5,851 research outputs found

    NASA Aircraft-Satellite Instrument Calibration Project

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    Ground based prelaunch calibration of satellite instruments usually is not adequate to provide an accurate characterization of the in-orbit performance of a satellite instrument. This is because the ground calibrations may not simulate the in-orbit environment observations of the satellite sensor, or because the sensor characteristics have changed during launch and in-orbit operations. One technique to obtain a meaningful in-orbit calibration of satellite sensors is to acquire simultaneous observations of an Earth scene with the satellite and a well calibrated aircraft or shuttle sensor which has similar characteristics to the satellite sensor. This is a direct in-orbit calibration technique and is usually called vicarious calibration. The experiment with the control instrument must occur above the sensible atmosphere as measured by the satellite sensor to provide a useful improvement to the calibration of the satellite sensor. Some observations on the experiments are made

    Calibration support for the Earth Observing System Project

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    The Earth Observing System Project (EOS) program guidelines establishes significantly more stringent requirements on calibrations of instruments. This requirement is driven by the need for long-term continuity of acquired data sets and the use of measurements in interdisciplinary investigations. Personnel from the Standards and Calibration Office have been supporting the Program and Project in interpreting these goals into specific requirements. Contributions to EOS have included participation in the Panel of Experts which produced a list of consensus items necessary for accomplishing an accurate calibration and suggested EOS Project Calibration Policy, and drafting the announcement of opportunity and bidders information package positions on instrument calibration and data product validation. Technical staffing was provided to the NASA delegates to the Committee on Earth Orbiting Satellites (club of space-faring nations) for the standing working group on Calibration and Data Validation

    The Pulsation Properties of Procyon A

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    A grid of stellar evolution models for Procyon A has been calculated. These models include the best physics available to us (including the latest opacities and equation of state) and are based on the revised astrometric mass of Girard et al (1996). Models were calculated with helium diffusion and with the combined effects of helium and heavy element diffusion. Oscillation frequencies for l=0,1,2 and 3 p-modes and the characteristic period spacing for the g-modes were calculated for these models. We find that g-modes are sensitive to model parameters which effect the structure of the core, such as convective core overshoot, the heavy element abundance and the evolutionary state (main sequence or shell hydrogen burning) of Procyon A. The p-modes are relatively insensitive to the details of the physics used to model Procyon A, and only depend on the evolutionary state of Procyon A. Hence, observations of p-mode frequencies on Procyon A will serve as a robust test of stellar evolution models.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in ApJ

    Modeling Convective Core Overshoot and Diffusion in Procyon Constrained by Asteroseismic Data

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    We compare evolved stellar models, which match Procyons mass and position in the HR diagram, to current ground-based asteroseismic observations. Diffusion of helium and metals along with two conventional core overshoot descriptions and the Kuhfuss nonlocal theory of convection are considered. We establish that one of the two published asteroseismic data reductions for Procyon, which mainly differ in their identification of even versus odd l-values, is a significantly more probable and self-consistent match to our models than the other. The most probable models according to our Bayesian analysis have evolved to just short of turnoff, still retaining a hydrogen convective core. Our most probable models include Y and Z diffusion and have conventional core overshoot between 0.9 and 1.5 pressure scale heights, which increases the outer radius of the convective core by between 22% to 28%, respectively. We discuss the significance of this comparatively higher than expected core overshoot amount in terms of internal mixing during evolution. The parameters of our most probable models are similar regardless of whether adiabatic or nonadiabatic model p-mode frequencies are compared to the observations, although, the Bayesian probabilities are greater when the nonadiabatic model frequencies are used. All the most probable models (with or without core overshoot, adiabatic or nonadiabatic model frequencies, diffusion or no diffusion, including priors for the observed HRD location and mass or not) have masses that are within one sigma of the observed mass 1.497+/-0.037 Msun

    Water vapor in the lower stratosphere measured from aircraft flight

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    Water vapor in the lower stratosphere was measured in situ by two aluminum oxide hygrometers mounted on the nose of an RB57 aircraft. Data were taken nearly continuously from January to May 1974 from an altitude of approximately 11 km to 19 km as the aircraft flew between 70 deg N and 50 deg S over the land areas in the Western Hemisphere. Pseudomeridional cross sections of water vapor and temperature are derived from the flight data and show mixing ratios predominantly between 2 and 4 micron gm/gm with an extreme range of 1 to 8 micron gm/gm. Measurement precision is estimated by comparing the simultaneously measured values from the two flight hygrometer systems. Accuracy is estimated to be about + or - 40 percent at 19 km. A height-averaged latitudinal cross section of water vapor shows symmetry of wet and dry zones

    The nature of p-modes and granulation in HD 49933 observed by CoRoT

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    Context: Recent observations of HD49933 by the space-photometric mission CoRoT provide photometric evidence of solar type oscillations in a star other than our Sun. The first published reduction, analysis, and interpretation of the CoRoT data yielded a spectrum of p-modes with l = 0, 1, and 2. Aims: We present our own analysis of the CoRoT data in an attempt to compare the detected pulsation modes with eigenfrequencies of models that are consistent with the observed luminosity and surface temperature. Methods: We used the Gruberbauer et al. frequency set derived based on a more conservative Bayesian analysis with ignorance priors and fit models from a dense grid of model spectra. We also introduce a Bayesian approach to searching and quantifying the best model fits to the observed oscillation spectra. Results: We identify 26 frequencies as radial and dipolar modes. Our best fitting model has solar composition and coincides within the error box with the spectroscopically determined position of HD49933 in the H-R diagram. We also show that lower-than-solar Z models have a lower probability of matching the observations than the solar metallicity models. To quantify the effect of the deficiencies in modeling the stellar surface layers in our analysis, we compare adiabatic and nonadiabatic model fits and find that the latter reproduces the observed frequencies better.Comment: accepted to be published in A&A, 9 pages, 5 figure

    Bayesian Asteroseismology of 23 Solar-Like Kepler Targets

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    We study 23 previously published Kepler targets to perform a consistent grid-based Bayesian asteroseismic analysis and compare our results to those obtained via the Asteroseismic Modelling Portal (AMP). We find differences in the derived stellar parameters of many targets and their uncertainties. While some of these differences can be attributed to systematic effects between stellar evolutionary models, we show that the different methodologies deliver incompatible uncertainties for some parameters. Using non-adiabatic models and our capability to measure surface effects, we also investigate the dependency of these surface effects on the stellar parameters. Our results suggest a dependence of the magnitude of the surface effect on the mixing length parameter which also, but only minimally, affects the determination of stellar parameters. While some stars in our sample show no surface effect at all, the most significant surface effects are found for stars that are close to the Sun's position in the HR diagram.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the detection of Lorentzian profiles in a power spectrum: A Bayesian approach using ignorance priors

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    Aims. Deriving accurate frequencies, amplitudes, and mode lifetimes from stochastically driven pulsation is challenging, more so, if one demands that realistic error estimates be given for all model fitting parameters. As has been shown by other authors, the traditional method of fitting Lorentzian profiles to the power spectrum of time-resolved photometric or spectroscopic data via the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) procedure delivers good approximations for these quantities. We, however, show that a conservative Bayesian approach allows one to treat the detection of modes with minimal assumptions (i.e., about the existence and identity of the modes). Methods. We derive a conservative Bayesian treatment for the probability of Lorentzian profiles being present in a power spectrum and describe an efficient implementation that evaluates the probability density distribution of parameters by using a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique. Results. Potentially superior to "best-fit" procedure like MLE, which only provides formal uncertainties, our method samples and approximates the actual probability distributions for all parameters involved. Moreover, it avoids shortcomings that make the MLE treatment susceptible to the built-in assumptions of a model that is fitted to the data. This is especially relevant when analyzing solar-type pulsation in stars other than the Sun where the observations are of lower quality and can be over-interpreted. As an example, we apply our technique to CoRoT observations of the solar-type pulsator HD 49933.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic