71 research outputs found

    Presynaptic mGlu1 Receptors Control GABAB Receptors in an Antagonist-Like Manner in Mouse Cortical GABAergic and Glutamatergic Nerve Endings

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    Mouse cortical GABAergic synaptosomes possess presynaptic inhibitory GABAB autoreceptors. Accordingly, (\ub1)baclofen (3 \u3bcM) inhibits in a CGP53423-sensitive manner the 12 mM KCl-evoked release of preloaded [3H]GABA. Differently, the existence of presynaptic release-regulating metabotropic glutamate type 1 (mGlu1) heteroreceptors in these terminals is still matter of discussion, although confocal microscopy unveiled the existence of mGlu1\u3b1 with GABAB1 or GABAB2 proteins in cortical VGAT-positive synaptosomes. The group I mGlu agonist 3,5-DHPG failed to modify on its own the 12 mM KCl-evoked [3H]GABA exocytosis from cortical nerve endings, but, when added concomitantly to the GABAB agonist, it significantly reduced the 3 \u3bcM (\ub1)baclofen-induced inhibition of [3H]GABA exocytosis. Conversely, the mGlu1 antagonist LY367385 (0.03\u20131 \u3bcM), inactive on its own on GABA exocytosis, amplified the 3 \u3bcM (\ub1)baclofen-induced inhibition of [3H]GABA overflow. The ( \ub1 )baclofen-induced inhibition of [3H]GABA exocytosis was more pronounced in cortical synaptosomes from Grm1crv4/crv4 mice, which bear a spontaneous mutation of the Grm1 gene leading to the functional inactivation of the mGlu1 receptor. Inasmuch, the expression of GABAB2 receptor protein in cortical synaptosomal lysates from Grm1crv4/crv4 mice was increased when compared to controls. Altogether, these observations seem best interpreted by assuming that mGlu1 coexist with GABAB receptors in GABAergic cortical synaptosomes, where they control GABA receptors in an antagonist-like manner. We then asked whether the mGlu1-mediated control of GABAB receptors is restricted to GABAergic terminals, or if it occurs also in other subpopulations of nerve endings. Release-regulating GABAB receptors also exist in glutamatergic nerve endings. (\ub1)baclofen (1 \u3bcM) diminished the 12 mM KCl-evoked [3H]D-aspartate overflow. Also in these terminals, the concomitant presence of 1 \u3bcM LY367385, inactive on its own, significantly amplified the inhibitory effect exerted by (\ub1)baclofen on [3H]D-aspartate exocytosis. Confocal microscopy confirmed the colocalization of mGlu1 with GABAB1 and GABAB2 labeling in vesicular glutamate type1 transporter-positive particles. Our results support the conclusion that mGlu1 receptors modulate in an antagonist-like manner presynaptic release-regulating GABAB receptors. This receptor\u2013receptor interaction could be neuroprotective in central disease typified by hyperglutamatergicity

    Neuroinflammation in Aged Brain: Impact of the Oral Administration of Ellagic Acid Microdispersion

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    The immune system and the central nervous system message each other to preserving central homeostasis. Both systems undergo changes during aging that determine central age-related defects. Ellagic acid (EA) is a natural product which is beneficial in both peripheral and central diseases, including aging. We analyzed the impact of the oral administration of a new oral ellagic acid micro-dispersion (EAm), that largely increased the EA solubility, in young and old mice. Oral EAm did not modify animal weight and behavioral skills in young and old mice, but significantly recovered changes in "ex-vivo, in vitro" parameters in old animals. Cortical noradrenaline exocytosis decreased in aged mice. EAm administration did not modify noradrenaline overflow in young animals, but recovered it in old mice. Furthermore, GFAP staining was increased in the cortex of aged mice, while IBA-1 and CD45 immunopositivities were unchanged when compared to young ones. EAm treatment significantly reduced CD45 signal in both young and old cortical lysates; it diminished GFAP immunopositivity in young mice, but failed to affect IBA-1 expression in both young and old animals. Finally, EAm treatment significantly reduced IL1beta expression in old mice. These results suggest that EAm is beneficial to aging and represents a nutraceutical ingredient for elders

    the 3rs reduction and refinement through a multivariate statistical analysis approach in a behavioural study to unveil anxiolytic effects of natural extracts of tilia tomentosa

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    We propose a multivariate statistical approach based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as an useful instrument to improve the Rules of Refinement and Reduction in in vivo animal experimentation. We analysed with PCA the preliminary data from a study on the effects of the oral administration of Tilia tomentosa bud extracts (TTBEs) on the behavioural skills of adult and aged male and female mice. PCA allows to rationalize the data set information and to dissect the results, showing connections among variables under study (behavioural parameters) and different trends in the experimental groups (control and TTBEs-administered animals). Our results show that PCA can give some important information that can be useful for the refinement of the experimental protocol, in order to reduce the number of the animals used in the experiments and/or the behavioural tests to get reliable information

    Presynaptic mGlu1 Receptors Control GABAB Receptors in an Antagonist-Like Manner in Mouse Cortical GABAergic and Glutamatergic Nerve Endings

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    Mouse cortical GABAergic synaptosomes possess presynaptic inhibitory GABAB autoreceptors. Accordingly, (±)baclofen (3 μM) inhibits in a CGP53423-sensitive manner the 12 mM KCl-evoked release of preloaded [3H]GABA. Differently, the existence of presynaptic release-regulating metabotropic glutamate type 1 (mGlu1) heteroreceptors in these terminals is still matter of discussion, although confocal microscopy unveiled the existence of mGlu1α with GABAB1 or GABAB2 proteins in cortical VGAT-positive synaptosomes. The group I mGlu agonist 3,5-DHPG failed to modify on its own the 12 mM KCl-evoked [3H]GABA exocytosis from cortical nerve endings, but, when added concomitantly to the GABAB agonist, it significantly reduced the 3 μM (±)baclofen-induced inhibition of [3H]GABA exocytosis. Conversely, the mGlu1 antagonist LY367385 (0.03–1 μM), inactive on its own on GABA exocytosis, amplified the 3 μM (±)baclofen-induced inhibition of [3H]GABA overflow. The ( ± )baclofen-induced inhibition of [3H]GABA exocytosis was more pronounced in cortical synaptosomes from Grm1crv4/crv4 mice, which bear a spontaneous mutation of the Grm1 gene leading to the functional inactivation of the mGlu1 receptor. Inasmuch, the expression of GABAB2 receptor protein in cortical synaptosomal lysates from Grm1crv4/crv4 mice was increased when compared to controls. Altogether, these observations seem best interpreted by assuming that mGlu1 coexist with GABAB receptors in GABAergic cortical synaptosomes, where they control GABA receptors in an antagonist-like manner. We then asked whether the mGlu1-mediated control of GABAB receptors is restricted to GABAergic terminals, or if it occurs also in other subpopulations of nerve endings. Release-regulating GABAB receptors also exist in glutamatergic nerve endings. (±)baclofen (1 μM) diminished the 12 mM KCl-evoked [3H]D-aspartate overflow. Also in these terminals, the concomitant presence of 1 μM LY367385, inactive on its own, significantly amplified the inhibitory effect exerted by (±)baclofen on [3H]D-aspartate exocytosis. Confocal microscopy confirmed the colocalization of mGlu1 with GABAB1 and GABAB2 labeling in vesicular glutamate type1 transporter-positive particles. Our results support the conclusion that mGlu1 receptors modulate in an antagonist-like manner presynaptic release-regulating GABAB receptors. This receptor–receptor interaction could be neuroprotective in central disease typified by hyperglutamatergicity

    Dual Effect of Beta-Amyloid on α7 and α4β2 Nicotinic Receptors Controlling the Release of Glutamate, Aspartate and GABA in Rat Hippocampus

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    BACKGROUND: We previously showed that beta-amyloid (Aβ), a peptide considered as relevant to Alzheimer's Disease, is able to act as a neuromodulator affecting neurotransmitter release in absence of evident sign of neurotoxicity in two different rat brain areas. In this paper we focused on the hippocampus, a brain area which is sensitive to Alzheimer's Disease pathology, evaluating the effect of Aβ (at different concentrations) on the neurotransmitter release stimulated by the activation of pre-synaptic cholinergic nicotinic receptors (nAChRs, α4β2 and α7 subtypes). Particularly, we focused on some neurotransmitters that are usually involved in learning and memory: glutamate, aspartate and GABA. METHODOLOGY/FINDINGS: WE USED A DUAL APPROACH: in vivo experiments (microdialysis technique on freely moving rats) in parallel to in vitro experiments (isolated nerve endings derived from rat hippocampus). Both in vivo and in vitro the administration of nicotine stimulated an overflow of aspartate, glutamate and GABA. This effect was greatly inhibited by the highest concentrations of Aβ considered (10 µM in vivo and 100 nM in vitro). In vivo administration of 100 nM Aβ (the lowest concentration considered) potentiated the GABA overflow evoked by nicotine. All these effects were specific for Aβ and for nicotinic secretory stimuli. The in vitro administration of either choline or 5-Iodo-A-85380 dihydrochloride (α7 and α4β2 nAChRs selective agonists, respectively) elicited the hippocampal release of aspartate, glutamate, and GABA. High Aβ concentrations (100 nM) inhibited the overflow of all three neurotransmitters evoked by both choline and 5-Iodo-A-85380 dihydrochloride. On the contrary, low Aβ concentrations (1 nM and 100 pM) selectively acted on α7 subtypes potentiating the choline-induced release of both aspartate and glutamate, but not the one of GABA. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results reinforce the concept that Aβ has relevant neuromodulatory effects, which may span from facilitation to inhibition of stimulated release depending upon the concentration used

    Anti-NMDA and Anti-AMPA Receptor Antibodies in Central Disorders: Preclinical Approaches to Assess Their Pathological Role and Translatability to Clinic

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    Autoantibodies against NMDA and AMPA receptors have been identified in the central nervous system of patients suffering from brain disorders characterized by neurological and psychiatric symptoms. It has been demonstrated that these autoantibodies can affect the functions and/or the expression of the targeted receptors, altering synaptic communication. The importance to clarify, in preclinical models, the molecular mechanisms involved in the autoantibody-mediated effects has emerged in order to understand their pathogenic role in central disorders, but also to propose new therapeutic approaches for preventing the deleterious central consequences. In this review, we describe some of the available preclinical literature concerning the impact of antibodies recognizing NMDA and AMPA receptors in neurons. This review discusses the cellular events that would support the detrimental roles of the autoantibodies, also illustrating some contrasting findings that in our opinion deserve attention and further investigations before translating the preclinical observations to clinic

    Environmental Training And Synaptic Functions In Young And Old Brain: A Presynaptic Perspective

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    BACKGROUND: Aging is an unavoidable, physiological process that reduces the complexity and the plasticity of the synaptic contacts in Central Nervous System (CNS), having profound implications for human well-being. The term "cognitive reserve" refers to central cellular adaptations that augment the resilience of human brain to damage and aging. The term "Cognitive training" indicates the cultural, social and physical stimulations proposed as add-on therapy for the cure of central neurological diseases. "Cognitive training" reinforces the "cognitive reserve" permitting to counteract brain impairments and rejuvenating synaptic complexity. The research has begun investigating the clinical impact of the "cognitive training" in aged people, but additional work is needed to definitively assess its effectiveness. In particular, there is a need to understand, from a preclinical point of view, whether "cognitive training" promotes compensatory effects or, alternatively, if it elicits genuine recovery of neuronal defects. Although the translation from rodent studies to the clinical situation could be difficult, the results from pre-clinical models are of high clinical relevance, since they should allow a better understanding of the effects of environmental interventions in aging-associated chronic derangements in mammals. CONCLUSION: Data in literature and the recent results obtained in our laboratory concerning the impact of environmental stimulation on the presynaptic release of noradrenaline, glutamate and gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) suggest that these neurotransmitters undergo different adaptations during aging and that they are differently tuned by "cognitive training". The impact of "cognitive training" on neurotransmitter exocytosis might account for the cellular events involved in reinforcement of "cognitive reserve" in young and old animals

    The Anti-Aggregative Peptide KLVFF Mimics Aβ1-40 in the Modulation of Nicotinic Receptors: Implications for Peptide-Based Therapy

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    In recent years, the inhibition of beta-amyloid (Aβ) aggregation has emerged as a potential strategy for Alzheimer’s disease. KLVFF, a small peptide corresponding to the aminoacidic sequence 16-20 of Aβ, reduces Aβ fibrillation dose dependently. Therefore, the toxic and functional characterization of its brain activity is fundamental for clarifying its potential therapeutic role. Accordingly, we studied the modulatory role of KLVFF on the cholinergic receptors regulating dopamine and noradrenaline release in rat synaptosomes. Nicotinic receptors on dopaminergic nerve terminals in the nucleus acccumbens are inhibited by KLVFF, which closely resembles full-length Aβ1-40. Moreover, KLVFF entrapped in synaptosomes does not modify the nicotinic receptor’s function, suggesting that external binding to the receptor is required for its activity. The cholinergic agent desformylflustrabromine counteracts the KLVFF effect. Remarkably, muscarinic receptors on dopaminergic terminals and nicotinic receptors regulating noradrenaline release in the hippocampus are completely insensitive to KLVFF. Based on our findings, KLVFF mimics Aβ1-40 as a negative modulator of specific nicotinic receptor subtypes affecting dopamine transmission in the rat brain. Therefore, new pharmacological strategies using the anti-aggregative properties of KLVFF need to be evaluated for potential interference with nicotinic receptor-mediated transmission
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