245 research outputs found

    Effect of pH and nanoclay content on the morphology and physicochemicalproperties of soy protein/montmorillonite nanocomposite obtained byextrusion

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    The present work attempts to clarify the influence of montmorillonite nanoclay content and pH on the me-chanical properties of extruded soy protein nanocomposites. The mechanical behaviour is dominated by theformation of positive synergies between protein and nanoclay above a nanoclay concentration threshold.Moreover, the presence of nanoclay can improve water uptake. The pH also exerts a strong influence on me-chanical and water absorption properties, although montmorillonite tend to reduce this effect.Eventually, this study put forward the feasibility of using a combination of soy protein and montmorillonite toobtain potentially attractive biodegradable nanocomposite materials, processed by means of a simple and easilyscalable twin-screw extruder.Junta de Andalucía (project TEP-6134)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CTQ2015-71164-P

    On the Analysis and Detection of Flames Withan Asynchronous Spiking Image Sensor

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    We have investigated the capabilities of a customasynchronous spiking image sensor operating in the NearInfrared band to study flame radiation emissions, monitortheir transient activity, and detect their presence. Asynchronoussensors have inherent capabilities, i.e., good temporal resolution,high dynamic range, and low data redundancy. This makesthem competitive against infrared (IR) cameras and CMOSframe-based NIR imagers. In this paper, we analyze, discuss,and compare the experimental data measured with our sensoragainst results obtained with conventional devices. A set ofmeasurements have been taken to study the flame emissionlevels and their transient variations. Moreover, a flame detectionalgorithm, adapted to our sensor asynchronous outputs, has beendeveloped. Results show that asynchronous spiking sensors havean excellent potential for flame analysis and monitoring.Universidad de Cádiz PR2016-07Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2015-66878-C3-1-RJunta de Andalucía TIC 2012-2338Office of Naval Research (USA) N00014141035

    Skills in end-of-degree project: Development and assessment

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    Desde la entrada de los nuevos títulos de Grado, se requiere la realización de Trabajos Fin de Grado (TFG) cuyo foco, según la especialización, puede tener un carácter teórico o práctico. En la experiencia presentada, los requisitos de la titulación exigen un trabajo eminentemente práctico por lo que los alumnos se encuentran una oportunidad inmejorable, no sólo de desarrollar las competencias propias de esta asignatura sino que también de poner en prácticas distintas competencias adquiridas a lo largo de su titulación. Este trabajo desarrolla una nueva metodología de trabajo, basada en la autonomía del estudiante y que, mediante un sistema de retroalimentación, permite la mejora continua.Since the entry into force of new degrees, end-of-degree projects, whose goal could be theoretical or practical, is required to obtain a degree qualification. In this work, degree rules compel to carry out a highly practical proposal. Furthermore, pupils have a great opportunity not only for developing degree skills but also for implementing different acquired skills for their degree studies. This study develops a new work methodology, based on student autonomy, in which the continuing improvement is achieved through a feed-back system

    Sun Sensor Based on a Luminance Spiking Pixel Array

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    We present a novel sun sensor concept. It is the very first sun sensor built with an address event representation spiking pixel matrix. Its pixels spike with a frequency proportional to illumination. It offers remarkable advantages over conventional digital sun sensors based on active pixel sensor (APS) pixels. Its output data flow is quite reduced. It is possible to resolve the sun position just receiving one single event operating in time-to-first-spike mode. It operates with a latency in the order of milliseconds. It has higher dynamic range than APS image sensors (higher than 100 dB). A custom algorithm to compute the centroid of the illuminated pixels is presented. Experimental results are provided.Universidad de Cádiz PR2016-072Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2015-66878-C3-1-RJunta de Andalucía TIC 2012- 2338Office of Naval Research (USA) N00014141035

    A sun sensor implemented with an asynchronous luminance vision sensor

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    A sun sensor implemented with a spiking pixel matrix is reported. It is the very first one based on an asynchronous event-based pixel array. A paradigm associated to classic digital sun sensors is solved with this approach. Only pixels illuminated by the sun light are readout. Hence, the output data flow is quite reduced. The computational load to resolve the sun position is quite low, comparing to prior sensors. Sensor's latency is in the order of milliseconds. The advantages over implementations with APS pixels are more reduced data flow, less latency, and higher dynamic range.Universidad de Cádiz PR2016-072Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2015-66878- C3-1-RJunta de Andalucía TIC 2012-2338Office of Naval Research (USA) N00014141035

    Análisis de la producción científica sobre la pintura rupestre pospaleolítica en España. Arte levantino y pintura esquemática (1907-2010)

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    Cave art constitutes one of the areas of study of prehistory more attractive, perhaps because of the secrecy that still conveys. After a century of research on post-Paleolithic cave painting in Spain, and when the scientific production exceeds two thousand records, is addressed from bibliometric parameters, the analysis of this production over the period 1907-2010. Based on an own database in Microsoft Access, prepared for over twenty years and that the March 31, 2011 counted on 2,186 bibliographic records, bibliometric techniques are used to determine the temporal distribution, the language used, the styles of cave art, the document types, the themes addressed in the works and the publication place. Document production is below 21.02 publications/year until 1970, although in the 104 years of research analyzed, highlights the years 1999 (with 4.5%) and 2006 (with 5.1%) for the large number of publications. Regarding the language of the documents are distributed as follows, Spanish (88.1%), Catalan (4.6%), French (3.9%), English (2%), German (1%) and other languages (Italian, Portuguese or Galician) with 0.32%. 35.4% of production is dedicated to Levantine art, while schematic painting captures 34.8%. Regarding the document type, the scientific article stands out with 55.2%, followed by conference papers (19.2%), book chapters (11.3%), case studies (9.8%), notes (2.3%), doctoral thesis (1%) and undergraduate dissertations (0.7%). The predominant topics are sites (34.5%), chronology (8.8%), iconography (7.7%), or scientific divulgation (5.1%). 90.6% of scientific production has been published in Spain, highlighting Zaragoza (13.4%), Madrid (13.3%), Valencia (9.2%) and Murcia (9%). We consider that the total production is low because hardly exceeds 21 papers / year, although in the last fifty years growth rates were reached above 5%. Because Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world, greater internationalization of research of the Spanish post-paleolithic cave painting would be necessary, overcoming marked localism in which has been involved, as opposed to current view that cave art is a universal phenomenon present in all five continents and diverse cultural and chronological settings. Also, greater internationalization of Spanish industry magazines and a greater interest in the prehistoric art in general

    Un paso más en el aprendizaje basado en problemas: aprendizaje mixto en enseñanzas superiores

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    En la presente contribución, pretendemos demostrar consistentemente resultados de excelencia (Piñero, 2017) cuando se utilizan tales métodos y estrategias de aprendizaje, evidenciados mediante la puesta en práctica de dicha metodología en la docencia de asignaturas universitarias durante el curso 2016-17. De igual manera, facilitaremos las directrices y métodos utilizados para su puesta en práctica en el contexto específico mencionado, así como los resultados de aprendizaje y las impresiones de los alumnos que han cursado dichas asignaturas

    Influence of sorbitol on mechanical and physico-chemical properties of soy protein-based bioplastics processed by injection molding

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    Soy Protein Isolate (SPI) has been evaluated as useful candidate for the development of protein-based bioplastic materials processed by injection molding. The influence of sorbitol (SB) as plasticizer in mechanical properties and water uptake capacity was evaluated in SPI-based bioplastics. A mixing rheometer that allows monitoring torque and temperature during mixing and a small-scale-plunger-type injection molding machine were used to obtain SPI/Plasticizer blends and SPI-based bioplastics, respectively. Dynamic measurements were carried out to obtain mechanical spectra of different bioplastics. Moreover, the mechanical characterization was supplemented with uniaxial tensile tests. Additionally, the influence of SB in water uptake capacity was also evaluated. The introduction of SB leads to increase the rigidity of bioplastics as well as the water uptake capacity after 24h, however it involves a decrease in strain at break. Final bioplastics are plastic materials with both adequate properties for the substitution of conventional petroleum plastics and high biodegradabilit

    Mechanical properties of acrylic nails in the guitar playing

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    Los guitarristas sufren un importante desgaste en el contacto de las uñas con las cuerdas de la guitarra y concretamente con las tres cuerdas superiores de latón. Actualmente se colocan uñas llamadas de “porcelana”, o uñas esculpidas, las cuales dan un resultado aceptable en el apartado durabilidad, además de aportar un sonido aceptable. Sin embargo, en este trabajo se pretende medir las solicitaciones que tiene la uña de Poli[metacrilato de etilo] (PEMA) del guitarrista bajo la acción del toque de guitarra, ya que en este tipo de toque la uña está sometida a bastante más tensión de lo habitual. Se parte de distintas formulaciones de PEMA y se ensaya el material para intentar imitar el movimiento natural de la uña y así cuantificar las solicitaciones mecánicas en el uso de la misma. Se concluye que es necesario una alta proporción de iniciador y PEMA para obtener una uña con adecuadas propiedades mecánicas y de desgaste.Guitar players are subjected to a significant nail wear in contact with strings of the guitar and, particularly, with the top three strings made of brass. Nowadays, porcelain nails or sculptured nails are used, which provide an acceptable durability as well as an appropriate sound. However, the goal of this work is to evaluate the requirements by Poly(ethyl methacrylate) nails under the particular action of playing the guitar subject to more stress than usual. Different PEMA formulations are tested in order to attempt to simulate the natural movement of the nail and, as a consequence, to quantify the mechanical stresses on the use of it. We conclude that a high proportion of initiator and PEMA are necessary to obtain a nail with appropriate mechanical and wear properties.Junta de AndalucíaMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno españo

    Nutrition Therapy in Critically Ill Patients with Liver Disease: A Narrative Review

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    Nutrition therapy in critically ill patients with liver disease represents a challenge for Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Nutritional status is correlated with the degree of hepatic dysfunction and the presence of malnutrition worsens outcomes in these patients. The nutritional risk that critically ill patients represent, together with the pathophysiological alterations of liver disease, especially in terms of nutrition intake and protein depletion, leads to malnutrition and sarcopenia. Nutrition therapy improves the survival of these patients; however, this is challenging since they more frequently experience difficulties with nutrition delivery. In consequence, both evaluation of nutritional status and an individualized approach seem mandatory for achieving nutrition objectives. The present narrative review discusses the importance of nutrition therapy, the recommendations of contemporary clinical practice guidelines, and a practical approach to provide the best possible nutrition therapy in patients with liver disease admitted to ICUs