27 research outputs found
Storage of virgin olive oil
Ispravan naÄin Äuvanja djeviÄanskog maslinovog ulja znatno utjeÄe na njegovu kvalitetu. U ovom radu opisane su promjene do kojih dolazi prilikom skladiÅ”tenja maslinovog ulja. U tom smislu ispitivan je 21 uzorak maslinovih ulja dobiven iz tri najzastupljenije autohtone sorte maslina s podruÄja srednje Dalmacije: Oblice, Levantinke i Lastovke. U uzorcima ulja odreÄeni su osnovni kemijski pokazatelji kvalitete (slobodne masne kiseline, peroksidni broj i specifiÄni koeficijenti apsorpcije u UV podruÄju). Od ispitivanih uzoraka, petnaest uzoraka (71,4%) je zadovoljilo kriterije za najviÅ”u kvalitetu (\u27\u27ekstra djeviÄansko maslinovo ulje\u27\u27), dok su preostali bili u kategoriji \u27\u27djeviÄansko maslinovo ulje\u27\u27.
U drugom dijelu rada provedeno je ispitivanje promjena osnovnih parametara kvalitete tijekom 22-mjeseÄnog skladiÅ”tenja ulja u tami: 16 mjeseci u hladnjaku i dodatnih 6 mjeseci na sobnoj temperaturi. Tijekom provedenog skladiÅ”tenja porast slobodnih masnih kiselina je bio manje intenzivan od porasta peroksidnog broja koji je veÄinu ispitivanih djeviÄanskih ulja eliminirao iz kategorije jestivih ulja.The correct storage of virgin olive oil has a significant influence on its quality. The changes during olive oil storage are described in this work. Olive oil samples from three most common autochthonous varieties from the middle Dalmatia region: Oblica, Levantinka and Lastovka, were investigated. Main chemical quality parameters (free fatty acids, peroxide value and UV - specific absorption coefficients) were determined. Among analysed oils, 15 samples (71,4%) achieved the requirements for highest quality (\u27\u27extra virgin olive oil\u27\u27), while the others were in the category of \u27\u27virgin olive oil\u27\u27. In the second part of work, the principal quality parameters changes were investigated during a 22 - month storage period in a dark place: 16 months in the refrigerator and additional 6 months at room temperature. During the storage period the increase of free fatty acids was less intensive than the increase of peroxide value which eliminated analyzed the most of virgin oils from the category of \u27\u27eatable oils\u27\u27
Health values of olive oil
Maslinovo ulje danas je postalo sinonim zdravog naÄina prehrane i modernog življe-nja. Sve je viÅ”e znanstvenih istraživanja i spoznaja o kvalitetnom ekstra djeviÄanskom maslinovom ulju, tako da i obiÄni potroÅ”aÄ postaje svjestan važnosti njegove visoke kakvoÄe. Mediteranski naÄin prehrane prelazi okvire mediteranskog bazena i postaje posebno popularan u zemljama srednje Europe, sjeverne i južne Amerike, Kanade, Australije, Novog Zelanda, Japana i Tajlanda gdje se provode velike promocije o važnosti kakvoÄe maslinovog ulja i njegovom konzumiranju. U ovom radu opisano je znaÄenje masti i ulja u prehrani Äovjeka, s posebnim naglaskom na maslinovom ulju, njegovim osnovnim znaÄajkama i utjecaju na zdravlje Äovjeka. Na kraju je opisan mediteranski naÄin prehrane s prikazom piramide mediteranske dijete koja svoju popularnost doživljava tek posljednjih 10 godina.Today olive oil has become a synonym for healthy diet and modern living. There are more and more scientific investigations and knowledge on the quality of extra virgin olive oil, so even common consumers become aware of its importance. Mediterranean diet has crossed the borders of the Mediterranean basin becoming particularly popular in the countries of middle Europe, north and south America, Canada, Australia, New Zeeland, Japan and Thailand, where great promotion campaigns on olive oil quality importance and its consumption are going on. In this paper, the significance of fats and oils in human diet is described, with special accent on olive oil, its\u27 principal characteristics and influence on human health. At the end, the Mediterranean diet is described, with the Mediterranean diet pyramid that has become populari in the last 10 years
Chemical profile of the organic residue from ancient amphora found in the Adriatic Sea determined by direct GC and GC-MS analysis
An ancient organic residue was collected from the bottom of a Greco-Italian amphora found in the Adriatic Sea and investigated by direct GC and GC- MS analysis. The headspace composition was determined by HS-SPME using: (1) DVB/CAR/PDMS and (2) PDMS/DVB fibres. Higher percentages of benzene derivatives, monoterpenes and other low- molecular aliphatic compounds were obtained by method (1) in contrast to higher percentage of naphthalene and phenanthrene derivatives found by method (2). In comparison with the composition of pine resin, it is more likely that the found low- molecular aliphatic alcohols, acids, esters and carbonyls with 2-phenylethanol were trapped and preserved within the organic residue from stored wine ā the amphoraās originally content. Semi- volatile diterpenes methyl dehydroabietate (33.6%) and retene (24.1%) were dominant in the residue CH2Cl2 solution. Other abundant compounds were 1, 4-dimethoxyphenanthrene (6.8%) as well as other naphthalene and/or phenanthrene derivatives [7-(1- methylethyl)-1, 4a-dimethyl-1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 9, 10, 10a- octahydronaphthalene, 7-(1-methylethyl)-1, 4a- dimethyl-2, 3, 4, 4a, 9, 10-hexahydrophenanthrene, 7- (1-methylethyl)-1, 4a-dimethyl-1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 9, 10, 10a- octahydro-phenanthrene, 3, 6-dimethylphenanthrene and 2, 3, 5-trimethylphenanthrene]. Possible sources and formation pathways of the major compounds in the residue were discussed
Status overview and prospects of olive growing in Croatia
Cilj rada bio je deskriptivno analizirati stanje proizvodnih i preradbenih kapaciteta hrvatskoga maslinarstva, tržiÅ”te i potroÅ”nju proizvoda od masline, vanjskotrgovinsku razmjenu, kao i institucionalni i zakonodavni okvir hrvatskoga maslinarstva. Temeljem analize stanja, pomoÄu SWOT analize identificirani su osnovni Äimbenici koji utjeÄu ili mogu utjecati na razvojnu perspektivu hrvatskoga maslinarstva u procesu pristupanja Europskoj uniji. Maslinarstvo u hrvatskom priobalju i na otocima ima veliko socijalno, gospodarsko i okoliÅ”no znaÄenje, poglavito u kontekstu usporavanja depopulacije i gospodarske održivosti na ovim podruÄjima. U posljednje vrijeme prisutan je poveÄani interes za ulaganje u proizvodnju i preradu maslina, modernizaciju i poveÄanje preradbenih kapaciteta te poboljÅ”anje kvalitete maslinovog ulja. UnatoÄ ovom pozitivnom trendu u proizvodnji i preradi maslina, naÅ”e maslinarstvo karakterizira dominacija tradicionalnog naÄina uzgoja sa neredovitom rodnosti, neorganiziranost tržiÅ”ta proizvoda od masline i uvozna ovisnost. Rezultati SWOT analize pokazuju da strateÅ”ke razvojne aktivnosti hrvatskoga maslinarstva treba usmjeriti tako da maksimalno iskoriste poveÄano zanimanje za ulaganje u proizvodnju i preradu maslina, kao i postojeÄu institucijsku podrÅ”ku maslinarstvu, uz intenziviranje marketinÅ”kih aktivnosti, kako bi se umanjila dominacija tradicionalnog naÄina uzgoja i uvozna ovisnost te ustrojila odgovarajuÄa poslovna i tržiÅ”na infrastruktura, Äime bi se izbjegle prijetnje globalnog institucionalnog i tržiÅ”nog pritiska.The aim of the paper is a descriptive analysis of the situation in Croatian olive production and processing capacity, of the market and olive products consumption, of foreign trade exchange and of the institutional and legislative framework of Croatian olive growing. Based on the situation analysis, by means of SWOT analysis, the fundamentals are identified that make an impact or may make an impact on the developmental perspective of Croatian olive growing in the process of joining European Union. Olive growing on the Croatian coastal area and the islands is of great social, economic and environmental significance, particularly in the context of slowing down depopulation and of economic sustainability in the area. Recently there has been an increased interest in the investment in olive production and processing, modernisation and increase of processing capacities, and the improved quality of olive oil. Despite this positive trend in the production and processing of olives, our olive growing characterized by the dominant traditional cultivation method and alternating fertility, poorly organised market of olive products and dependence on imports. The SWOT analysis results show that strategic developmental activities of Croatian olive growing should be directed so as use to the maximum the increased interest in investment into olive production and processing, and to use the existing institutional support; they should also be directed towards intensifying the marketing activities; this would then minimise the domination of traditional cultivation method and dependence on imports, and constitute relevant business and market infrastructure, thus avoiding the threats of global institutionalised and market pressure
Virgin olive oil and nutrition
Numerous medical studies (a study in seven countries, Monika study, Dart studies, etc. ) have shown that olive oil is one of the most important ingredient of "Mediterranean diet" associated with a reduction in cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancerous diseases. Nutritional and health value of virgin olive oil is attributed to the large proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids (mainly oleic, 55-83 %), and precious unsaponifiable ingredients that include aliphatic and triterpene alcohols, sterols (mainly Ī²-sitosterol), hydrocarbons (squalene), volatile compounds, tocopherols (preferably Ī±-tocopherol), pigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids) and antioxidants. Oleic acid is the most abundant fatty acid in olive oil that is claimed to affect the increase in level of high density lipoprotein (HDL) and reducing levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood plasma. For this reason it is considered that oleic acid could prevent the occurrence of certain cardiovascular diseases which are still one of the major causes of death. Besides the already mentioned high level of oleic acid, virgin olive oil is characterized by a highly valuable unsaponifiable ingredients which are attributed to exceptional biological value as virgin olive oil is classified as functional food
Inventorying of fruit species and ornamental arboreal plants in private gardens in the city of Knin
U radu se iznose rezultati istraživanja ukrasne dendroflore i voÄnih vrsta privatnih vrtova na podruÄju grada Knina, koji je smjeÅ”ten u sjevernoj Dalmaciji, na padinama brda Spas, u Å ibensko-kninskoj županiji na podruÄju ukupne povrÅ”ine od 355 km2. Tijekom floristiÄkog istraživanja od ožujka do svibnja 2014. godine u predgraÄu Knina zvanom āPejtonā (istoÄno od kninske vojarne), analizirano je 90 privatnih vrtova razliÄite veliÄine te je zabilježeno 58 svojti iz 27 porodica. U privatnim vrtovima dominiraju kritosjemenjaÄe (47 svojti; 81,03 %), meÄu kojima su dvosupnice (45; 77,59 %) u veÄoj mjeri zastupljenije od jednosupnica (2; 3,45 %). S najveÄim brojem vrsta istiÄe se porodica Rosaceae (15 vrsta; 25,86 %). S obzirom na tip habitusa (po Erhardt i sur., 2002.) dominiraju grmolike formi (29 svojti; 50 %), potom slijede stabla (25 svojti; 43,10 %), polugrmovi (1 svojta; 1,72 %) i penjaÄice (3 svojte; 5,17 %). Listopadne svojte (30; 51,72 %) su zastupljenije od zimzelenih (28; 48,27%). MeÄu 18 autohtonih svojti (31,03 %) dominiraju vrste koje dolaze u uzgoju (13 svojti; 22,41 %) Kod alohtonih svojti dominiraju vrste koje iskljuÄivo dolaze u kulturi (32 svojti; 55,17 %), slijede neudomaÄene svojte ācasualā-cas (7; 12,07 %), te jedna invazivna svojta (1,72 %). Analiza alohtone dendroflore prema geografskom podrijetlu pokazuje najveÄu zastupljenost biljaka azijskog podrijetla (23; 39,65 %), zatim slijede svojte iz Amerike (9; 15,52 %), Europe i Azije (8; 13,79 %). U krajobrazno ureÄenje privatnih vrtova potrebno je uvoditi naÅ”e autohtone dendroloÅ”ke ukrasne i voÄne vrste, a u vrtovima su veÄinom koriÅ”tene alohtone vrste koje se uzgajaju zbog dekorativnosti te utilitarnog karaktera.This paper presents results on research of ornamental arboreal plants and fuit species of private gardens in Knin area, in north Dalmatia, on the slopes of "Spas" hill, in the Å ibenik-Knin county, occupying a total area of 355 km2. During floristic research from March to May 2014 in Knin suburbs called "Pejton" (east of Knin military barracks), 90 private gardens of different sizes were analyzed and 58 families from 27 classes were registered. Magnoliophyta dominate in private gardens (47 families; 81,03 %), among which Dicotyledons (47; 77.59 %) are more common than Monocotyledons (2; 3.45 %). The family Rosaceae (15 families; 25.86 %) stands out with the largest number of species. Considering the type of habitat (Erhardt et al., 2002) bushlike forms dominate (29 families; 50 %). They are followed by trees (25 families; 43.10 %), halfbushes (1 familiy; 1.72 %) and climbing plants (3 families; 5.17 %). Deciduous families (30; 51.72) are more represented than evergreen families (28; 48.72 %). Among 18 autochthonous families (31.03 %) cultivated species (13 families; 22,41 %) dominated. Species that are cultivated dominate amnong alochthonous species (32 families; 55.17 %). They are followed by non-domesticated species "casual-cas" (7; 12.07 %) and one invasive family (1.72 %). Analysis of alochthonous dendroflora according to geographical origin shows that the most representative are plants of Asian origin (23; 39.65 %), followed by families from America (9; 15.52%), Europe and Asia (8; 13.79 %). It is necessary to use more of our autochthonous dendrological ornamental and fruit species in landscaping of private gardens, while alochthonous species are mostly grown in gardens because of their decorative and utilitaryian character
Researching preferences in selecting interior decorating plants on the example of Polytechnic ĖMarko MaruliÄĖ in Knin
Upotreba sobnog bilja potjeÄe joÅ” iz davne povijesti ÄovjeÄanstva. VeÄina sobnog bilja koja se koristi u ukraÅ”avanju interijera dolazi iz tropskih i suptropskih podruÄja, dok ih manji broj dolazi iz umjerene klime. Prilikom odabira biljke za ukraÅ”avanje interijera, važno je imati na umu da neke biljke nisu uvijek āmoderneā te takoÄer da ljudi imaju razliÄita miÅ”ljenja vezano uz takav odabir. Cilj ovog rada je odrediti odgovarajuÄe sobno bilje za interijer jedne institucije visokog obrazovanja te utvrditi cjelokupni vizualni dojam (vizualni āgeÅ”taltā) putem ankete vezane uz odreÄene odabrane lonÄanice u interijeru prostorija VeleuÄiliÅ”ta āMarko MaruliÄā u Kninu. Istraživanje je provedeno putem ankete tijekom studenog i prosinca 2014. godine na uzorku od 43 ispitanika (studenata i zaposlenika). Ustanovljeno je da su razliÄite palme i lonÄanice dobile najbolje ocjene i najbolje su prihvaÄene za upotrebu u interijeru VeleuÄiliÅ”ta.The usage of house plants has its roots in the far history of humanity. Most house plants used in decorating interiors come from tropicaland sub-tropical areas, while a smaller number comes from moderate climates. When choosing plants for interior decoration, it is important to note that some species aren\u27t always āfashionableā, and also that the populace has differing opinions regarding the choice. The goal of this paper is to determine the appropriate house plants for the interior of an institution of highly education and to examine the visual impression of the whole (visual āgestaltā) via a survey regarding specific chosenpotted plants intheinterior rooms of the Polytechnic of Marko MaruliÄ in Knin. Survey research was conducted during November and December 2014 on a sample of 43 respondents (students and employees). Different palm trees and potted plants are best evaluated and accepted for use in the interior of the polytechnic
Survey of stancesregarding the application of aromatic species in the gardens of DrniÅ” and surrounding areas
U vrtovima i okuÄnicama DrniÅ”a i okolice prisutne su razliÄite vrste aromatiÄnog i ljekovitog bilja. Oduvijek je svrha oblikovanja vrtova s istim bila u cilju ljudske ishrane i dekorativnosti. Uglavnom su takvi
vrtovi amaterski oblikovani te su osim aromatiÄnih biljnih vrsta u njima koriÅ”tene razliÄite ukrasne vrste, voÄke i povrÄe. AromatiÄno bilje ide u sastav vrtnog oblikovanja: kamenjara, ukrasnih gredica, grupa, pojedinaÄno, živica itd.
Cilj ovog rada bilo je istražiti percepciju primjene i dekorativnosti najzastupljenijih odabranih aromatiÄnih vrsta DrniÅ”a i okolice metodom ankete. Rezultati pokazuju da ispitanici uglavnom s ocjenom vrlo dobar, vrednuju ukrasne karakteristike i moguÄnosti primjene odabranog aromatiÄnog bilja.Different kinds of aromatic and medicinal herbs are present in the gardens and yards of DrniÅ” and its surrounding area. The purpose of forming gardens containing these plants has always been decorative as well as for human consumption. Mostly these kinds of gardens were amateurishly designed and used different kinds of decorative species, fruits and vegetables in addition to the aromatic plant species. Aromatic herbs may be used in the following garden designs: rock gardens, decorative planter beds, as a group, individually, as a hedge, etc. The goal of this paper was to examine the perception regarding the use and decorative qualities of the most abundant aromatic species of DrniÅ” and its surrounding area via the survey method. The resluts show that the decorative characteristics of aromatic herbs and the possiblity of the application of chosen aromatic herbs are valued by the participants mostly with the grade āvery goodā
BioloÅ”ka vrijednost i kvaliteta ulja masline sorte Oblica u odnosu na podruÄje uzgoja
U ovom radu su provedena istraživanja kvalitete i bioloÅ”ke vrijednosti ulja masline glavne hrvatske sorte Oblice u odnosu na podruÄje uzgoja (sjeverna i južna Dalmacija).In this paper, the research was conducted on quality and biological value of the main Croatian olive oil variete Oblica, in relation to the breeding are (North and South Dalmatia)