18 research outputs found

    Nebulisation of synthetic lamellar lipids mitigates radiation-induced lung injury in a large animal model

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    Item originally deposited in University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Research Explorer Repository at: https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/nebulisation-of-synthetic-lamellar-lipids-mitigates-radiationinduced-lung-injury-in-a-large-animal-model(ab917c99-7e7f-4fa1-8d1e-40511ca9abd3).htmlMethods to protect against radiation-induced lung injury (RILI) will facilitate the development of more effective radio-therapeutic protocols for lung cancer and may provide the means to protect the wider population in the event of a deliberate or accidental nuclear or radiological event. We hypothesised that supplementing lipid membranes through nebulization of synthetic lamellar lipids would mitigate RILI. Following pre-treatment with either nebulised lamellar lipids or saline, anaesthetised sheep were prescribed fractionated radiotherapy (30 Gray (Gy) total dose in five 6 Gy fractions at 3–4 days intervals) to a defined unilateral lung volume. Gross pathology in radio-exposed lung 37 days after the first radiation treatment was consistent between treatment groups and consisted of deep red congestion evident on the pleural surface and firmness on palpation. Consistent histopathological features in radio-exposed lung were subpleural, periarteriolar and peribronchial intra-alveolar oedema, alveolar fibrosis, interstitial pneumonia and type II pneumocyte hyperplasia. The synthetic lamellar lipids abrogated radiation-induced alveolar fibrosis and reduced alpha-smooth muscle actin (ASMA) expression in radio-exposed lung compared to saline treated sheep. Administration of synthetic lamellar lipids was also associated with an increased number of cells expressing dendritic cell-lysosomal associated membrane protein throughout the lung.This work was supported by Grant MRC/CIC3/025 awarded to D.C., J.L., J.M., G.M. & J.P. The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of Dryden Animal Services in the conduct of this work, and the assistance of Dr Helen Brown in relation to experimental design and statistical analysis. The authors are grateful to Lamellar Biomedical Ltd., Strathclyde Business Park, Bellshill, Scotland, United Kingdom, for the supply of LAMELLASOME™ used in this research.8pubpubArticle no: 1331

    Chlamydia Screening and Management Practices of Primary Care Physicians and Nurse Practitioners in California

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    BACKGROUND: Because sexually transmitted chlamydial infections are common among young women, it is critical that providers screen and manage these infections appropriately. OBJECTIVE: To assess the Chlamydia care practices of California primary care physicians and nurse practitioners. DESIGN: Cross-sectional, self-report mail survey. PARTICIPANTS: A stratified random sample of primary care physicians and a convenience sample of primary care nurse practitioners in California. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Survey content included 5 topic areas: sexual history taking, management of cervicitis, management of a nonpregnant Chlamydia-infected patient, availability of onsite STD services, and Chlamydia screening practices and attitudes. Main outcome measure was the reported frequency of Chlamydia screening of sexually active women age 25 and younger. Respondents included 708 physicians (49% response rate) and 895 nurse practitioners (63% response rate). Nearly half of physicians (47%, 95% confidence interval [CI], 42% to 51%) and a majority of nurse practitioners (79%, 95% CI, 77% to 82%) reported routine Chlamydia screening of women under age 20; similar proportions reported routinely screening women aged 20 to 25 years. Independent predictors of screening among physicians were adolescent medicine specialty, female gender, practicing in a nonprivate setting, and having a higher volume of female patients. Additional findings included the overscreening of women over age 25 by nurse practitioners and the shared concern among providers that Chlamydia screening may not be reimbursed. CONCLUSIONS: The Chlamydia care practices of many California primary care providers are inconsistent with current guidelines. Targeted provider education and improved reimbursements are potential strategies for improvement