed that melanoma progression and survival were mainly affected by a low number of large chromosome losses and a high number of small gains. We identified the alterations most frequently associated with aggressive melanoma and, by integrating our data with publicly available gene expression profiles, we identified five genes which expression was found to be necessary for melanoma cells proliferation. In conclusion, this work provides new evidence that the phenotypic heterogeneity of melanoma reflects a parallel genetic diversity, and lays the basis to define novel strategies for a more precise prognostic stratification of patients. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Linc00941 is a novel TGFβ target that primes papillary thyroid cancer metastatic behavior by regulating the expression of Cadherin 6

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    Background: Papillary thyroid cancers (PTCs) are common, usually indolent malignancies. Still, a small but significant percentage of patients have aggressive tumors and develop distant metastases leading to death. Currently, it is not possible to discriminate aggressive lesions due to lack of prognostic markers. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), which are selectively expressed in a context-dependent manner, are expected to represent a new landscape to search for molecular discriminants. Transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) is a multifunctional cytokine that fosters epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and metastatic spreading. In PTCs, it triggers the expression of the metastatic marker Cadherin 6 (CDH6). Here, we investigated the TGFβ-dependent lncRNAs that may cooperate to potentiate PTC aggressiveness. Methods: We used a genome-wide approach to map enhancer (ENH)-associated lncRNAs under TGFβ control. Linc00941 was selected and validated using functional in vitro assays. A combined approach using bioinformatic analyses of the thyroid cancer (THCA)-the cancer genome atlas (TCGA) dataset and RNA-seq analysis was used to identify the processes in which linc00941 was involved in and the genes under its regulation. Correlation with clinical data was performed to evaluate the potential of this lncRNA and its targets as prognostic markers in THCA. Results: Linc00941 was identified as transcribed starting from one of the TGFβ-induced ENHs. Linc00941 expression was significantly higher in aggressive cancer both in the TCGA dataset and in a separate validation cohort from our institution. Loss of function assays for linc00941 showed that it promotes response to stimuli and invasiveness while restraining proliferation in PTC cells, a typical phenotype of metastatic cells. From the integration of TCGA data and linc00941 knockdown RNA-seq profiling, we identified 77 genes under the regulation of this lncRNA. Among these, we found the prometastatic gene CDH6. Linc00941 knockdown partially recapitulates the effects observed upon CDH6 silencing, promoting cell cytoskeleton and membrane adhesions rearrangements and autophagy. The combined expression of CDH6 and linc00941 is a distinctive feature of highly aggressive PTC lesions. Conclusions: Our data provide new insights into the biology driving metastasis in PTCs and highlight how lncRNAs cooperate with coding transcripts to sustain these processes

    The extent of whole-genome copy number alterations predicts aggressive features in primary melanomas

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    Recent evidence indicates that melanoma comprises distinct types of tumors and suggests that specific morphological features may help predict its clinical behavior. Using a SNP-array approach, we quantified chromosomal copy number alterations (CNA) across the whole genome in 41 primary melanomas and found a high degree of heterogeneity in their genomic asset. Association analysis correlating the number and relative length of CNA with clinical, morphological, and dermoscopic attributes of melanoma revealed that features of aggressiveness were strongly linked to the overall amount of genomic damage. Furthermore, we observed that melanoma progression and survival were mainly affected by a low number of large chromosome losses and a high number of small gains. We identified the alterations most frequently associated with aggressive melanoma, and by integrating our data with publicly available gene expression profiles, we identified five genes which expression was found to be necessary for melanoma cells proliferation. In conclusion, this work provides new evidence that the phenotypic heterogeneity of melanoma reflects a parallel genetic diversity and lays the basis to define novel strategies for a more precise prognostic stratification of patients

    RUNX2 expression in thyroid and breast cancer requires the cooperation of three non-redundant enhancers under the control of BRD4 and c-JUN

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    Aberrant reactivation of embryonic pathways is a common feature of cancer. RUNX2 is a transcription factor crucial during embryogenesis that is aberrantly reactivated in many tumors, including thyroid and breast cancer, where it promotes aggressiveness and metastatic spreading. Currently, the mechanisms driving RUNX2 expression in cancer are still largely unknown. Here we showed that RUNX2 transcription in thyroid and breast cancer requires the cooperation of three distantly located enhancers (ENHs) brought together by chromatin three-dimensional looping. We showed that BRD4 controls RUNX2 by binding to the newly identified ENHs and we demonstrated that the anti-proliferative effects of bromodomain inhibitors (BETi) is associated with RUNX2 transcriptional repression. We demonstrated that each RUNX2 ENH is potentially controlled by a distinct set of TFs and we identified c-JUN as the principal pivot of this regulatory platform. We also observed that accumulation of genetic mutations within these elements correlates with metastatic behavior in human thyroid tumors. Finally, we identified RAINs, a novel family of ENH-associated long non-coding RNAs, transcribed from the identified RUNX2 regulatory unit. Our data provide a new model to explain how RUNX2 expression is reactivated in thyroid and breast cancer and how cancer-driving signaling pathways converge on the regulation of this gene