1 research outputs found

    Impact of the resignification of the research pedagogical practice and the curriculum of pedagogy degree of higher education institutions in Barranquilla-Colombia

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo indagar sobre c贸mo el graduado universitario de pedagog铆a asume desde el ejercicio de su rol profesional la resignificaci贸n de la pr谩ctica pedag贸gica investigativa. Se eval煤a el impacto de los graduados del programa de Especializaci贸n en Estudios Pedag贸gicos de la Universidad de la Costa (Colombia) durante el periodo 2014-2017, frente a la resignificaci贸n de la pr谩ctica pedag贸gica investigativa. El estudio se fundament贸 los preceptos y lineamentos planteados por el Consejo Nacional de Acreditaci贸n y el proyecto Tuning. Se trabaj贸 bajo un enfoque cuantitativo con una poblaci贸n de 247 egresados, utilizando la t茅cnica de la observaci贸n y el cuestionario de auto reporte como instrumento para la recolecci贸n de informaci贸n. El estudio muestra que el trabajo curricular desarrollado en el programa impacta positivamente el desempe帽o de los egresados en el mercado laboral. Se evidencia as铆 la pertinencia del programa en su formaci贸n profesional y desempe帽o laboral al ajustarse los planes curriculares acorde a las necesidades nacionales e internacionales.This work has the objective of investigating how the pedagogy university graduate assume, from the exercise of his professional role, the resignification of the pedagogical research practice. The impact of graduates of the Specialization Program in Pedagogical Studies of the University of the Coast during the 2014-2017 period, on the resignification of the research pedagogical practice is evaluated. The study was based on the precepts and guidelines proposed by the National Accreditation Council and the Tuning project. A quantitative approach with a population of 247 graduates was considered, using the observation technique and the self-report questionnaire as the instrument for gathering information. The study shows that the curricular work developed in the program positively impacts the performance of graduates in the labor market. This demonstrates the relevance of the program in their professional training and work performance by adjusting the curricular plans according to national and international needs