1,587 research outputs found

    The controversy on posthumanism

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    El debate sobre el posthumanismo representa una de las cuestiones más importantes del día. También forma parte de otra controversia: la de la posmodernidad, o lo que entendemos por ella, si suponemos que esta nomenclatura no es un reflejo fiel del momento presente. Ya se ha dicho que la ausencia de una verdadera cultura posmoderna declara y advierte de la situación actual como una crisis de la modernidad. Y como tal, ha significado la generación de múltiples perspectivas y versiones de esa modernidad, que representan el único contexto posible y no algo posterior (inexistente). En este ámbito de la crisis de la modernidad, está también la crisis del sujeto. En esta diatriba se cuestiona la idea del sujeto, del ser humano, del humanismo. Estos conceptos son ahora terminológicamente débiles. Considerar que los modelos de pensamiento heredados del Renacimiento sobre el hombre ya no pueden servir para seguir el hilo del humanismo es algo tremendo: la invalidación de los modelos culturales establecidos, de sus creencias y axiomas. Pero este es, en efecto, el caso. Hay una grieta, sin duda, en la idea del hombre.The debate on post-humanism represents one of the most important issues of the day. It is also part of another controversy: that of post-modernity, or what we understand by it, if we assume that this nomenclature is not a faithful reflection of the present moment. It has already been said that the absence of a true post-modern culture declares and warns of the current situation as a crisis of modernity. And as such, it has meant the generation of multiple perspectives and versions of that modernity, which represent the only possible context and not something later (non-existent). In this sphere of the crisis of modernity, there is also the crisis of the subject. In this diatribe the idea of the subject, of the human being, of humanism, is questioned. These concepts are now terminologically weak. To consider that the models of thought inherited from the Renaissance about man can no longer serve to follow the thread of humanism is something tremendous: the invalidation of established cultural models, of their beliefs and axioms. But this is indeed the case. There is a crack, no doubt, in the idea of man

    Desarrollo de materiales superabsorbentes a partir de plasma porcino. Influencia de la formulación

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    Porcine blood is a by-product of the meat industry, and it could be considered as a potential raw material in the formulation of biodegradable materials with great water absorption capacity, due to its rich composition in hydrophilic aminoacids. With the aim to evaluate this potential, Porcine Plasma protein (PP) has been mixed with glycerine (GL) as plasticizer, obtaining through injection moulding bioplastic samples eventually assessed. In order to maximize its water uptake capacity, the concentration effect on PP in blend was evaluated (50, 55 and 60 %). All materials obtained, independently of the PP quantity, showed superabsorbent properties, when they were moulded at 60 ºC, using an injection and holding pressure of 500 bar for 150 s. These materials were able to hold around 2000 % its own weight, exceeding the threshold generally established for the absorbent capacity (i.e. 1000 %) of superabsorbent materials. The absence of acrylic ingredients together with the revalorization of an organic by-product would promote the production of this kind of materials as an economic and biodegradable alternative to those superabsorbent products traditionally used.La fracción plasmática de la sangre porcina obtenida como subproducto en la industria cárnica puede ser considerada una potencial materia prima en la formulación de materiales biodegradables con elevada capacidad absorbente, ya que en su composición presenta una gran cantidad de aminoácidos hidrofílicos. Con objeto de evaluar dicho potencial, se ha mezclado convenientemente un concentrado de proteína de plasma porcino (PP, Apropork) con glicerina (GL) como plastificante, obteniéndose posteriormente mediante inyección diferentes materiales bioplásticos. Para maximizar su capacidad absorbente, se ha estudiado el efecto de la concentración de PP en la mezcla (50, 55 y 60 %). Todos los materiales procesados a partir de las mezclas PP/GL en este estudio presentaron capacidades superabsorbentes, con capacidades de absorción de agua superiores a 1.000 %. Así, valores alrededor de 2.000 %, se alcanzaron en las muestras, independientemente del contenido en PP, cuando fueron moldeadas a una temperatura de 60 ºC, con un tiempo de inyección de 150 s y utilizando una presión de 500 bar. La ausencia de derivados acrílicos en su formulación, así como la revalorización que resultaría del subproducto orgánico seleccionado, favorecería el desarrollo de este tipo de materiales como una alternativa económica y biodegradable a los productos superabsorbentes tradicionalmente utilizados.La fracció plasmàtica de la sang porcina obtinguda com a subproducte en la indústria càrnia pot ser considerada una potencial matèria primera en la formulació de materials biodegradables amb elevada capacitat absorbent, ja que en la seva composició presenta una gran quantitat d'aminoàcids hidrofílics. A fi d'avaluar aquest potencial, s'ha barrejat conve 104 | AFINIDAD LXXVI, 586 nientment un concentrat de proteïna de plasma porcí (PP, Apropork) amb glicerina (GL) com a plastificant, obtenint-posteriorment mitjançant injecció diferents materials bioplàstics. Per maximitzar la seva capacitat absorbent, s'ha estudiat l'efecte de la concentració de PP a la barreja (50, 55 i 60%). Tots els materials processats a partir de les mescles PP / GL en aquest estudi van presentar capacitats superabsorbents, amb capacitats d'absorció d'aigua superiors a 1.000%. Així, valors al voltant de 2.000%, es va aconseguir en les mostres, independentment del contingut en PP, quan van ser modelades a una temperatura de 60 ºC, amb un temps d'injecció de 150 s i utilitzant una pressió de 500 bar. L'absència de derivats acrílics en la formulació, així com la revaloració que resultaria del subproducte orgànic seleccionat, afavoriria el desenvolupament d'aquest tipus de materials com una alternativa econòmica i biodegradable als productes superabsorbents tradicionalment utilitzats.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) / FEDER Ref. CTQ201571164-

    Strengthening of Porcine Plasma Protein Superabsorbent Materials through a Solubilization-Freeze-Drying Process

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    The replacement of common acrylic derivatives by biodegradable materials in the formu lation of superabsorbent materials would lessen the associated environmental impact. Moreover, the use of by-products or biowastes from the food industry that are usually discarded would promote a desired circular economy. The present study deals with the development of superabsorbent materi als based on a by-product from the meat industry, namely plasma protein, focusing on the effects of a freeze-drying stage before blending with glycerol and eventual injection molding. More specifically, this freeze-drying stage is carried out either directly on the protein flour or after its solubilization in deionized water (10% w/w). Superabsorbent materials obtained after this solubilization-freeze drying process display higher Young’s modulus and tensile strength values, without affecting their water uptake capacity. As greater water uptake is commonly related to poorer mechanical properties, the proposed solubilization-freeze-drying process is a useful strategy for producing strengthened hydrophilic materials.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Agencia Estatal de Investigación (MICINN) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) RTI2018-097100-B-C21Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Ministerio de Universidades PRE2019-08981

    Prospective secondary school teachers’ didactic-mathematical knowledge on statistical inference

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    Statistical inference is a currently taught topic in Spanish high school classes and is assessed in the university entrance exams, but the specific didactic preparation is not enough for the teachers in charge of the topic. The aim of the study was to evaluate the common mathematical knowledge of this content and the epistemic and cognitive facets of didactic knowledge in a sample of prospective Spanish teachers. To achieve this purpose, they were asked to solve a task taken from the university entrance exams for high school students and to identify the mathematical objects required in its solution and the possible errors encountered by the students in this process. The results show a good mathematical knowledge of the prospective teachers and an initial knowledge in the epistemic and cognitive facets. However, their identification of mathematical objects and errors is scarce and practically restricted to the procedural aspect. We conclude that there is a need to reinforce the preparation of prospective teachers in the didactics of inferenc

    Être soi-même. Repenser l’autonomie et la responsabilité en tant que coordonnées de l’éducation actuelle

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    Uno de los objetivos clave de la educación del siglo xxi es la formación en la autonomía y la responsabilidad. La primera, como garantía de la configuración de la identidad de cada individuo que conlleva, a su vez, un compromiso ante uno mismo, ante los otros y lo otro. La segunda, como respuesta a nuestra capacidad de comprometernos. Para ello será necesario sumergirnos, en primer lugar, en los conceptos de individualidad y libertad, ejes del despertar del sujeto y del desarrollo de su identidad. En segundo lugar, plantear los derechos y deberes de toda persona en cualquier escenario de interacción, puntos de referencia permanentes, para abordar, en tercer lugar, la responsabilidad, clave para la construcción de la identidad moral de cada individuo. En definitiva, formar a cada uno para que sea capaz de vivir conforme a su propia identidad, comprometido con un proyecto vital común con los otros y lo otro, en un mundo donde múltiples miradas son posibles.One of the main goals of education in the 21st Century is developing students’ autonomy and responsibility. The first is to guarantee the shaping of each individual’s identity, which at the same time entails a pledge to one’s self, to others and to the surrounding reality. The second is in response to our ability to make commitments. To this end we must first immerse ourselves in the concepts of individuality and freedom, which are at the heart of the subject’s awakening and the development of his or her identity. Second, we must outline to all people their rights and duties which will act as permanent reference points that are valid for any situation of interaction. This will finally allow us to address the idea of responsibility, a key factor in forming the moral identity of each individual. In short, the idea is to shape people so that they can live in accordance with their own identity and make a commitment to a common future with other people and other issues and realities, in a world where multiple viewpoints are possible.L’un des objectifs clés de l’éducation du xxie siècle est la formation dans l’autonomie et la responsabilité. La première, comme une garantie de la configuration de l’identité de chaque individu qui entraîne à son tour, un engagement face à soi-même. La seconde comme une réponse à notre capacité de nous engager. Pour cela, il est nécessaire, en premier lieu, de nous immerger dans les concepts de l’individualité et de la liberté, axes du réveil du sujet et du développement de son identité. En deuxième lieu, établir les droits et devoirs de toute personne dans n’importe quel scénario d’interaction, points de référence permanents, pour aborder, en troisième lieu, la responsabilité, clé pour la construction de l’identité morale de chaque individu. En définitive, former chacun pour qu’il soit capable de vivre conformément à sa propre identité, engagé dans un projet vital commun avec les autres et l’autre dans un monde où plusieurs regards sont possibles

    Evolution des indicateurs technico-économiques des exploitations caprines laitières pastorales de l’Andalousie (2006-2008)

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    The aim of this work is to analyse the evolution of 10 technical-economic indicators during the period 2006-2008 in 6 pastoral farms of Andalusia (Spain) in order to observe the most determinant factors for the viability of systems. For the technical-economic analysis, an adaptation of the FAO/CIHEAM indicators list has been used. Values of indicators for each year and also for the whole of the period have been obtained. By consequence of increases of quantity and price of feed, economic margins of farms decreased from 2006 to 2008. Although the milk prices also increased, the proportion of the increase was less than in the feed price. While in 2008 the family net margin and, overall, the business net margin per litre of milk sold, were very low, the family net margin per unit of family labour was fairly acceptable. The meaning of this situation is that, at present, farms can survive because a part of the pay of family workers is used to purchase feed. Several regression analyses have been made. Only in two cases is there a significant level: the business net margin per litre of milk sold in comparison to the milk sold per goat and the family net margin per unit of family labour in comparison to the total labour.L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser l’évolution de 10 indicateurs technico-économiques pendant la période 2006-2008 dans 6 exploitations pastorales de l’Andalousie (Espagne) afin d’observer les facteurs qui déterminent la viabilité des systèmes. Pour réaliser l’analyse technico-économique, on a utilisé des indicateurs adaptés de la liste de FAO/CIHEAM. On a obtenu les valeurs des indicateurs pour chaque année et aussi pour l’ensemble de la période. Les marges économiques des exploitations ont descendu entre 2006 et 2008 à cause de l’augmentation des quantités et des prix des aliments consommés par les chèvres. Bien que le prix du lait ait aussi augmenté, la proportion de cette augmentation a été inférieure à celle du prix des aliments. Tandis qu’en 2008, la marge nette familiale et, surtout, la marge nette de l’entreprise par litre de lait vendu ont été très basses, la marge nette familiale par UTH a été plus ou moins acceptable. Cette situation implique que, actuellement, les exploitations peuvent survivre parce qu’une partie du salaire qui devrait être assigné aux travailleurs familiaux est destinée à l’achat d’aliments pour les chèvres. Plusieurs analyses de régression ont été réalisées. Uniquement dans deux cas, on a trouvé un niveau de signification : la marge nette de l’entreprise par litre de lait vendu selon le lait vendu par chèvre et la marge nette familiale par UTH selon la main-d’œuvre totale

    Predictive maintenance using machine learning techniques

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    El objeto de la presente investigación es innovar en el diseño de producto para el sector del transporte introduciendo en las etapas tempranas de diseño y desarrollo del producto un enfoque neurocientifico. Para ello se desarrollará una metodología compacta que integre en el proceso de diseño la capacidad de motivar emocionalmente al usuario y crear un vínculo afectivo en la experiencia de uso entre el objeto de diseño y el usuario. En la propuesta metodológica se considerará la dimensión enactiva del usuario, es decir, se analizará como poder modelar y filtrar la percepción cognitiva y las respuestas procesadas del usuario según su realidad subjetiva en la que se integran las vivencias propias, costumbres y experiencias (affordances). Para ello se hace necesario integrar en la metodología de diseño la neurousabilidad enactiva. Con el objetivo de conseguir adaptar emocionalmente los requerimientos subjetivos del usuario y profundizar en el vínculo afectivo entre usuario-producto El resultado esperado será poder diseñar y desarrollar un vínculo emotivo afectivo entre el objeto de diseño, el vehículo, para crear experiencias de uso placenteras y satisfactorias que transcenderían más allá de la función de transporteIndustrial maintenance is a field of engineering with a high impact on costs and manufacturing times for industrial products. This work is part of the work areas of diagnosis and maintenance of industrial processes and explores techniques of detection of incipient anomalies based on automatic learning. The predictive maintenance aims to predict failures in the machinery, so that repairs can be scheduled without interrupting the production process. It consists of an analysis of the operation of the equipment to detect warning signs that indicate that one of its parts is not working in the correct way. The cost of predictive maintenance is less than that of the corrective, due to the expenses generated by the repair of equipment and downtime due to production stoppage. Information technologies are giving rise to a new revolution that is called industry 4.0. One of the fields of application is in the improvement of maintenance. By using process and product data, machine learning techniques could be applied to determine when failures can occur. In this paper, supervised and unsupervised learning techniques (parametric and nonparametric) will be explored and their usefulness for their application in predictive maintenance will be discussed

    Processing and characterization of bioplastics from the invasive seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae

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    The seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae, from the Pacific Ocean, is considered an invasive species in the Mediterranean Sea. In this work, the use of this seaweed is proposed for the development of bio-based plastic materials (bioplastics) as a possible solution to the pollution produced by the plastic industry. The raw seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae was firstly blended with glycerol (ratios: 50/50, 60/40 and 70/30), and subsequently, they were processed by injection molding at a mold temperature of 90, 120 and 150 °C. The rheological properties (frequency sweep tests and temperature ramp tests) were obtained for blends before and after processing by injection molding. The functional properties of the bioplastics were determined by the water uptake capacity (WUC) values and further scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results obtained indicated that E’ was always greater than E”, which implies a predominantly elastic behavior. The 70/30 ratio presents higher values for both the viscoelastic moduli and tensile properties than the rest of the systems (186.53 ± 22.80 MPa and 2.61 ± 0.51 MPa, respectively). The WUC decreased with the increase in seaweed in the mixture, ranging from 262% for the 50/50 ratio to 181% for the 70/30 ratio. When carrying out the study on molded bioplastic 70/30 at different temperatures, the seaweed content did not exert a remarkable influence on the final properties of the bioplastics obtained. Thus, this invasive species could be used as raw material for the manufacture of environmentally friendly materials processed by injection molding, with several applications such as food packaging, control–release, etc.FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Agencia Estatal de Investigación project RTI2018-097100-B-C21FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Agencia Estatal de Investigación Grant PRE2019-08981

    Proteins from Agri-Food Industrial Biowastes or Co-Products and Their Applications as Green Materials

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    A great amount of biowastes, comprising byproducts and biomass wastes, is originated yearly from the agri-food industry. These biowastes are commonly rich in proteins and polysaccharides and are mainly discarded or used for animal feeding. As regulations aim to shift from a fossil-based to a bio-based circular economy model, biowastes are also being employed for producing bio-based materials. This may involve their use in high-value applications and therefore a remarkable revalorization of those resources. The present review summarizes the main sources of protein from biowastes and co-products of the agri-food industry (i.e., wheat gluten, potato, zein, soy, rapeseed, sunflower, protein, casein, whey, blood, gelatin, collagen, keratin, and algae protein concentrates), assessing the bioplastic application (i.e., food packaging and coating, controlled release of active agents, absorbent and superabsorbent materials, agriculture, and scaffolds) for which they have been more extensively produced. The most common wet and dry processes to produce protein-based materials are also described (i.e., compression molding, injection molding, extrusion, 3D-printing, casting, and electrospinning), as well as the main characterization techniques (i.e., mechanical and rheological properties, tensile strength tests, rheological tests, thermal characterization, and optical properties). In this sense, the strategy of producing materials from biowastes to be used in agricultural applications, which converge with the zero-waste approach, seems to be remarkably attractive from a sustainability prospect (including environmental, economic, and social angles). This approach allows envisioning a reduction of some of the impacts along the product life cycle, contributing to tackling the transition toward a circular economy.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación –Agencia Estatal de Investigación (MICINN) and FEDER program RTI2018-097100-B-C21Spanish Ministerio de Universidades PRE2019-089815Universidad de Sevilla (Spain) VPPI U