855 research outputs found

    Pedagogical implications of the constructivist and behaviourist theories in the school environment. The school motivation and the teaching practice

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    Mucho se ha escrito sobre el proceso de motivación en el ámbito escolar y el desarrollo de la práctica docente. En este ámbito dos de las principales corrientes teóricas son el behaviorismo y el constructivismo. A continuación, se compararán y contrastarán ambas teorías, centrándonos en sus implicaciones pedagógicas en el ámbito escolar. Para ello, primero se describirán cada una de ellas, luego se explorarán las principales diferencias y similitudes entre ellas y su implicación en la educación y finalmente se hará una conclusión de los principales hallazgos.Much has been written about the process of motivation in the school environment and the development of teaching practice. In this area, two of the main theoretical perspectives are behaviourism and constructivism. Next, the two theories will be compared and contrasted, focusing on their pedagogical implications in the school setting. For this, first each of them will be described, then the main differences and similarities between them and their involvement in education will be explored and finally a conclusion of the main findings will be made

    James Bulger, a case of juvenile criminality key for the change of the legislative system of the United Kingdom. A case study

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    Throughout history, the vision on youth and the youth model has evolved. One of the elements that has influenced this change, is the one that supposes the media influence that exists in society. The isolated cases of juvenile delinquency have monopolized the discourse of the media, which have fostered the appearance of moral panic in those contexts in which these infractions have appeared.The study of the James Bulger case, which occurs in the U.k, and involved a profound change in the country's legislation, is a key environment for approaching juvenile crime and the different dynamics that take place around it.A lo largo de la historia, la visión sobre la juventud ha evolucionado. Uno de los elementos que ha influido en este cambio, es la influencia mediática que existe en la sociedad. Los casos aislados de delincuencia juvenil han monopolizado el discurso de los medios, lo que ha fomentado la aparición del pánico moral en aquellos contextos en los que han aparecido estas infracciones. El estudio del caso James Bulger, ocurrido en Reino Unido, provocó un cambio en la legislación del país. Convirtiéndose en el entorno clave para abordar la delincuencia juvenil y las diferentes dinámicas que tienen lugar

    Exploring the Relationship between Early Leaving of Education and Training and Mental Health among Youth in Spain

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    This study aimed to explore the relationship between Early Leaving Education and Training and mental health perceived by young Spanish school leavers, as well as develop mid-range theories to better understand this relationship. The study uses a grounded theory approach; specifically, Charmaz’s constructivist approach and its informed version have guided the study. Through qualitative interviews with individuals who had left school prematurely, the results of this study showed a bidirectional relationship between ELET and mental health, where the detriment in the mental health of young people who leave school early should be understood as both a cause and an effect of the process of ELET. In addition, the findings suggest that certain socio-economic and educational factors, such as bullying, academic stress, self-responsibilization of failure, and labels such as “NEET” can contribute to a decrease in mental health. Overall, this study has provided new insights into the ELET-mental health relationship, contributing to the development of mid-range theories that can inform future research and interventions to minimize these problems

    The European Educational Policy and Early School Leaving: A Conceptual Analysis from the Perspective of the Leaving Subject

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    This research is associated with the project funded by EDU2014-52702-R Project (Ministry of economy and competitivity of Spain) and the Author Doctoral Thesis. But funding has being fully assumed by the authors. The APC was funded by National University of Distance Education IOAP program, and partially paid by author.This article presents a conceptual analysis of the European educational policy concerning the phenomenon of early school leaving (ESL). It addresses the literature on ESL, emphasizing the importance of studying policies from the perspective of the constructions made of the leaving subject. The concept of lifelong learning is examined, along with its relevance in shaping the subject who leaves within European policies. Additionally, the presence of “double gestures” in educational policies is explored, where, while promoting inclusion, they simultaneously produce exclusion of certain individuals. The influence of the neoliberal approach on the conception of ESL is discussed, and the need to consider alternative approaches to avoid homogenizing the group of young individuals who leave school prematurely is proposed.Ministry of economy and competitivity of Spain EDU2014-52702-RNational University of Distance Education IOA

    Advancing Gender Equality in Schools through Inclusive Physical Education and Teaching Training: A Systematic Review

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    The importance of achieving an inclusive education to ensure parity and equality between genders is a worldwide challenge. Consequently, it is essential to rethink the various places and spaces within the school environment where gender inequalities are produced. Physical education is one of these spaces which has been identified as a problematic area in the literature. In order to address this issue and respond to the needs identified in the research, this systematic review presents action initiatives aimed at applying certain teaching strategies highlighted in the study. The PRISMA method was used to review 274 studies which explore this topic at various levels of education, emphasizing the need for coeducational teaching of physical education and the necessity of proposing motivational tasks for both sexes. In particular, results show that some studies have focused on the need for physical education teachers to be aware of potential gender-biased structures when developing curricula, approaches and materials. Other research has highlighted that in order for physical education classes to be inclusive, equitable opportunities must be provided for all students to participate. In addition, strategies should be implemented which promote positive attitudes towards physical activity by addressing any underlying gender stereotypes and by breaking down traditional boundaries that exist between genders. In conclusion, this systematic review has identified a number of teaching strategies which could help teachers create an equitable learning environment within physical education classes. This could subsequently lead to greater success in achieving an inclusive education which promotes parity and equality between genders

    Could Gamification Be a Protective Factor Regarding Early School Leaving? A Life Story

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    The European Union has recognized the close relationship between mental health, wellbeing, and education, encouraging studies and whole school interventions that work in the interrelationship between mental health and school, especially in aspects related to Early School Leaving (ESL). Literature shows that there are research gaps in this regard, but there are some inklings to think that innovative teaching methods can improve both adolescent´s mental health and reduce the rates of ESL. The main objective of this article was to find out how the use of game-based teaching techniques affects the well-being of students at risk of ESL. The life story of one young student that has left school early has been studied, focusing on the impact that gamification had in his scholar trajectory and well-being. Data analysis was carried using the constructivist version of the grounded theory. Results showed a certain degree of interrelation between all three aspects. Pointing that a period of gamification can have a positive effect in school engagement as a result of better levels of wellbeing, but also, that if this methodology is not maintained or accompanied it can cause a rebound effect acting as a risk factor to ESL

    Exploring the Relationship between Early Leaving of Education and Training and Mental Health among Youth in Spain

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    This study aimed to explore the relationship between Early Leaving Education and Training and mental health perceived by young Spanish school leavers, as well as develop mid-range theories to better understand this relationship. The study uses a grounded theory approach; specifically, Charmaz’s constructivist approach and its informed version have guided the study. Through qualitative interviews with individuals who had left school prematurely, the results of this study showed a bidirectional relationship between ELET and mental health, where the detriment in the mental health of young people who leave school early should be understood as both a cause and an effect of the process of ELET. In addition, the findings suggest that certain socio-economic and educational factors, such as bullying, academic stress, self-responsibilization of failure, and labels such as “NEET” can contribute to a decrease in mental health. Overall, this study has provided new insights into the ELET-mental health relationship, contributing to the development of mid-range theories that can inform future research and interventions to minimize these problems.H2020YOUNG_ADULL

    Illuminating the path: a methodological exploration of grounded theory in doctoral theses

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    Purpose This article explores challenges faced by doctoral candidates using grounded theory (GT) in their theses, focusing on coding, theory development and time constraints. It also examines the impact of doctoral committees on GT dissertations, addressing epistemological clashes and the desire for familiarity over novelty. Design/methodology/approach Drawing from a multilevel autoethnography and related literature, this study offers pragmatic solutions and strategies for a seamless research journey. Findings Coding, theory development and time constraints pose universal challenges, requiring mentorship for effective navigation. Addressing committee dynamics is crucial for developing novel theoretical frameworks. Originality/value The article empowers researchers to overcome GT challenges, delving into various positions within the GT paradigm, fostering transparency and facilitating original contributions to their fields.This research is associated with the project YOUNG_ADULLLT, funded by the European Union, Grant Agreement Number 693167

    Políticas de atención a la primera infancia: un estudio comparado España-Reino Unido

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    La educación infantil en España y Reino Unido ha evolucionado notablemente durante las últimas décadas, asistiendo al cambio más profundo en comparación con el resto de etapas educativas. Este cambio que, sobre todo se ha dado como consecuencia de la evolución de las realidades sociales y familiares, ha sido tan profundo que ha provocado una transformación en el carácter de esta etapa, que si bien en un principio era únicamente asistencial en la actualidad tiene un enfoque mucho más educativo. Las consecuencias de este cambio han sido traducidas en un espectacular aumento de la escolarización para las edades comprendidas entre el nacimiento y la escolarización obligatoria, especialmente para la etapa comprendida entre los tres años y el momento de entrada al sistema obligatorio que alcanza unas tasas de escolarización cercanas al cien por cien, en una mayor profesionalización del profesorado a cargo de estas etapas y en el desarrollo de contenidos y objetivos para ambos países. Además de esto cabe resaltar también que, como consecuencia del proceso de europeización que se ha llevado en ambos países, se pueden observar unas líneas de desarrollo comunes que van hacia unas mejoras de la etapa aún más notables en las que debido a las características propias de cada uno de los países se pueden encontrar ciertas diferencias.Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Grado en Educación Infanti

    A reflection on child poverty and its effects inside and outside the school environment. Critical review of the documentary "Poor Kids"

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    Reino Unido tiene que hacer frente en la actualidad a una alta tasa de pobreza infantil. Ésto se ha convertido en un problema público, que ha llamado la atención dentro y fuera del panorama político. A continuación se presenta una reflexión crítica en torno a la pobreza infantil y sus efectos para la salud infantil y el contexto escolar, basada en el documental de la BBC "Niños pobres" o "Poor Kids", que pretende dar voz a un grupo de niños afectados por esta situación.The United Kingdom currently faces a high rate of child poverty. This has become a public problem, which has drawn attention within and even outside the political landscape. Following is a critical reflection on child poverty and its effects on child health and the school context, based on the BBC documentary "Poor Kids" or "Poor Kids", which aims to give voice to a group of children affected by this situation