15 research outputs found

    Techno-economic optimisation of a sodium{ extendash}chloride salt heat exchanger for concentrating solar power applications

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    To enhance the economic viability of Concentrating solar power (CSP) plant, recent efforts have been directed towards employing high-temperature working fluid in the receiver and incorporating higher-efficiency power cycles. This work presents a techno-economic analysis of a sodium–chloride salt heat exchanger included in a sodium-driven CSP system with a supercritical CO2 power block. A quasi-steady state heat exchanger model was developed based on the TEMA guidelines, with the possibility of being customised in terms of media adopted, constraints, boundary conditions, and heat transfer correlations. The sodium–salt heat exchanger has been designed aiming at minimising the Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) of the plant. The performance and the design of the proposed heat exchanger have been evaluated via multi-objective optimisation and sensitivity analyses. Results show that advanced CSP systems employing sodium and an indirect chloride salt storage can represent an economically viable solution and can drive towards the future goal of 5 USD/MWh. For a base-case 100 MWe plant with 12 h of storage, a LCOE of 72.7 USD/MWh and a capacity factor (CF) higher than 60% were reached. The techno-economic investigations showed the potential LCOE reduction of 6% as well as the flexibility and robustness of the heat exchanger model. The developed tool lays the groundwork to explore potential improvements of this new generation of CSP systems

    TIMP-1 Induces an EMT-Like Phenotypic Conversion in MDCK Cells Independent of Its MMP-Inhibitory Domain

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    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their endogenous inhibitors (TIMPs) regulate epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) critical for the development of epithelial organs as well as cancer cell invasion. TIMP-1 is frequently overexpressed in several types of human cancers and serves as a prognostic marker. The present study investigates the roles of TIMP-1 on the EMT process and formation of the lumen-like structure in a 3D Matrigel culture of MDCK cells. We show that TIMP-1 overexpression effectively prevents cell polarization and acinar-like structure formation. TIMP-1 induces expression of the developmental EMT transcription factors such as SLUG, TWIST, ZEB1 and ZEB2, leading to downregulation of epithelial marker and upregulation of mesenchymal markers. Importantly, TIMP-1′s ability to induce the EMT-like process is independent of its MMP-inhibitory domain. To our surprise, TIMP-1 induces migratory and invasive properties in MDCK cells. Here, we present a novel finding that TIMP-1 signaling upregulates MT1-MMP and MMP-2 expression, and potentiates MT1-MMP activation of pro-MMP-2, contributing to tumor cell invasion. In spite of the fact that TIMP-1, as opposed to TIMP-2, does not interact with and inhibit MT1-MMP, TIMP-1 may act as a key regulator of MT1-MMP/MMP-2 axis. Collectively, our findings suggest a model in which TIMP-1 functions as a signaling molecule and also as an endogenous inhibitor of MMPs. This concept represents a paradigm shift in the current view of TIMP-1/MT1-MMP interactions and functions during cancer development/progression

    Implementation And Validation Of Loss Prediction Methods To An Existing One Dimensional Axial Turbine Design Program

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    One of the early steps in axial turbine design is the use of one-dimensional (1D) mean line calculations to predict the turbine performance and estimate the principal geometric parameters, such as radius and blade heights, that will be needed in further computational fluid dynamic (CFD) studies. This 1D analysis is based on the estimation of the aerodynamic losses expressed as a function of simple blade parameters and the velocity triangles. In this regard, there exist different loss correlations widely used in literature to estimate these losses but at the same time there is a lack of information regarding differentiation between them. Thereafter, the objective in this work was to judge and compare the behaviors of the Kacker- Okapuu, Craig-Cox and Denton loss correlations, all of them widely-used in turbine performance prediction. Present work shows the implementation of these different loss correlations on an existing 1D mean line numerical tool, LUAX-T. Subsequently, once implemented, the correlations were compared and analyzed by the use of a validation process and performing a parametric study. The results show that similar key parameters such as the flow turning, solidity and aspect ratio rule the different loss mechanisms in each correlation. On the other hand, the parametric study shows that the correlations are in agreement with the theory and give similar trends for performance prediction even though they all predict different values of efficiency for the same turbine stage. Moreover, the validation process show the correlations were found to be accurate enough when comparing against two different sets of experimental data. However, it was also proved that the models are only accurate if used within the range of applicability they were developed for, hence a complete knowledge of the limitations of each correlation should be known prior to using them. Finally, the extension of the one-dimensional mean line numerical tool LUAX-T will serve to perform further studies related to turbine design, as there are very few non-confidential turbomachinery design tools available for teaching or researching. Furthermore, a parametric study tool was also developed as part of the program. This last extension and the loss implementation codes are described in this work

    Combined Cycle, Heat Pump, and Thermal Storage Integration: Techno-Economic Sensitivity to Market And Climatic Conditions Based on a European and United States Assessment

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    The integration of a Heat Pump with a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) to control the inlet air temperature is a promising technology to meet the requirements imposed by the current electricity systems in terms of efficiency and flexibility. If the HP is coupled with a Thermal Energy Storage (TES) in an Inlet Conditioning Unit (ICU), it can be exploited in different modes to enhance the off-design CCGT’s efficiency or to boost the power output at full load. Furthermore, fuel-saving would be reflected in avoided emissions. The optimal sizing of the ICU, as well as an accurate estimation of the benefits, is a complex problem influenced by several factors such as the local climate and electricity market prices. The paper aims to systematically investigate, utilizing a MILP model for optimal dispatch, the feasibility of an ICU integration in different scenarios (EU and US). Different electricity markets have been analyzed and classified according to the parameters describing the average and variability of prices, the interdependency with the gas market, the ambient temperature, or the local carbon pricing policy. The most favorable conditions are identified and the dependency of the optimal ICU sizing on the climate and the electricity market is highlighted. The paper provides information for a first viability assessment: the concept appears to be highly profitable in hot regions with high price variability. Additionally, even in less profitable conditions (i.e., stable low prices in a cold climate), the system increases operating hours and reduces economic losses

    A prototype recuperated supercritical co2 cycle: Part-load and dynamic assessment

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    High efficiency, flexibility and competitive capital costs make supercritical CO2 (sCO2) systems a promising technology for renewable power generation in a low carbon energy scenario. Recently, innovative supercritical systems have been studied in the literature and proposed by DOE-NETL (STEP project) and by a few projects in the EU Horizon 2020 (H2020) program aiming to demonstrate supercritical CO2 Brayton power plants, promising superior techno-economic features than steam cycles particularly at high temperatures. The H2020 SOLARSCO2OL project, which started in 2020, is building the first European MW-scale sCO2 demonstration plant and has been specifically tailored for Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) applications. After a detailed explanation of the modelling approach for steady and unsteady cycle simulations, this paper presents the off-design and dynamic analysis of such plant layout, which is based on a simply recuperated sCO2 cycle. The entire system model has been developed in TRANSEO environment. The part-load analysis ranged from 50% of nominal up to a 105% peak load, discussing the impact on compressor and turbine operating conditions. Full operational envelop has been determined considering cycle main constraints, such as maximum turbine inlet temperature and minimum pressure at compressor inlet. The off-design performance analysis highlights the most relevant relationships among the main part-load regulating parameters, namely molten salt mass flow rate, CO2 mass flow rate, total CO2 mass in the loop, and shaft line speed. The results show specific features of different control approaches, discussing the pros and cons of each solution, considering also its upscale towards commercial applications. In particular, the analysis shows that at 51% of load an efficiency decrease of 20% is expected. Finally, the dynamic characterization of the closed loop shows the relatively fast responsiveness of the plant to compressor speed variations, causing quick changes in CO2 mass flow rate, together with longer time scale phenomena related to the plant heat exchangers. In this respect, sCO2 plants demonstrate to have the potential to provide primary reserve for the electrical grid, as far as thermal stresses on main plant components are kept under acceptable limits


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    Natural gas turbine combined cycles (GTCCs) are playing a fundamental role in the current energy transition phase towards sustainable power generation. The competitiveness of a GTCC in future electrical networks will thus be firmly related to its capability of successfully compensating the discontinuous power demands. This can be made possible by enhancing power generation flexibility and extending the operative range of the plant. To achieve this goal, a test rig to investigate gas turbine inlet conditioning techniques was developed at the TPG laboratory of the University of Genoa, Italy. The plant is composed of three key hardware components: a micro gas turbine, a butane-based heat pump, and a phase-change material cold thermal energy storage system. The physical test-rig is virtually scaled up through a cyber-physical approach, to emulate a full scale integrated system. The day-ahead schedule of the plant is determined by a high-level controller referring to the Italian energy market, considering fluctuations in power demands. By using HP and TES, it is possible to control the mGT inlet air temperature and thus enhance the operational range of the plant optimizing the management of energy flows. This article (Part 1) introduces the new experimental facility, the real-time bottoming cycle dynamic model, and the four-level control system that regulates the operation of the whole cyber-physical plant. The experimental campaign and the analysis of the system performance are presented in the Part 2

    Characterization of entomopathogenic fungus beauveria bassiana isolates and the pathogenicity in hypothenemus hampei (coleoptera: curculionidae, scolytinae).

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    La broca (Hypothenemus hampei) es insecto plaga que causa pérdidas considerables en café. El principal control ha sido el químico, sin embargo, actualmente se buscan alternativas más ecológicas. El objetivo fue caracterizar 12 aislamientos nativos de Beauveria bassiana y evaluar el control en la broca. La caracterización involucró la morfología, fisiología y patogenicidad de los aislamientos en adultos de H. hampei. El tamaño de los conidios osciló entre 2,55 y 2,42 micras. La germinación de los conidios presentó un promedio de 77,45% con diferencias significativas (p<0,001) entre los aislamientos; la producción de conidios (concentración) presentó un rango entre los 1,5 x 107 conidios/mL y 5,9 x 107 conidios/mL. La tasa de crecimiento tuvo un promedio de 6,38 cm a los 10 días en todos los aislamientos con diferencias significativas (p<0,001). Los aislamientos Bb-04C, Bb-08Co y Bb-12E fueron responsables de la mayor mortalidad corregida en H. hampei en este estudio. Así mismo, Bb-08Co, Bb-12E presentaron los mejores promedios de porcentaje de germinación. Este estudio demuestra que los aislamientos nativos de B. bassiana Bb-08Co y Bb-12E son altamente patógenos en adultos de Hypothenemus hampei, lo que sugiere que el uso de este hongo puede ser eficaz en el control de poblaciones de brocas protegiendo al [email protected]@ula.veTrimestralThe coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei is a major insect-pest of coffee crops that causes considerable economic losses in coffee production. The main control is chemical, however, currently is searching for more ecological alternatives. The objective was to characterize 12 native isolates of Beauveria bassiana and evaluate the control against the coffee berry borer. The characterization involved the morphology, physiology and pathogenicity of isolates of H. hampei adults. The size of the conidia ranged between 2.55 and 2.42 microns. Conidia germination presented an average of 77.45% with statistical significant differences (p <0.001) between the isolates; conidia production (concentration) ranged between 1.5 x 107 conidia / mL and 5.9 x 107 conidia / mL. The growth rate averaged 6.38 cm after 10 days in all isolates with statistical significant differences (p<0.001). In this study, the isolates identified as Bb-04C, 08Co and Bb-Bb-12E were responsible for most H.hampei mortality. Likewise, Bb-08Co, Bb-12E presented the best germination percentage averages. This study demonstrates that the native isolates of B. bassiana are highly pathogeic against H. hampei adults, suggesting that the use of this fungus may be effective in controlling populations of the coffee berry borer protecting the environment

    Techno-economic analysis of concentrated solar power plants in terms of levelized cost of electricity

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    Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) is an important metric which provides one way to compare the economic competitiveness of different electricity generation systems, calculated simply by dividing lifetime costs by lifetime production. Hidden behind the simplicity of this formula are various assumptions which may significantly alter results. Different LCOE studies exist in the literature, although their assumptions are rarely explicitly stated. This analysis gives all formulas and assumptions which allow for inter-study comparisons. The results of this analysis indicate that CSP LCOE is reducing markedly over time and that given the right location and market conditions, the SunShot 6¢/kWh 2020 target can be reached. Increased industrial cooperation is needed to advance the CSP market and continue to drive down LCOE. The results also indicate that there exist a country and technology level learning effect, either when installing an existing CSP technology in a new country or when using a new technology in an existing CSP country, which seems to impact market progress.MIT & Masdar Institute Cooperative Program (Grant FR2014-000002

    Part-Load Behaviour and Control Philosophy of a Recuperated Supercritical CO2 Cycle

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    High efficiency, flexibility and competitive capital costs make supercritical CO2 (sCO2) systems a promising technology for renewable power generation in a low carbon energy scenario. Recently, innovative supercritical systems have been studied in the literature and proposed by DOE-NETL (STEP project) and a few projects in the EU Horizon 2020 program aiming to demonstrate supercritical CO2 Brayton power plants, promising superior techno-economic features than steam cycles particularly at high temperatures. The H2020 SOLARSCO2OL project1 , which started in 2020, is building the first European MW-scale sCO2 demonstration plant and has been specifically tailored for Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) applications. This paper presents the first offdesign analysis of such a demonstrator, which is based on a simply recuperated sCO2 cycle. The part-load analysis ranged from 50% of nominal up to a 105% peak load, discussing the impact on compressor and turbine operating conditions. The whole system dynamic model has been developed in TRANSEO MATLAB® environment. Full operational envelop has been determined considering cycle main constraints, such as maximum turbine inlet temperature and minimum pressure at compressor inlet. The off-design performance analysis highlights the most relevant relationships among the main part-load regulating parameters, namely mass flow rate, total mass in the loop, and 1 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 952953 available heat source. The results show specific features of different control approaches, discussing the pros and cons of each solution, considering also its upscale towards commercial applications. In particular, the analysis shows that at 51% of load an efficiency decrease of 20% is expecte