2 research outputs found

    An谩lisis no lineal de la estructura del Hospital Dar铆o Machuca Palacios del cant贸n La Troncal en Ecuador

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    The hospital "Dar铆o Machuca Palacios" is located in La Troncal (Ca帽ar-Ecuador). In the nonlinear dynamic analysis of this hospital was determined inconsistencies in its design, such as non-compliance with maximum permissible drifts established by the Ecuadorian Construction Standard (NEC, as per its Spanish acronym), demonstrating vulnerability and possible collapse of the hospital. Considering that it is an essential building according to the NEC of seismic danger, it needs to be maintained in correct post-earthquake operation. For this reason the behavior of the structure with seismic isolation systems at their base was simulated, offering results that analyzed in depth could determine that this measure of seismic protection is adequate.Keywords: nonlinear dynamic analysis, essential building, seismic isolation systems

    Effect of substitution of aggregates by thermally treated foundry sand on physical properties of mortars

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    In the present work, the effect produced by the substitution of the aggregate by waste foundry sand (WFS) on physical properties of mortars was studied, the aggregate was replaced by waste foundry sand (WFS), washed waste foundry sand (WFSL) and thermally treated waste foundry sand (WFST) in certain replacement percentages (15%, 20%, 25%). WFS and its clay obtained by washing (montmorillonite) were characterized physically, mineralogically and thermally, the mortars with WFS and WFSL were evaluated through tests of resistance to compression and capillary suction. The application of a heat treatment to WFS was evaluated by the performance of mortars with thermally treated WFS (WFST) evaluated by means of tests of resistance to compression and capillary suction. The pozzolanic activity and the consumption of calcium hydroxide were also evaluated, in cement pastes containing clay recovered from the WFS wash (Raw Clay) and pastes that also contains clay recovered from the WFS wash, but this clay was applied the heat treatment (Treated Clay) through the thermogravimetric and Frattini test. It was found that the performance of mortars containing WFS and WFSL was satisfactory because WFS and WFSL performed filling spaces and voids, which in turn caused a decrease in the porosity of the mortars causing an improvement in compressive strength. While for the mortars containing WFST the heat treatment had an effect and active on the clay, but this was opaque since the treatment also caused a change in the size of pores, increasing the volume of larger pores in the clay, so which this effect caused the fall in the values of physical properties (compressive strength, capillary suction) in mortars containing WFST.En la presente investigaci贸n se estudi贸 el efecto que produce la sustituci贸n del agregado por arena de fundici贸n desechada (WFS) sobre propiedades f铆sicas de morteros, se sustituy贸 el agregado por arena de fundici贸n desechada (WFS) en su estado natural, arena de fundici贸n lavada (WFSL) y arena de fundici贸n tratada t茅rmicamente (WFST) en porcentajes de sustituci贸n (15, 20 y 25). Se caracteriz贸 f铆sica, qu铆mica, mineral贸gicamente la WFS y su arcilla obtenida del lavado (Montmorillonita), se evaluaron morteros con WFS, WFSL y WFST mediante ensayos de resistencia a la compresi贸n y succi贸n capilar. Se evalu贸 la aplicaci贸n de un tratamiento t茅rmico a WFS mediante el desempe帽o de morteros con WFS tratada t茅rmicamente (WFST) evaluados por medio de ensayos de resistencia a la compresi贸n y succi贸n capilar. Se evalu贸 la actividad puzol谩nica con base en el consumo de hidr贸xido de calcio mediante el ensayo termogravimetrico y Frattini, en pastas de cemento que contenian arcilla recuperada del lavado de WFS (Arcilla Cruda) y pastas que tambi茅n contiene arcilla recuperada del lavado de WFS, pero a esta arcilla se le aplic贸 el tratamiento t茅rmico (Arcilla Tratada). Se encontr贸 que el desempe帽o f铆sico de morteros que contiene WFS y WFSL fue satisfactorio debido a que WFS y WFSL act煤a rellenando espacios vac铆os esto a su vez provoca una disminuci贸n en la porosidad de los morteros ocasionando una mejor铆a en la resistencia a la compresi贸n. Mientras que para los morteros que contienen WFST tiene una gran demanda de agua lo cual ocasiona un aumento de la ITZ a m谩s de esto, el tratamiento t茅rmico tuvo efecto y activ贸 a la arcilla, pero esto se vio opacado ya que el tratamiento tambi茅n provoc贸 un cambio en el tama帽o de poros, incrementando el volumen de poros mayores en la arcilla, por lo cual estos efectos de gran demanda de agua y aumento de volumen de poros, ocasionaron la ca铆da de los valores de propiedades f铆sicas (resistencia a la compresi贸n, succi贸n capilar) en los morteros que conten铆an WFST.Maestr铆