467 research outputs found

    Beyond Moore's technologies: operation principles of a superconductor alternative

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    The predictions of Moore's law are considered by experts to be valid until 2020 giving rise to "post-Moore's" technologies afterwards. Energy efficiency is one of the major challenges in high-performance computing that should be answered. Superconductor digital technology is a promising post-Moore's alternative for the development of supercomputers. In this paper, we consider operation principles of an energy-efficient superconductor logic and memory circuits with a short retrospective review of their evolution. We analyze their shortcomings in respect to computer circuits design. Possible ways of further research are outlined.Comment: OPEN ACCES

    Loss of Andreev Backscattering in Superconducting Quantum Point Contacts

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    We study effects of magnetic field on the energy spectrum in a superconducting quantum point contact. The supercurrent induced by the magnetic field leads to intermode transitions between the electron waves that pass and do not pass through the constriction. The latter experience normal reflections which couple the states with opposite momenta inside the quantum channel and create a minigap in the energy spectrum that depends on the magnetic field

    On the CP-odd Nucleon Potential

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    The CP-odd nucleon potential for different models of CP violation in the one meson exchange approximation is studied. It is shown that the main contribution is due to the π\pi-meson exchange which leads to a simple one parameter CP-odd nucleon potential.Comment: 12 pages, RevTex, UM-P-92/114, OZ-92/3

    Multiresolution community detection for megascale networks by information-based replica correlations

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    We use a Potts model community detection algorithm to accurately and quantitatively evaluate the hierarchical or multiresolution structure of a graph. Our multiresolution algorithm calculates correlations among multiple copies ("replicas") of the same graph over a range of resolutions. Significant multiresolution structures are identified by strongly correlated replicas. The average normalized mutual information, the variation of information, and other measures in principle give a quantitative estimate of the "best" resolutions and indicate the relative strength of the structures in the graph. Because the method is based on information comparisons, it can in principle be used with any community detection model that can examine multiple resolutions. Our approach may be extended to other optimization problems. As a local measure, our Potts model avoids the "resolution limit" that affects other popular models. With this model, our community detection algorithm has an accuracy that ranks among the best of currently available methods. Using it, we can examine graphs over 40 million nodes and more than one billion edges. We further report that the multiresolution variant of our algorithm can solve systems of at least 200000 nodes and 10 million edges on a single processor with exceptionally high accuracy. For typical cases, we find a super-linear scaling, O(L^{1.3}) for community detection and O(L^{1.3} log N) for the multiresolution algorithm where L is the number of edges and N is the number of nodes in the system.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, published version with minor change

    Numerical adiabatic potentials of orthorhombic Jahn-Teller effects retrieved from ultrasound attenuation experiments. Application to the SrF2:Cr crystal

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    A methodology is worked out to retrieve the numerical values of all the main parameters of the six-dimensional adiabatic potential energy surface (APES) of a polyatomic system with a quadratic T-term Jahn-Teller effect (JTE) from ultrasound experiments. The method is based on a verified assumption that ultrasound attenuation and speed encounter anomalies when the direction of propa- gation and polarization of its wave of strain coincides with the characteristic directions of symmetry breaking in the JTE. For the SrF2:Cr crystal, employed as a basic example, we observed anomaly peaks in the temperature dependence of attenuation of ultrasound at frequencies of 50-160 MHz in the temperature interval of 40-60 K for the wave propagating along the [110] direction, for both the longitudinal and shear modes, the latter with two polarizations along the [001] and [110] axes, respectively. We show that these anomalies are due to the ultrasound relaxation by the system of non-interacting Cr2+ JT centers with orthorhombic local distortions. The interpretation of the ex- perimental findings is based on the T2g (eg +t2g) JTE problem including the linear and quadratic terms of vibronic interactions in the Hamiltonian and the same-symmetry modes reduced to one interaction mode. Combining the experimental results with a theoretical analysis we show that on the complicated six-dimensional APES of this system with three tetragonal, four trigonal, and six orthorhombic extrema points, the latter are global minima, while the former are saddle points, and we estimate numerically all the main parameters of this surface, including the linear and quadratic vibronic coupling constants, the primary force constants, the coordinates of all the extrema points and their energies, the energy barrier between the orthorhombic minima, and the tunneling splitting of the ground vibrational states.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    A Neutron Interferometric Method to Provide Improved Constraints on Non-Newtonian Gravity at the Nanometer Scale

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    In recent years, an energetic experimental program has set quite stringent limits on a possible "non - 1/r^2" dependence on gravity at short length scales. This effort has been largely driven by the predictions of theories based on compactification of extra spatial dimensions. It is characteristic of many such theories that the strength and length scales of such anomalous gravity are not clearly determined from first principles. As a result, it is productive to extend the current limits the range and strength of such hypothetical interactions. As a heavy, neutral, and (almost) stable particle, the neutron provides an ideal probe for the study of such hypothetical interactions at very short range. In this work, we describe methods based on neutron interferometry which have the capability to provide improved sensitivity non-Newtonian forces down to length scales at and below an nanometer.Comment: PDF-fil

    Cells exhibiting strong p16INK4a promoter activation in vivo display features of senescence

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    The activation of cellular senescence throughout the lifespan promotes tumor suppression, whereas the persistence of senescent cells contributes to aspects of aging. This theory has been limited, however, by an inability to identify and isolate individual senescent cells within an intact organism. Toward that end, we generated a murine reporter strain by “knocking-in” a fluorochrome, tandem-dimer Tomato (tdTom), into exon 1α of the p16 INK4a locus. We used this allele (p16 tdTom ) for the enumeration, isolation, and characterization of individual p16 INK4a -expressing cells (tdTom + ). The half-life of the knocked-in transcript was shorter than that of the endogenous p16 INK4a mRNA, and therefore reporter expression better correlated with p16 INK4a promoter activation than p16 INK4a transcript abundance. The frequency of tdTom + cells increased with serial passage in cultured murine embryo fibroblasts from p16 tdTom/+ mice. In adult mice, tdTom + cells could be readily detected at low frequency in many tissues, and the frequency of these cells increased with aging. Using an in vivo model of peritoneal inflammation, we compared the phenotype of cells with or without activation of p16 INK4a and found that tdTom + macrophages exhibited some features of senescence, including reduced proliferation, senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) activation, and increased mRNA expression of a subset of transcripts encoding factors involved in SA-secretory phenotype (SASP). These results indicate that cells harboring activation of the p16 INK4a promoter accumulate with aging and inflammation in vivo, and display characteristics of senescence