3 research outputs found

    Evaluación de técnicas ionoméricas mediante pruebas de microfiltración

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    Objectives: An in vitro study which was assessed by testing the appropriate microfiltration protocol using a conventional ionomer cement with sandwich technique in Black’s cavities class I. Methods: 60 human premolars, which underwent standardized cavities. These were randomly divided into 4 groups of 15 teeth each: G1 had IVC Ketac Molar Easymix and G3 had Ionofil Plus respectively to the edge of the cavity and then to wear them in 24 hours, leaving 1mm cavity base and subsequently using phosphoric acid on both enamel and dentin. In G2 and G4 both were simultaneously conditioned with polyacrylic on dentin and phosphoric acid on enamel, followed by washing, drying and 1mm placement of IVC Ionofil Plus and Ketac Molar Easymix respectively. All groups received two layers of adhesive OneCoat S Bond Coltene, light cured for 30 seconds, finally Brillant Coltene resin was applied in an incremental technique polymerizing each layer for 20 seconds. After final polishing of the dental restorations, the premolars became subjected to 10,800 cycles of thermocycling for future placement in methylene blue and measuring the microfiltration with the use of a stereo microscope. Results: There were no differences in the number of steps, but did indicate a minimal discrepancy as to the material used, whereas Ketac Molar Easymix showed a lower degree of filtration. The results were corroborated with SEM images. Conclusions: The analysis made it possible to determine no difference between the two  ionomer materials placed using a closed sandwich technique in one or two stepsObjetivo: Evaluar mediante pruebas de microfiltración el protocolo adecuado de uso del cemento ionomérico convencional en técnica sándwich, en cavidades del tipo clase I de Black. Material y Método: Se emplearon 60 dientes premolares humanos, a los que se les realizó cavidades estandarizadas. Estos fueron divididos de manera aleatoria en 4 grupos de 15 dientes cada uno, en el G1 y G3 se colocó IVC Ketac Molar Easymix y Ionofil Plus respectivamente hasta el borde de la cavidad. Posteriormente acondicionando con ácido fosfórico en esmalte y dentina. En el G2 y G4 se acondicionó simultáneamente con ácido poliacrílico y fosfórico, dentina y esmalte respectivamente seguidos de lavado, secado y colocación de 1mm de IVC Ketac Molar Easymix y Ionofil Plus respectivamente. Todos los grupos recibieron dos capas de adhesivo OneCoat Bond S Coltene, fotopolimerizándolas durante 30 segundos. Finalmente se aplicó resina Brillant Coltene en una técnica incremental polimerizando 20 segundos cada capa

    Factors associated with dental fluorosis in three zones of Ecuador

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    To determine the prevalence of dental fluorosis in 10-12 year-old school children, in three provinces of the inter-andean Region of Ecuador: Imbabura, Pichincha and Chimborazo, as well as the relationship between certain factors, considering that the latest studies go back to the year 2009. A cross-sectional and observational study was proposed. A sample of 599 was calculated at 95% of confidence considering population projections for children between 10 and 12 old of three zones of Ecuador. However, 608 school children, who had the acceptance and informed consent of their parents to participate, completed a survey about factors associated with dental fluorosis. Once the survey was completed, the vestibular surfaces of the upper and lower anterior teeth of the infant were photographed, following standardized distance and light procedures. Three evaluators, trained in the detection of fluorosis using the Thylstrup and Fejerskov index, analyzed the photographs. The Stata 13.0 software was used for the statistical analysis, with a level of significance of 5% and with a confidence interval of 95%. To relate the risk factor of fluorosis, a multinomial logistic model was used. The prevalence of dental fluorosis was of 89.96%, with a greater presence of grade 2 TF. A positive statistical relationship and statistical significance was detected between dental fluorosis and consumption of bottled beverages. Also the amount of toothpaste used and its ingestion during brushing (p = 0.000) were analyzed. The populations evaluated, that are related to the consumption of bottled beverages and involuntary toothpaste ingestion, and have a high prevalence of a mild level of fluorosis

    Nivel de flúor en agua y fluorosis en niños de 6 a 12 años, Quito, Ecuador

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    Objectives: Our aim was to determine the prevalence of fluorosis among the population of children who live in Tumbaco Valley, Quito, Ecuador. We sought to establish its relation to the concentration of fluoride in the water supply of this área. Material and methods: The sample was 62 children who were selected based upon previously defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. All of the children were clinically examined; a photographic record of upper anterior teeth surfaces was performed. Results: The analyzed data showed that only 23,3% of the children surveyed had rates of dental fluorosis, with TF-2 being the most common. Chemical analysis of water from the supply source showed the presence of fluoride in very small amounts which did not exceed 0,32 mg/L. Conclusions: The low presence of fluoride in the examined water sources explains the absence of fluorosis in the assessed population. This is evidence that the strategies set forth by health authorities to decrease the amount of fObjetivos: El objetivo fue establecer la prevalencia de fluorosis en niños que viven en el valle de Tumbaco en Quito, Ecuador buscando establecer su relación con la concentración de flúor en el agua de abastecimiento en el sector. Materiales y métodos: Una muestra constituida por 62 niños que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión definidos previamente, fueron examinados clínicamente su cavidad bucal, realizándose un registro fotográfico de las superficies vestibulares de sus dientes superiores anteriores.Resultados: Los datos analizados permitieron demostrar que apenas el 23,3 % de los niños evaluados presentó índices de fluorosis dental siendo el más constante TF-2. El análisis químico de las aguas de abastecimiento, demostraron valores que no superaron los 0,32 mg/L de flúor. Conclusiones: Los bajos niveles de flúor en las fuentes examinadas explicarían la ausencia de fluorosis en la población evaluada, y evidencian un resultado positivo en las estrategias imple