4,162 research outputs found

    Robust quantum control by shaped pulse

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    Considering the problem of the control of a two-state quantum system by an external field, we establish a general and versatile method that allows the derivation of smooth pulses, suitable for ultrafast applications, that feature the properties of high-fidelity, robustness, and low area. Such shaped pulses can be viewed as a single-shot generalization of the composite pulse technique with a time-dependent phase

    Guided atom laser : a new tool for guided atom optics

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    We present a guided atom laser. A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is created in a crossed hybrid magnetic and an elongated optical trap, which acts as a matterwave guide. Atoms are extracted from the BEC by radio frequency (rf) outcoupling and then guided in the horizontal optical matterwave guide. This method allows to control the acceleration of the beam and to achieve large de Broglie wavelength. We also measure the longitudinal energy of the guided atom laser using atom optical elements based on a blue light barrier

    Decouverte, en luxembourg belge, de Schlotheimiidae primitives (Ammonites) dans le pre-planorbis beds (Hettangien inférieur)

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    Les sondages d'Arlon et de Villers-devant-Orval (Belgique) ont montré l'existence, dans l'Hettangien inférieur de la Bordure Ardennaise, de Pre-Planorbis Beds fossilifères. Un niveau à petites Ammonites Schlotheimiidae y a été repéré. Ce sont les plus anciennes Schlotheimia stratigraphiquement bien localisées, connues à ce jour

    Reducing the Number of Sputum Samples Examined and Thresholds for Positivity: An Opportunity to Optimise Smear Microscopy.

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    SETTING: Urban health clinic, Nairobi. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact on tuberculosis (TB) case detection and laboratory workload of reducing the number of sputum smears examined and thresholds for diagnosing positive smears and positive cases. DESIGN: In this prospective study, three Ziehl-Neelsen stained sputum smears from consecutive pulmonary TB suspects were examined blind. The standard approach (A), > or = 2 positive smears out of 3, using a cut-off of 10 acid-fast bacilli (AFB)/100 high-power fields (HPF), was compared with approaches B, > or = 2 positive smears (> or = 4 AFB/100 HPF) out of 3, one of which is > or = 10 AFB/100 HPF; C, > or = 2 positive smears (> or = 4 AFB/100 HPF) out of 3; D, > or = 1 positive smear (> or = 10 AFB/100 HPF) out of 2; and E, > or = 1 positive smear (> or = 4 AFB/100 HPF) out of 2. The microscopy gold standard was detection of at least one positive smear (> or = 4 AFB/100 HPF) out of 3. RESULTS: Among 644 TB suspects, the alternative approaches detected from 114 (17.7%) (approach B) to 123 cases (19.1%) (approach E) compared to 105 cases (16.3%) for approach A (P < 0.005). Sensitivity ranged between 82.0% (105/128) for A and 96.1% (123/128) for E. The single positive smear approaches reduced the number of smears by 36% compared to approach A. CONCLUSION: Reducing the number of specimens and the positivity threshold to define a positive case increased the sensitivity of microscopy and reduced laboratory workload

    L'Hettangien dans le NE du bassin de Paris: Biostratigraphie et evolution sedimentaire

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    The Ammonite-fauna allows to follow the evolution in time and space of the Luxembourg-sandstone-formation in the North-East of the Paris Basin. The biostratigraphic subdivision is specified for the whole Hettangian. The occurrence of Mesogean elements belonging to the genus Waehneroceras and Discamphiceras among a fauna with boreal features leads to some paleogeographic considerations. The presence of early Schlotheimiidae in the lower Hettangian raises a phylogenetic remark

    Reducing wasting in young children with preventive supplementation: a cohort study in Niger

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the incidence of wasting, stunting, and mortality among children aged 6 to 36 months who are receiving preventive supplementation with either ready-to-use supplementary foods (RUSFs) or ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTFs). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Children aged 6 to 36 months in 12 villages of Maradi, Niger, (n = 1645) received a monthly distribution of RUSFs (247 kcal [3 spoons] per day) for 6 months or RUTFs (500-kcal sachet per day) for 4 months. We compared the incidence of wasting, stunting, and mortality among children who received preventive supplementation with RUSFs versus RUTFs. RESULTS: The effectiveness of RUSF supplementation depended on receipt of a previous preventive intervention. In villages in which a preventive supplementation program was previously implemented, the RUSF strategy was associated with a 46% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 6%-69%) and 59% (95% CI: 17%-80%) reduction in wasting and severe wasting, respectively. In contrast, in villages in which the previous intervention was not implemented, we found no difference in the incidence of wasting or severe wasting according to type of supplementation. Compared with the RUTF strategy, the RUSF strategy was associated with a 19% (95% CI: 0%-34%) reduction in stunting overall. CONCLUSION: We found that the relative performance of a 6-month RUSF supplementation strategy versus a 4-month RUTF strategy varied with receipt of a previous nutritional intervention. Contextual factors will continue to be important in determining the dose and duration of supplementation that will be most effective, acceptable, and sustainable for a given setting

    Temporal intensity correlation of light scattered by a hot atomic vapor

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    We present temporal intensity correlation measurements of light scattered by a hot atomic vapor. Clear evidence of photon bunching is shown at very short time-scales (nanoseconds) imposed by the Doppler broadening of the hot vapor. Moreover, we demonstrate that relevant information about the scattering process, such as the ratio of single to multiple scattering, can be deduced from the measured intensity correlation function. These measurements confirm the interest of temporal intensity correlation to access non-trivial spectral features, with potential applications in astrophysics

    Optical parametric oscillation with distributed feedback in cold atoms

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    There is currently a strong interest in mirrorless lasing systems, in which the electromagnetic feedback is provided either by disorder (multiple scattering in the gain medium) or by order (multiple Bragg reflection). These mechanisms correspond, respectively, to random lasers and photonic crystal lasers. The crossover regime between order and disorder, or correlated disorder, has also been investigated with some success. Here, we report one-dimensional photonic-crystal lasing (that is, distributed feedback lasing) with a cold atom cloud that simultaneously provides both gain and feedback. The atoms are trapped in a one-dimensional lattice, producing a density modulation that creates a strong Bragg reflection with a small angle of incidence. Pumping the atoms with auxiliary beams induces four-wave mixing, which provides parametric gain. The combination of both ingredients generates a mirrorless parametric oscillation with a conical output emission, the apex angle of which is tunable with the lattice periodicity
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