56 research outputs found

    Produção e caracterização de carvões ativados a partir de residuos de Candeia (Eremanthus erythropappus) e testes de adsorção de compostos orgânicos

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    En este trabajo se prepararon dos carbones activados (CA), utilizando como agentes activantes ZnCl2 y K2CO3, denominados CA/ZnCl2, CA/K2CO3, respectivamente, a partir de residuos generados en el proceso de extracción del aceite esencial de candeia, árbol nativo de Brasil. Estos carbones se caracterizaron por microscopía electrónica de barrido, análisis termogravimétrico, análisis elemental, superficie específica por el método BET e índice de iodo. Estos materiales se probaron en la adsorción de dos moléculas modelos: el fenol y el azul de metileno, y se comparó su capacidad de adsorción con un carbón activado comercial (Merck), denominado CA/Com. Las isotermas de adsorción para CA/ZnCl2, CA/K2CO3 y CA/Com mostraron capacidades de adsorción máxima de 297, 228 y 271 mg g-1, para azul de metileno y de 109, 195 y 161 mg g-1, para el fenol, respectivamente. Los resultados evidenciaron que los carbones son eficientes en el proceso de adsorción de las moléculas modelo ensayadas. Las isotermas fueron ajustadas a las ecuaciones de Langmuir y de Freundlich. El modelo de Langmuir entregó un ajuste mejor, mostrando que los adsorbentes presentan superficies energéticamente más uniformes. Los carbones activados producidos se presentan como potenciales adsorbentes para compuestos orgánicos, agregando un valor adicional al residuo.In this work, two activated carbons were prepared, using as activating the ZnCl2 and K2CO3, denominated CA/ZnCl2, CA/K2CO3, respectively, from waste generated in the process of extraction of essential oil Candeia, tree native to Brazil. These carbons were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, thermal analysis, elemental analysis, BET surface area and iodine index. These materials were tested in the adsorption of model molecules: Phenol and Methylene Blue, and was used a commercial activated carbon (Merck) for comparison purposes. Adsorption isotherms for CA/ZnCl2, CA/K2CO3 and CA/Com showed maximum sorption capacities of 297, 228 and 271 mg g-1 for Methylene Blue and 109, 195 and 161 mg g-1 for phenol respectively. The results showed that the carbons are efficient in the adsorption process of molecules tested. The isotherms were fitted to equations of Langmuir and Freundlich, the Langmuir model provided better fit, showing that the adsorbents have energetically uniform surfaces. The materials produced were characterized as potential adsorbents for organic compounds can be used as an alternative for obtaining activated carbons, as well as adding value to the residue.Fil: Resende, Eliane C. de. Universidade Federal de Lavras; BrasilFil: Ramos, Paulize H.. Universidade Federal de Lavras; BrasilFil: Guerreiro, Mário C.. Universidade Federal de Lavras; BrasilFil: Sapag, Manuel Karim. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Luis. Instituto de Física Aplicada; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; Argentin

    Catalytic conversion of caffeine into molecules of valuable interest via N-demethylation reaction

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    This work aims to apply catalytic processes to promote the conversion of caffeine into valuable dimethylxanthines via N-demethylation reaction. Thus, we seek to evaluate the products formed and propose the reactions involved and their mechanisms. Reaction conditions were evaluated including different concentrations of Fenton reagent and ascorbic acid to evaluate caffeine oxidation. Theobromine, paraxanthine, and theophylline formation was proven by HPLC-DAD and mass spectrometry analysis evidencing the N-demethylation reactions, via radicals, with about 1 % yield. These results open the way for new N-demethylation reaction routes to be studied with applications for caffeine and other biomolecules in diverse areas such as biochemistry and medicinal chemistry. Application of the Fenton catalysis as alternative to promote the conversion of caffeine in other xanthines by N-demethylation. In this scenario was verified the capability of ascorbic acid in promoting same reaction, both environmentally friendly processes. This work investigates the possibility of using a well known biocompound as a precursor to obtain value added molecules.This study was financially supported by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001 and by CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020) through FEDER under Program PT2020. In addition, the authors acknowledge Central de Análise e Prospecção Química – CAPQ and Laboratório Central de Biologia Molecular (LCBM), Chemistry Department/UFLA for their technical support. Jose L. Diaz De Tuesta acknowledges the financial support through the program of Atracción al Talento of Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) for the individual research grant 2022-T1/AMB-23946.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Produção e caracterização de carvão ativado produzido a partir do defeito preto, verde, ardido (PVA) do café

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    The black, green and sour coffee defect (PVA) contributes with 20% of the total coffee production. It should be separate from the normal coffee grains in order to improve the final quality of the beverage. In this way, the present work has the objective to use the PVA reject for the production of activated carbon. The activated carbon (CA) was prepared from PVA defect using zinc chloride as activating agent. The prepared material (CA PVA) was characterized and the adsorption tests were carried out using as organic models methylene blue (AM) and reactive red (VR). The CA PVA revealed to be more efficient in the removal of the organic contaminants compared to a commercial activated carbon

    Kinetic insights on wet peroxide oxidation of caffeine using EDTA-functionalized low-cost catalysts prepared from compost generated in municipal solid waste treatment facilities

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    Nowadays, sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste is typically treated by anaerobic digestion processes, resulting therein a solid stream, further processed to obtain compost, whose production is higher than the existing demand as fertilizer. The current work proposes an alternative strategy for the recovering of compost through the production of low-cost catalysts by calcination (1073 K) and sulfuric acid treatments, followed by sequential functionalization with tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA). Activity and stability of the catalysts are assessed in the wet peroxide oxidation of synthetic wastewater effluents contaminated with caffeine, a model micro-pollutant, achieving its complete removal after 6 h at 353– 383 K and catalyst loads of 0.5–2.5 g L−1. The increase of the catalytic activity of the materials upon functionalization with TEOS and EDTA is demonstrated and a kinetic modeling of caffeine degradation and hydrogen peroxide consumption with the best catalyst is assessed by pseudo-first power-law rate equations.This work was financially supported by project ‘‘VALORCOMP - Valorización de compost y otros desechos procedentes de la fracción orgánica de los residuos municipales’’, 0119_VALORCOMP_2_P, through FEDER under Program INTERREG; and CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020) through FEDER under Program PT2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Producción y caracterización de carbones activados a partir de residuos de candeia (eremanthus erythropappus) y su aplicación en la adsorción de compuestos orgánicos

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    En este trabajo se prepararon dos carbones activados (CA), utilizando como agentes activantes ZnCl2 y K2CO3, denominados CA/ZnCl2, CA/K2CO3, respectivamente, a partir de residuos generados en el proceso de extracción del aceite esencial de candeia, árbol nativo de Brasil. Estos carbones se caracterizaron por microscopía electrónica de barrido, análisis termogravimétrico, análisis elemental, superficie específica por el método BET e índice de iodo. Estos materiales se probaron en la adsorción de dos moléculas modelos: el fenol y el azul de metileno, y se comparó su capacidad de adsorción con un carbón activado comercial (Merck), denominado CA/Com. Las isotermas de adsorción para CA/ZnCl2, CA/K2CO3 y CA/Com mostraron capacidades de adsorción máxima de 297, 228 y 271 mg g-1, para azul de metileno y de 109, 195 y 161 mg g-1, para el fenol, respectivamente. Los resultados evidenciaron que los carbones son eficientes en el proceso de adsorción de las moléculas modelo ensayadas. Las isotermas fueron ajustadas a las ecuaciones de Langmuir y de Freundlich. El modelo de Langmuir entregó un ajuste mejor, mostrando que los adsorbentes presentan superficies energéticamente más uniformes. Los carbones activados producidos se presentan como potenciales adsorbentes para compuestos orgánicos, agregando un valor adicional al residuo

    Application of catalysts developed from compost derived from municipal solid waste in the removal of caffeine by wet peroxide oxidation

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    Nowadays, waste management through mechanical biological treatment (MBT) consists on the use of the separated organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) to feed anaerobic digestion processes, resulting therein a solid stream, further processed to compost, which can be used as fertilizer. Currently, the production of compost from MBT is higher than the existing demand, and the expected developments on up-coming directives ruling “End-of-waste” criteria are leading to barriers on the use of waste-derived fertilizers (European Commision, 2013). In this context, the current work proposes an alternative strategy to the valorisation of compost, through the production of low-cost materials to be applied in the catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) of synthetic wastewater effluents contaminated with caffeine, used as a model pollutant of emerging concern. Caffeine is the most consumed psychoactive drug worldwide. It is one of the components of painkillers, medication against migraine, fatigue, drowsiness and breathing problems. Its consumption is also associated with an overall lower risk of malignant growth like hepatocellular, endometrial or colorectal cancer (Ganzenko et al., 2015). However, the effect of caffeine and its environmental degradation products on aquatic living species is not properly known. Caffeine, is a world wide consumed psychoactive drug, in a way that becomes a persistent compound and cannot be efficiently removed by municipal wastewater treatment facilities (Ganzenko et al., 2015). As a consequence, caffeine and its metabolites are present in the effluents of wastewater treatment plants (Gracia-Lor et al., 2017).This work was financially supported by project “VALORCOMP - Valorización de compost y otros desechos procedentes de la fracción orgánica de los residuos municipales”, 0119_VALORCOMP_2_P, and project “AIProcMat@N2020 - Advanced Industrial Processes and Materials for a Sustainable Northern Region of Portugal 2020”, reference NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000006, supported by NORTE 2020, under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through FEDER, and Project Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM - UID/EQU/50020/2019 - funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio