46 research outputs found

    Genes Important for Catalase Activity in Enterococcus faecalis

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    Little in general is known about how heme proteins are assembled from their constituents in cells. The Gram-positive bacterium Enterococcus faecalis cannot synthesize heme and does not depend on it for growth. However, when supplied with heme in the growth medium the cells can synthesize two heme proteins; catalase (KatA) and cytochrome bd (CydAB). To identify novel factors important for catalase biogenesis libraries of E. faecalis gene insertion mutants were generated using two different types of transposons. The libraries of mutants were screened for clones deficient in catalase activity using a colony zymogram staining procedure. Analysis of obtained clones identified, in addition to katA (encoding the catalase enzyme protein), nine genes distributed over five different chromosomal loci. No factors with a dedicated essential role in catalase biogenesis or heme trafficking were revealed, but the results indicate the RNA degradosome (srmB, rnjA), an ABC-type oligopeptide transporter (oppBC), a two-component signal transducer (etaR), and NADH peroxidase (npr) as being important for expression of catalase activity in E. faecalis. It is demonstrated that catalase biogenesis in E. faecalis is independent of the CydABCD proteins and that a conserved proline residue in the N-terminal region of KatA is important for catalase assembly

    Three Essential Ribonucleases—RNase Y, J1, and III—Control the Abundance of a Majority of Bacillus subtilis mRNAs

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    Bacillus subtilis possesses three essential enzymes thought to be involved in mRNA decay to varying degrees, namely RNase Y, RNase J1, and RNase III. Using recently developed high-resolution tiling arrays, we examined the effect of depletion of each of these enzymes on RNA abundance over the whole genome. The data are consistent with a model in which the degradation of a significant number of transcripts is dependent on endonucleolytic cleavage by RNase Y, followed by degradation of the downstream fragment by the 5′–3′ exoribonuclease RNase J1. However, many full-size transcripts also accumulate under conditions of RNase J1 insufficiency, compatible with a model whereby RNase J1 degrades transcripts either directly from the 5′ end or very close to it. Although the abundance of a large number of transcripts was altered by depletion of RNase III, this appears to result primarily from indirect transcriptional effects. Lastly, RNase depletion led to the stabilization of many low-abundance potential regulatory RNAs, both in intergenic regions and in the antisense orientation to known transcripts

    IlsA, A Unique Surface Protein of Bacillus cereus Required for Iron Acquisition from Heme, Hemoglobin and Ferritin

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    The human opportunistic pathogen Bacillus cereus belongs to the B. cereus group that includes bacteria with a broad host spectrum. The ability of these bacteria to colonize diverse hosts is reliant on the presence of adaptation factors. Previously, an IVET strategy led to the identification of a novel B. cereus protein (IlsA, Iron-regulated leucine rich surface protein), which is specifically expressed in the insect host or under iron restrictive conditions in vitro. Here, we show that IlsA is localized on the surface of B. cereus and hence has the potential to interact with host proteins. We report that B. cereus uses hemoglobin, heme and ferritin, but not transferrin and lactoferrin. In addition, affinity tests revealed that IlsA interacts with both hemoglobin and ferritin. Furthermore, IlsA directly binds heme probably through the NEAT domain. Inactivation of ilsA drastically decreases the ability of B. cereus to grow in the presence of hemoglobin, heme and ferritin, indicating that IlsA is essential for iron acquisition from these iron sources. In addition, the ilsA mutant displays a reduction in growth and virulence in an insect model. Hence, our results indicate that IlsA is a key factor within a new iron acquisition system, playing an important role in the general virulence strategy adapted by B. cereus to colonize susceptible hosts

    Epistatic Relationships between sarA and agr in Staphylococcus aureus Biofilm Formation

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    Background: The accessory gene regulator (agr) and staphylococcal accessory regulator (sarA) play opposing roles in Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation. There is mounting evidence to suggest that these opposing roles are therapeutically relevant in that mutation of agr results in increased biofilm formation and decreased antibiotic susceptibility while mutation of sarA has the opposite effect. To the extent that induction of agr or inhibition of sarA could potentially be used to limit biofilm formation, this makes it important to understand the epistatic relationships between these two loci. Methodology/Principal Findings: We generated isogenic sarA and agr mutants in clinical isolates of S. aureus and assessed the relative impact on biofilm formation. Mutation of agr resulted in an increased capacity to forma biofilmin the 8325-4 laboratory strain RN6390 but had little impact in clinical isolates S. aureus. In contrast, mutation of sarA resulted in a reduced capacity to form a biofilm in all clinical isolates irrespective of the functional status of agr. This suggests that the regulatory role of sarA in biofilm formation is independent of the interaction between sarA and agr and that sarA is epistatic to agr in this context. This was confirmed by demonstrating that restoration of sarA function restored the ability to form a biofilm even in the corresponding agr mutants. Mutation of sarA in clinical isolates also resulted in increased production of extracellular proteases and extracellular nucleases, both of which contributed to the biofilm-deficient phenotype of sarA mutants. However, studies comparing different strains with and without proteases inhibitors and/or mutation of the nuclease genes demonstrated that the agr-independent, sarA-mediated repression of extracellular proteases plays a primary role in this regard. Conclusions and Significance: The results we report suggest that inhibitors of sarA-mediated regulation could be used to limit biofilm formation in S. aureus and that the efficacy of such inhibitors would not be limited by spontaneous mutation of agr in the human host

    In Vivo Effects of Sporulation Kinases on Mutant Spo0A Proteins in Bacillus subtilis

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    The phosphorylated form of the response regulator Spo0A (Spo0A∼P) is required for the initiation of sporulation in Bacillus subtilis. Phosphate is transferred to Spo0A from at least four histidine kinases (KinA, KinB, KinC, and KinD) by a phosphotransfer pathway composed of Spo0F and Spo0B. Several mutations in spo0A allow initiation of sporulation in the absence of spo0F and spo0B, but the mechanisms by which these mutations allow bypass of spo0F and spo0B are not fully understood. We measured the ability of KinA, KinB, and KinC to activate sporulation of five spo0A mutants in the absence of Spo0F and Spo0B. We also determined the effect of Spo0E, a Spo0A∼P-specific phosphatase, on sporulation of strains containing the spo0A mutations. Our results indicate that several of the mutations relax the specificity of Spo0A, allowing Spo0A to obtain phosphate from a broader group of phosphodonors. In the course of these experiments, we observed medium-dependent effects on the sporulation of different mutants. This led us to identify a small molecule, acetoin, that can stimulate sporulation of some spo0A mutants

    Bacillus anthracis Spore Surface Protein BclA Mediates Complement Factor H Binding to Spores and Promotes Spore Persistence

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    Spores of Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, are known to persist in the host lungs for prolonged periods of time, however the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrated that BclA, a major surface protein of B. anthracis spores, mediated direct binding of complement factor H (CFH) to spores. The surface bound CFH retained its regulatory cofactor activity resulting in C3 degradation and inhibition of downstream complement activation. By comparing results from wild type C57BL/6 mice and complement deficient mice, we further showed that BclA significantly contributed to spore persistence in the mouse lungs and dampened antibody responses to spores in a complement C3-dependent manner. In addition, prior exposure to BclA deletion spores (ΔbclA) provided significant protection against lethal challenges by B. anthracis, whereas the isogenic parent spores did not, indicating that BclA may also impair protective immunity. These results describe for the first time an immune inhibition mechanism of B. anthracis mediated by BclA and CFH that promotes spore persistence in vivo. The findings also suggested an important role of complement in persistent infections and thus have broad implications

    Molecular Characterization of a Novel Staphylococcus aureus Serine Protease Operon

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    The present study identified and characterized a unique operon (spl) encoding six serine protease-like proteins. In addition, native Spl proteins were isolated and characterized. Typical of most exoproteins, the spl gene products contain putative 35- or 36-amino-acid signal peptides. The Spl proteins share 44 to 95% amino acid sequence identity with each other and 33 to 36% sequence identity with V8 protease. They also contain amino acids found in catalytic triads of enzymes in the trypsin-like serine protease family, and SplB and SplC were shown to degrade casein. The spl operon is transcribed on a 5.5-kb transcript, but several nonrandom degradation products of this transcript were also identified. Similar to other S. aureus exoprotein genes, the spl operon is maximally expressed during the transition into stationary phase and is positively controlled by the Agr virulence factor regulator. The Sar regulatory system did not affect spl operon expression. PCR analysis revealed the presence of the spl operon in 64% of the S. aureus isolates tested, although one spl operon-negative isolate was shown to contain at least two of the spl genes. Finally, intraperitoneal injection of an spl operon deletion mutant revealed no major differences in virulence compared to the parental strain

    OhrR Is a Repressor of ohrA, a Key Organic Hydroperoxide Resistance Determinant in Bacillus subtilis

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    Bacillus subtilis displays a complex adaptive response to the presence of reactive oxygen species. To date, most proteins that protect against reactive oxygen species are members of the peroxide-inducible PerR and Ï‚(B) regulons. We investigated the function of two B. subtilis homologs of the Xanthomonas campestris organic hydroperoxide resistance (ohr) gene. Mutational analyses indicate that both ohrA and ohrB contribute to organic peroxide resistance in B. subtilis, with the OhrA protein playing the more important role in growing cells. Expression of ohrA, but not ohrB, is strongly and specifically induced by organic peroxides. Regulation of ohrA requires the convergently transcribed gene, ohrR, which encodes a member of the MarR family of transcriptional repressors. In an ohrR mutant, ohrA expression is constitutive, whereas expression of the neighboring ohrB gene is unaffected. Selection for mutant strains that are derepressed for ohrA transcription identifies a perfect inverted repeat sequence that is required for OhrR-mediated regulation and likely defines an OhrR binding site. Thus, B. subtilis contains at least three regulons (Ï‚(B), PerR, and OhrR) that contribute to peroxide stress responses