123 research outputs found

    Statistical and graphical (GGE biplot) evaluation of the adaptive ability and stability of winter barley breeding lines

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    Due to current global climate changes, the issue of improving adaptive capacity of crops is of high importance. It is important to create winter crop varieties with both ecological adaptability and yield stability in years with different hydrothermal conditions. In order to develop winter barley varieties with a combination of yield and stability, 14 promising breeding lines have been evaluated in the conditions of the V.M. Remeslo Myronovka Institute of Wheat of NAAS of Ukraine in 2012/2013–2014/2015 using four different sowing dates. The ANOVA revealed a reliable part in yield variation: 64.59 % for environment, 16.84 % for genotype–environment interaction, and 15.57 % for genotype. The sowing dates significantly increased the yield variation of the breeding lines. The differences between the average yields of the lines depending on sowing date within the year were 1.05 t/ha in 2012/2013, 0.90 t/ha in 2013/2014, and 1.25 t/ha in 2014/2015. For genotype–environment interaction interpretation and ranking lines by yield a number of the most known statistical parameters of adaptability, stability, and plasticity and GGE biplot were applied. The use of different sowing dates at the final stage of the winter barley breeding process is a simple but effective approach that allows a more detailed assessment of the adaptive potential of breeding lines in various growing conditions. As compared to statistical parameters, GGE biplot has some advantages for interpretation of genotype–environment interaction. This graphic model allows ranking environments to be visualized for their discriminating ability and representativeness, as well as both specifically adapted genotypes and the ones with the optimal combination of yield potential and stability to be identified in a set of environments (mega-environment). The breeding line Pallidum 4816 with the optimal combination of yield and stability, as well as the high-yielding breeding lines Pallidum 4857 and Pallidum 4659 were identified and submitted to the State Variety Testing of Ukraine as the new winter barley varieties MIP Yason, MIP Oskar and MIP Hladiator

    Thermalization of coupled atom-light states in the presence of optical collisions

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    The interaction of a two-level atomic ensemble with a quantized single mode electromagnetic field in the presence of optical collisions (OC) is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The main accent is made on achieving thermal equilibrium for coupled atom-light states (in particular dressed states). We propose a model of atomic dressed state thermalization that accounts for the evolution of the pseudo-spin Bloch vector components and characterize the essential role of the spontaneous emission rate in the thermalization process. Our model shows that the time of thermalization of the coupled atom-light states strictly depends on the ratio of the detuning and the resonant Rabi frequency. The predicted time of thermalization is in the nanosecond domain and about ten times shorter than the natural lifetime at full optical power in our experiment. Experimentally we are investigating the interaction of the optical field with rubidium atoms in an ultra-high pressure buffer gas cell under the condition of large atom-field detuning comparable to the thermal energy in frequency units. In particular, an observed detuning dependence of the saturated lineshape is interpreted as evidence for thermal equilibrium of coupled atom-light states. A significant modification of sideband intensity weights is predicted and obtained in this case as well.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures; the content was edite

    Component composition of essential oils of grass Teucrium chamaedrys L. using gas chromatography method with mass detection

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    Search among the flora of Ukraine for new sources of biologically active substances to create potential domestic highly effective drugs of plant origin - one of the most current issues of modern pharmacy. In this case, the search is most appropriate to conduct among plants that have many years of experience in folk medicine and a sufficient raw material base. Such plant is Teucrium chamaedrys L. – a plant of the Lamiales family, which has long been used in folk medicine and is widespread throughout Ukraine. However, in the literature, there are only isolated and contradictory data on the chemical composition of the grove. The work aimed was to study volatile compounds of grass Teucrium chamaedrys L. using gas chromatography with mass detection. The object of the study was the grass of the Teucrium chamaedrys L., collected during the flowering period in the Kyiv region in May–June 2019. Chromatographic study of extracts was performed on a gas chromatograph Agilent 6890 (Agilent Technologies, USA), equipped with a mass spectrometric detector (model 5973). Identification of the study was carried out by comparing the components of the mass spectra and retention times of the components. As a result of the conducted researches, 47 volatile components were found in the extract of the grass, of which 42 were identified: monocyclic and bicyclic monoterpenoids, terpene hydrocarbons, etc. The highest concentration among the volatile compounds of the grass has the sesquiterpenoid chamazulene, the content of which is 53.2 mg/kg of raw material, or 15.9% of the content of all volatile compounds of the object of study. The volatile compound viridiflorol has a slightly lower content, the content of which is 32.8 mg/kg of raw material (9.8% of all volatile compounds of grass). The majority of substances of the volatile fraction of the grass of the grove also include the following volatile compounds: β-caryophyllene, sabinyl acetate and hermacrene D, the content of which is 25.6 mg/kg, 24.4 mg/kg and 17.1 mg/kg of raw materials, respectively, or 7.8%, 7. 3% and 5.1%, of all volatile compounds of Teucrium chamaedrys L. The total content of all five volatile majority compounds of Teucrium chamaedrys L. is about 45.9% of the total number of volatile compounds found in the object of study

    Polymeric materials based on reactive functional oligomers

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    Були отримані модифіковані полімерні матеріали з високими захисними властивостями при взаємодії алкідної смоли і синтезованих олігомерів. Доведено, що при наявності в структурі алкідних смол 3÷5 % дієн / вінілових олігомерів істотно збільшуються показники ударної міцності, еластичності і адгезії до металевої поверхні.Полученые модифицированные полимерные пленкообразующие материалы с высокими защитными свойствами путем взаимодействия алкидной смолы и синтезированных олигомеров. Доказано, что при наличии в структуре алкидных смол 3÷5 % диеновых / виниловых олигомеров происходит значительное увеличение параметров ударопрочности, эластичности и адгезии к поверхности металла.Have been received modified polymeric film-forming materials with high protective properties by interaction alkyd resin and synthesized oligomers. It is proved, that at presence in structure alkyd 3÷5 % diene/vinyl oligomers result in substantial increase of parameters of impact resistance, elasticity and adhesion to a metal surface

    Fatty acids composition of Bacillus subtilis ONU551 lipids

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    The aim of the study was to determine the cellular lipids fatty acid composition for identification of the Bacillus subtilis ONU551 strain bacteria, which is a phenol destructor. Fatty acids analysis of B. subtilis ONU551 strain was performed using an automatic system for microorganisms’ identification MIDI Sherlock (MIDI, USA) based on gas chromatograph Agilent 7890. Chromatograms analysis showed that the fatty acid spectrum of the strain B. subtilis ONU551 consisted predominately of branched structural isomers of saturated acids: 13-methyltetradecanoic (15:0 iso; 34.72%) and 12-methyltetradecanoic (15:0 anteiso; 33.72%) acids. The total content of the branched saturated fatty acids was 88.16% – 14:0 iso (0.52%), 15:0 iso (34.72%), 15:0 anteiso (33.72%), 16:0 iso (1.85%), 17:0 iso (7.11%), 17:0 anteiso (10.24%). The saturated fatty acids of the normal structure were also detected – 12:0 (0.36%), 14:0 (0.28%), 16:0 (1.30%). No 2- and 3-hydroxy acids and no cyclic fatty acids were detected in the fatty acid profile of B. subtilis ONU551 strain. Unsaturated fatty acid isomers – 15:1 w5c (1.85%), 16:1 w11c (1.21%), 16:1 w7c alcohol (1.08%), 17:1 iso w10c (3.18%), ∑17:1 iso I/anteiso B (2.57%) were shown to be the distinctive biomarkers of the B. subtilis ONU551 strain. According to the fatty acid profile analysis with MIDI Sherlock system, the studied strain was identified as Bacillus subtilis with high level of similarity index (0.563)

    Cellular fatty acid composition of Aeromonas genus – destructor of aromatic xenobiotics

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    The aim of this study was a determination of the fatty acid composition of cellular lipids and identification of the strains, isolated from the wastewater of pharmaceutical production, – the destructor of aromatic xenobiotics. The phenotypic characteristics and cellular fatty acid (FA) composition confirmed the strain belonging to the Aeromonas ichthiosmia with the similarity index of library data MIDI Sherlock – 0.564. Analysis of the cellular FA composition of the strain Aeromonas ichthiosmia ONU552 was carried out using the MIDI Sherlock microorganism identification system based on the gas chromatograph Agilent 7890. Chromatographic analysis showed that the fatty acid profile of the strain Aeromonas ichthiosmia ONU552 contains 26 fatty acids with the total number of carbon atoms from 10 to 18. 85.27% of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids had unbranched structure. The total content of unsaturated fatty acids – 16:1 w7c/16:1 w6c, 18:1 w7c, 16:1 w7c alcohol, 17:1 w8c, 17:1 w6c, 16:1 w5c, was 50% of the total fatty acid pool. Less than 1.5% branched fatty acids were predominantly in the iso form: 13:0 iso (0.20%); 15:0 iso (0.97%); 17:1 iso w9c (1.35%), 17:0 iso (1.49%); in the anteiso form, only one acid 17:0 (0.27%) was identified. It was shown that the characteris­tic of the fatty acid composition of the strain Aeromonas ichthiosmia ONU552 – the destructor of aromatic xenobio­tics, was the presence of hydroxyacids 12:0 3OH, 15:0 3OH, 15:0 iso 3OH and dominance of hexadecanoic (16:0) and hexadecenoic (16:1 w7c/16:1 w6c) of fatty acids

    Маркетингові дослідження ринку протигрибкових лікарських засобів для місцевого застосування

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    Marketing research of the modern range of antifungal drugs has been conducted according to the data of the State Expert Center of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine and Morion information retrieval program. The share of manufacturing countries of these drugs, and the ratio of different dosage forms and drug subgroups of the drugs studied by group D 01A have been determined according to the unified anatomic-therapeutic and chemical classification system ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical).Проведены маркетинговые исследования современного ассортимента лекарственных средств противогрибкового действия по данным Государственного экспертного центра МОЗ Украины и информационно-поисковой программы «Морион». Установлено долю стран-производителей этих лекарственных средств, соотношение различных лекарственных форм и лекарственных подгрупп в соответствии с унифицированной анатомо-терапевтической и химической классификационной системой АТС (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) исследуемых ЛС по группе D 01A.Проведено маркетингові дослідження сучасного асортименту лікарських засобів протигрибкової дії за даними Державного експертного центру МОЗ України та інформаційно-пошукової програми «Моріон». Встановлено частку країн виробників цих лікарських засобів, співвідношення різних лікарських форм та лікарських підгруп відповідно до уніфікованої анатомо-терапевтичної та хімічної класифікаційної системи АТС (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) досліджуваних ЛЗ за групою D 01A

    The influence of coordinative tartrate and malatogermanate compounds on the activity of α-L-rhamnosidase preparations from Penicillium tardum, Eupenicillium erubescens and Cryptococcus albidus

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    Recently enzyme preparations of microbial origin become increasingly important in different industries. Preparations of α-L-rhamnosidase are used in the pharmaceutical industry as well as in scientific work as a tool for analytical research. We have obtained purified α-L-rhamnosidase preparations from Penicillium tardum, Eupenicillium erubescens and Cryptococcus albidus microorganism strains which are effective enzyme producers. The aim of the study was to estimate the ability of germanium coordination compounds to enhance enzyme catalytic activity. The effects of 11 heterometal mixed ligand tartrate (malate-)germanate compounds at 0.01 and 0.1% concentration on the activity of α-L-rhamnosidase preparations from Penicillium tardum IMV F-100074, Eupenicillium erubescens and Cryptococcus albidus 1001 were studied at 0.5 and 24 h exposition. The inhibitory effect of [Ni(bipy)3]4[{Ge2(OH)2(Tart)2}3Cl2]·15H2 on P. tardum α-L-rhamnosidase was revealed. All studied compounds except [CuCl(phen)2][Ge(OH)(HMal)2] were shown to increase activity of P. tardum α-L-rhamnosidase at a longer term of exposition. Activity of E. erubescens α-L-rhamnosidase was shown to be stimulated by d-metal cation-free compounds. C. albidus α-L-rhamnosidase occurred to be insensitive to all compounds studied

    UV continuum emission and diagnostics of hydrogen-containing non-equilibrium plasmas

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    For the first time the emission of the radiative dissociation continuum of the hydrogen molecule (a3Σg+b3Σu+a^{3}\Sigma_{g}^{+} \to b^{3}\Sigma_{u}^{+} electronic transition) is proposed to be used as a source of information for the spectroscopic diagnostics of non-equilibrium plasmas. The detailed analysis of excitation-deactivation kinetics, rate constants of various collisional and radiative transitions and fitting procedures made it possible to develop two new methods of diagnostics of: (1) the ground X1Σg+X^{1}\Sigma_{g}^{+} state vibrational temperature TvibT_{\text{vib}} from the relative intensity distribution, and (2) the rate of electron impact dissociation (d[\mbox{H_{2}}]/dt)_{\text{diss}} from the absolute intensity of the continuum. A known method of determination of TvibT_{\text{vib}} from relative intensities of Fulcher-α\alpha bands was seriously corrected and simplified due to the revision of dad \to a transition probabilities and cross sections of dXd \gets X electron impact excitation. General considerations are illustrated with examples of experiments in pure hydrogen capillary-arc and H2_{2}+Ar microwave discharges.Comment: REVTeX, 25 pages + 12 figures + 9 tables. Phys. Rev. E, eprint replaced because of resubmission to journal after referee's 2nd repor

    Study of volatile compounds of Сalendula officinalis L. flowers by the method of gas chromatography with MAS detection

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    A promising direction for improving the procedure of standardization of multicomponent phytoremedies is the use of so-called marker compounds, or markers – substances whose presence is characteristic only for individual medicinal raw materials. The introduction of methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis based on the use of markers is not only of great practical importance, but also of significant scientific expediency. One of the most common components used to make complex herbal collections are the flowers of medicinal plants, which are successfully used in medical practice both in the form of mono preparations and in the form of components of over-the-counter medicinal product of herbal origin. The pharmacological activity of the flowers of marigolds is due to the presence in their composition of a complex of biologically active substances, in particular essential oils, the content of which is associated with such pharmacological properties of the plant as bactericidal, antioxidant, etc. That is why it was considered expedient to search on markers for plant standardization in mixtures among essential oil components. The aim of the work was to study the components of the essential oil of calendula flowers (Calendula officinalis L.) by the method of gas chromatography with mass detection The object of the study was marigold flowers in packs of 50 g (CJSC «Liktravy», series 80310). The study of volatile components was carried out using the method of gas chromatography with mass detection. Chromatographic study of the studied extracts was carried out on an Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph equipped with a mass spectrometric detector (model 5973). The identification of the studied components was carried out by mass spectra and the retention time of the components. As a result of the conducted research, using library spectra, 59 volatile components were identified in the extract of the flowers of Calendula officinalis L., 50 were recognized: monocyclic and bicyclic monoterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, sesquiterpene alcohols, etc. The major volatile components of flowers of Calendula officinalis L. are the following substances: α-cadinol, δ-cadinene, α-muurolol and epi-α-cadinol, the content of which is equal to 417.2 mg/kg, 284.2 mg/kg, 92.4 mg/kg and 75.7 mg/kg of raw material, respectively. The total content of all four major volatile compounds of the flowers of Calendula officinalis L. is 44.14% of the total amount of volatile compounds found in the object of research