14 research outputs found

    Characterization of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Sites Based on Geoelectrical Methods of Geophysical Exploration

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    Electrical methods are effective tools for the characterization of oil-contaminated sites and are applied in defining the geometry of the contaminated plume and in designing the remedial process. The optimal methodology integrates geoelectric methods, data processing, and interpretation techniques. Electromagnetic profiling is a reliable and fast method used to provide the configuration of oil-contaminated plume from apparent resistivity map and used to guide the subsequent electrical resistivity tomography survey. From advanced field work methods, data processing, and interpretation procedures, electrical resistivity tomography survey provides the three-dimensional (3D) configuration of the contaminated plume, migration pathways, location of active contaminated sources, and information about lithology. For separate contaminated and clean zones, a petrophysical modeling is used for the calculation of soil resistivity based on groundwater salinity. Taking the pore-water salinity value into account, an inversion algorithm recalculates resistivity maps into maps of clay content, porosity, and cation exchange capacity, allowing a more accurate determination of the volume of contaminated soil. From clay content data, hydraulic conductivity values are calculated for determining the groundwater vulnerability due to vertical migration of contaminants from upper layers. The optimal geoelectric methodology is an efficient procedure to assess hydrocarbon-contaminated sites, with emphasis on large sites with deeper groundwater table

    Estimation of Hydrological Parameters from Geoelectrical Measurements

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    In the coastal aquifer of the lowlands on the right side of the river Sinaloa there is need for fresh water for agricultural development since, around 15% of the water used in agricultural irrigation, is from underground sources. This situation is exacerbated in periods of drought, which promotes drilling with the risk of finding brackish water in them; besides, there is the risk of not meeting water demand due to low hydraulic transmissivity (T) of the aquifer, putting at risk the drilling costs that this implies. In this sense, the determination of T and K (hydraulic conductivity) is important for the development and management of groundwater exploitation of the study area. Generally by means of pumping tests in wells, T is obtained, with high costs, so there are few values of T. K is generally obtained by wells and laboratory test. The aim of this chapter is to establish an empirical relationship between T and K with Dar-Zarrouk parameter in porous media, transverse resistance (T R ), in addition to a characterization of the water quality through the electrical resistivity. This parameter is estimated from surface resistivity measurements, which are more economical in relation to the pumping tests; thus, T was characterized in the study area. The coefficient of correlation of the exponential adjustment is 0.79 and the relation is T=137185.7 TR0.020758−156691 and K=367.210.0548−518.813 with coefficient of correlation of 0.678

    Determinación de la transmisibilidad hidráulica en un acuífero costero mediante estimación óptima de la relación Qe-T usando el filtro de Kalman

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    Background: The knowledge on the management of water as a vital resource to develop agriculture allows having greater effectiveness in its use. Goals: The agricultural activity in the lower part of the Sinaloa Riverdepends on the fresh water of the regional dams and the aquifer. Methods: The use of groundwater represents approximately 15% of the total water used. In the presence of prolonged periods of drought, new wells are drilled without the use of an appropriate guide for farmers on the location of aquifer areas with a greater hydraulic transmissivity with the purpose of exploiting them more rationally. The National Water Commission has registered more than 680 wells on both banks of the Sinaloa River. Results: The information of 205 of these pumping wells for agricultural or domestic use and the specific capacity information was analyzed. Then, 79 out of 205 wells have pumping tests. It is then determined that the objective of this research work was to find the relationship between the specific capacity (Qe) and hydraulic transmissivity (T) data of the study area using the Thiem formula, considering a fixed value of the radius of influence. This hypothetical consideration and the heterogeneities of the aquifer environment add to the T-Qe relationship an additional component, it is determined that it has a normal behavior. Using the Kalman filter it is possible to eliminate or reduce such a component, thus improving the determination of the T-Qe relation of an R-value of 0.95 (without filter) to 0.97 (with filter), for a linear and exponential relationship. Conclusions: The application of a T-Qe estimate allows characterizing the aquifer area, with this procedure a map was obtained on the distribution of T, which will serve as a guide for future exploitations of groundwater in the study area.Antecedentes: El conocimiento sobre el manejo del agua como recurso indispensable para desarrollar la agricultura permite tener mayor efectividad en su uso. Objetivos: La actividad agrícola en la parte baja del río Sinaloa depende del agua dulce de las presas regionales y del acuífero. Métodos: El uso del agua subterránea, representa aproximadamente el 15% del agua total usada. Ante la aparición de periodos de sequía prolongados, se perforan nuevos pozos sin el uso de una guía apropiada que oriente a los agricultores sobre la ubicación de las zonas acuíferas que tienen una mayor transmisividad hidráulica con el propósito de explotarlos de manera más racional. Resultados: La Comisión Nacional del agua tiene registrados más de 680 pozos en ambas márgenes del Río Sinaloa. Se analizó la información de 205 de estos pozos de bombeo para uso agrícola o doméstico y la información de capacidad específica. De este número, 79 pozos tienen pruebas de bombeo. Se determina entonces que el objetivo de este trabajo de investigación fue encontrar la relación entre los datos de capacidad especifica (Qe) y transmisividad hidráulica (T) de la zona de estudio usando la fórmula de Thiem, considerando un valor fijo del radio de influencia. Conclusiones: Esta consideración hipotética y las heterogeneidades del medio acuífero suman a la relación T Qe una componente adicional, se determina que tiene un comportamiento normal. Mediante el filtro de Kalman es posible eliminar o reducir tal componente, mejorando así la determinación de la relación T-Qe de un valor r de 0.95 (sin filtro) a 0.97 (con filtro), para una relación lineal y exponencial. La aplicación de una estimación T-Qe permite caracterizar la zona acuífera, con este procedimiento se obtuvo un mapa sobre ladistribución de T, que servirá de guía para futuras explotaciones del agua subterránea en la zona de estudio


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    Hydraulic conductivity is a basic element in the advancement of knowledge of a geological environment in both the flow and transport processes of pollutants for conservation projects, managementand environmental management and also for the development of public policies for protection of ecosystems, among others. The aim of this paper is to obtain the hydraulic conductivity (K) and the finescontent (C) of saturated granular half using two empirical laws. One correlates the electrical conductivity of saturated granular media σo and water saturated σw which depends on the formation factor(F), cation exchange capacity (CEC) and the fines content in the saturated soil. Using data obtained from materials of 18 samples from 6 wells the relationships between F-C and CEC-C were obtained,so the equation reduces to a σo function in terms of σw and C, with a correlation coefficient of R = 0.97. A second experimental law is the one that results from the experimental relationship between K and C,being 1.4054 K 0.1804.C with a correlation coefficient of R = 0.96. From both experimental expressions relationships between K and C, a and C,and C are created so from every pair knowing one of them you get to know the other one. Under the scheme outlined electrical conductivity sections for the saturated medium and fines content are obtained,finding that the groundwater in the study area consists of a thin top layer and beneath it there is a predominantly sandy environment

    Impacto de la tutoría escolar en la proyección de los estudiantes adultos en el nivel medio superior, modalidad semiescolarizada

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    The semipresential modality at high school level for adults, as the offered in the nightlife high school of the Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa, that creates high expectations for Sinaloa´s society, to give the student an opportunity to continue its educational development in high school level and, lead him to continue with their vocational training. With this investigation, and given to their conditions, the objective it´s to know the competitive level at the beginning and during the development in the institution, also to identify the influence of the school tutoring in the development of adult students in high school. It was identified the income profile of students to the institution; was necessary to rescue the results of CENEVAL and EDAOM tests, practiced at the entry of students to the institution. Together this tools, was necessary to practice two questionnaires to evaluate the students perception about their teachers; and another one to identify the main problems they faced and the function of their school tutor in the institution. With the data obtained, were identified some deficiencies of semipresential system, especially in educational planning. Even though the students recognizes that the tutoring its fundamental to the incorporation of students to academic activities and that exists a high level of acceptance to the programs set by the institution.La modalidad semiescolarizada en el nivel medio superior para adultos, como la que ofrece la Preparatoria Guasave Nocturna de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, crea expectativas importantes a la sociedad sinaloense, al dar la oportunidad al estudiante de seguir con su desarrollo educativo en el nivel medio superior y, a la vez, impulsarlo a seguir con su formación profesional. Con la presente investigación, y dado a sus condiciones, se busca conocer el nivel competitivo con el que ingresa y se desarrolla en la institución, asimismo identificar la influencia que ejerce la tutoría escolar en el desarrollo de los estudiantes adultos en la preparatoria. Se identificó el perfil de ingreso del alumno a la institución; para el efecto fue necesario rescatar los resultados del examen CENEVAL y EDAOM, practicado al ingreso del estudiante a la institución. Conjuntamente a estas herramientas, fue necesario practicar dos cuestionarios con la finalidad de evaluar la percepción del estudiante respecto a la planta docente; otro para identificar las principales problemáticas a las que se enfrentan y la función de la tutoría escolar en la institución. Con los datos que se obtuvieron, se identificaron algunas deficiencias del sistema semiescolarizado, sobre todo en la planeación educativa. Aún así el alumno reconoce que la tutoría es fundamental para la incorporación de los estudiantes a las actividades académicas y que existe un grado importante de aceptación a los programas planteados por la institución

    Determination of Soil Properties from Electrical Measurements in Agricultural Plots, Villa de Arriaga, San Luis Potosí, Mexico

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    El conocimiento de las propiedades del suelo agrícola es crucial para la selección óptima de los tipos de cultivo, riego y fertilización. Este estudio contiene los resultados de la aplicación en campo y en laboratorio de mediciones eléctricas para obtener el contenido de finos, la porosidad, la conductividad hidráulica y la capacidad de intercambio catiónico (CIC) en tres parcelas agrícolas dedicadas al cultivo de la cebada. Los valores del contenido de finos se obtuvieron mediante mediciones eléctricas en muestras de suelo de laboratorio y el algoritmo de Ryjov, que es comparable a los valores calculados a partir del análisis textural de Bouyoucos. En la parcela agrícola A, un perfil de Tomografía de Resistividad Eléctrica (TRE), junto con las mediciones de la humedad y la salinidad del suelo, muestran resultados de alta resolución para determinar las propiedades del suelo, a partir de una clara imagen del espesor del suelo, así como la identificación de sus horizontes. Un estudio de rápido avance con el método Perfilaje Eléctrico (PE) fue realizado en las tres parcelas, resultando en mapas de propiedades del suelo. Las parcelas muestran rango de valores de CIC como: A-bajo, B-moderado y C-alto. Este resultado se ajusta a los rendimientos de los cultivos por hectárea y al análisis de fertilidad realizado en cada parcela, lo que confirma no sólo la eficacia del método PE y del algoritmo de Ryjov para el estudio de las propiedades del suelo agrícola. doi: https://doi.org/10.22201/igeof.00167169p.2021.60.1.203

    Estimación de la conductividad hidráulica y contenido de finos a partir de leyes experimentales que relacionan parámetros hidráulicos y eléctricos

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    Hydraulic conductivity is a basic element in the advancement of knowledge of a geological environment in both the flow and transport processes of pollutants for conservation projects, management and environmental management and also for the development of public policies for protection of ecosystems, among others. The aim of this paper is to obtain the hydraulic conductivity (K) and the fines content (C) of saturated granular half using two empirical laws. One correlates the electrical conductivity of saturated granular media óo and water saturated ów which depends on the formation factor (F), cation exchange capacity (CEC) and the fines content in the saturated soil. Using data obtained from materials of 18 samples from 6 wells the relationships between F-C and CEC-C were obtained, so the equation reduces to a óo function in terms of ów and C, with a correlation coefficient of R = 0.97. A second experimental law is the one that results from the experimental relationship between K and C, being 4054 1. 1 . 804 K 0. C with a correlation coefficient of R = 0.96. From both experimental expressions relationships between K and C, Fa and C, and C are created so from every pair knowing one of them you get to know the other one. Under the scheme outlined electrical conductivity sections for the saturated medium and fines content are obtained, finding that the groundwater in the study area consists of a thin top layer and beneath it there is a predominantly sandy environment.La conductividad hidraulica es un elemento basico en el avance del conocimiento de un medio geologico, tanto en los procesos de flujo y transporte de contaminantes como en proyectos de proteccion, gestion y manejo del medio ambiente, asi como en el desarrollo de politicas publicas para la proteccion de ecosistemas, entre otros. El objetivo de este trabajo es obtener la conductividad hidraulica (K) y el contenido de finos (C) de un medio saturado granular mediante el uso de dos leyes empiricas. Una relaciona la conductividad electrica de un medio granular saturado �Ðo y el agua saturante �Ðw la cual depende del factor de formacion (F), la capacidad de intercambio cationico (CIC) y del contenido de finos en el subsuelo saturado. A traves de datos obtenidos de 18 muestras de materiales de 6 pozos se obtuvo la relacion entre F- C y CIC-C y Qv . C, de forma que la ecuacion se reduce a una funcion de �Ðo en terminos de �Ðw y C, con un valor de ajuste R=0.97. Una segunda ley experimental usada es la que resulta de la relacion experimental entre K y C, obteniendose 4054.1.1804.0CK con un R=0.96. De ambas expresiones experimentales se construyen relaciones econociendo una se obtiene la otra. Bajo el esquema indicado se obtienen secciones de conductividad electrica del medio saturado y contenido de finos, obteniendose que el subsuelo en el area de estudio esta constituido por una capa superior de materiales finos e infrayaciendo a este esta un medio en el que predominan las arenas

    Rainfall Potential and Consequences on Structural Soil Degradation of the Most Important Agricultural Region of Mexico

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    This study investigates the historical variability in annual average precipitation in the northwest region of Mexico, aiming to evaluate the cumulative impact of precipitation on soil degradation and associated risks posed by rainfall. Despite being known as “The Agricultural Heart of Mexico”, the region’s soil has experienced significant damage to its granulometric structure due to unpredictable rainfall patterns attributed to climate change. Sixteen historical series of average annual rainfall were analyzed as stationary stochastic processes for spectral analysis. The results revealed exponential decay curves in each radial spectrum, indicating a linear relationship between frequency and amplitude. These curves identified initial impulses correlated with moments of severity for structural damages caused by rainfall-induced degradation. The degradation process, exacerbated by water stress, accelerates, as evidenced by maps illustrating approximately 75% soil damage. In the context of climate change and the uncertainty surrounding soil responses to extreme meteorological events, understanding this phenomenon becomes crucial. Recognizing the dynamic nature of soil responses to environmental stressors is essential for effective soil management. Emphasizing the need to employ numerical processes tailored to new environmental considerations related to observed soil damages is crucial for sustainable soil management practices in any region

    Evaluation of Groundwater in the Coastal Portion of Guasave, Sinaloa for White Shrimp Farming (Penaeus vannamei) through VES, Chemical Composition, and Survival Tests

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    We studied the potential of white shrimp farming with groundwater from the coastal aquifer of Guasave, Sinaloa. The use of water from the aquifer in aquaculture represents challenges due to variability in the quality of groundwater. We did twenty-three vertical electrical soundings (VES), performed to guide the search for continental groundwater, obtaining the resistivity of the saturated formation (Ro) and a relationship with resistivity of aquifer water (Rw) = 0.4478 Ro + 0.8371. We obtained ionic content and nutrients from shrimp farming water. Also, a positive correlation was found between the electrical conductivity of the aquifer water (inverse of Rw) with chlorine, sodium, magnesium, and calcium ions in 34 water samples. The analysis of ions and ammonia-nitrogen, nitrates, phosphates, potassium, manganese, and calcium were used to select suitable sites to perform in two shorts bioassays: natural aquifer water and adding KCl and Mg2Cl to simulate diluted seawater. In most natural waters, survival of larvae was higher than 60%, and in simulated seawater survival improved only in two sites. Building the Rw-Ro relation allowed us to infer the quality and suitability of water and the positioning of the most suitable place for drilling. Finally, Rw relation with dissolved ions allowed us to estimate aquifer water quality and reduce uncertainty

    La tutoría en la Educación Secundaria : materiales para el tutor

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    Manual de ayuda al tutor que planifica y coordina la atención a la diversidad del alumnado y arbitra una serie de medidas que dan respuesta a la realidad que se vive en los centros educativos. Se exponen ideas, reflexiones y actividades resultado de las sesiones de tutoría procurando promover una interacción continuada entre la reflexión y la acción.Los temas abordados son, entre otros: autoconocimiento y autoestima, elección de delegados, sentimientos, familias, evaluación y absentismo..MurciaConsejería de Educación y Cultura. Secretaría General; Av. de la Fama, 15; 30006 Murcia; +34968279685; +34968279835; [email protected]