29 research outputs found

    The Sounds of the Transcendental Flight

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    Los m贸dulos de afinaci贸n prehisp谩nicos de tradici贸n huari, en estrecha relaci贸n con el sistema de medici贸n Pichqa-tawa, fueron sin duda producto de una mano de obra especializada aplicada a la construcci贸n de objetos con funci贸n sonora que, seguramente, respondi贸 a una demanda en igual orden de especializaci贸n, posiblemente ceremonial. En el Horizonte Medio, coincidiendo con la expansi贸n Huari, se observa la aparici贸n de un tema iconogr谩fico con probable impronta cultural sud-coste帽a, fuertemente asociado con las actividades ceremoniales y los llamados 芦vuelos ext谩ticos禄, que tiene por motivo central un personaje, aparentemente de elevado rango, en posici贸n ventral con la cabeza torsionada hacia arriba/atr谩s, al igual que sus miembros inferiores. Generalmente, en las iconograf铆as Recuay, Chincha y Huari este personaje ta帽e una flauta caracter铆stica, como las flautas 贸seas Huari que analizamos en nuestra investigaci贸n.The reconstructed pre-Hispanic tuning modules of the Huari tradition in correspondence with the specific unit of measurement Pichqa-tawa (Gudemos 2009b, 2011a) were without doubt product of a skilled labour applied to the construction of objects with sonorous function. Securely this skilled labour also responded to a skilled demand, possibly ceremonial. In fact, in the Middle Horizon, with the Huari expansion, a recurrent iconographical theme of probable south-coastal Peru tradition appears. This theme is strongly associated with ceremonial activities and the ecstatic shamanic flights (Berenguer 1987, Reichel Dolmatoff 1988, Olsen 2005, between other). Its central motif is a personage, apparently of high rank, in ventral position with his legs and head uphold. Generally, in the Recuay, Chincha and Huari iconographies this personage blows a short tubular notch flute with three or four front orifices, just like the Huari flutes analyzed in our research. This article deals with the relationship between these ceremonial practices, the existence of a skilled musical demand-production and the analyzed Huari bone flutes

    La semblanza de un homenaje

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    Mapa cultural de los instrumentos musicales y objetos sonoros de metal arqueol贸gicos: idi贸fonos (脕rea Andina centro-meridional)

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    In this paper we present a part of the Cultural Map of archaeological Andean metal idiophones, designed in the American Archaeomusicology Project (UNC, CIFFyH, SeCyT). This brief synopsis, exposed in the 17th National Congress of Argentinian Archaeology (2010) and updated with data provided by recent studies of pre-Hispanic metallurgical traditions of the south-central Andes, is our modest contribution to the study of social relations in which these objects were involved.Presentamos aqu铆 parte del Mapa Cultural de los idi贸fonos met谩licos andinos arqueol贸gicos, dise帽ado en el marco del Proyecto Arqueomusicolog铆a Americana (UNC, CIFFyH, SeCyT). Esta breve s铆ntesis, expuesta en el XVII Congreso Nacional de Arqueolog铆a Argentina (2010) y actualizada con los datos brindados por los recientes estudios sobre las tradiciones metal煤rgicas de los Andes centro-meridionales, es nuestra modesta contribuci贸n al estudio de las din谩micas sociales en las que estos objetos estuvieron involucrados

    La tensa coexistencia de los tiempos-espacios ceremoniales integrados. El h谩bito de San Francisco y la camiseta de cumbi

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    En este trabajo tratamos acerca de las tensas relaciones culturales existentes en torno a las pr谩cticas ceremoniales de tradici贸n ind铆gena durante el siglo XVII. Lo hacemos a partir del corpus documental que, sobre los procesos instruidos por el visitador eclesi谩stico Bernardo de Noboa Sotela entre 1656 y 1664 en la provincia de Cajatambo (Archivo Arzobispal de Lima), public贸 Pierre Duviols en el a帽o 2003. Particularmente nos centramos en la informaci贸n registrada durante la indagaci贸n de la visita en San Francisco de Mangas en 1662.In the present work we try about the tense cultural relations existent around the ceremonial activities of the indigenous tradition in the seventeenth century. We work with the corpus of documents of the Visitas and Processes of Bernardo de Noboa Sotela between 1656 and 1664 in the province of Cajatambo (Archivo Arzobispal de Lima) published by Pierre Duviols in 2003. We focus the information on the Visita in San Francisco de Mangas in 1662

    Taqui Qosqo Sayhua. Espacio, sonido y ritmo astron贸mico en la concepci贸n simb贸lica del Cusco incaico

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    The socialization of the high region of the Cusco Valley, which understands like sacred territory of the Inca elite, was periodically actualized according to a complex net of administrative relations and calendar obligations, organized into a yearly sequence of ceremonial circuits. These circuits, true 芦institutional choreographies禄, were spatially articulated from a social conception of the topographical profile, in which the mountains were considered not only natural landmarks of the territories administrated by the different social groups and horizon referent points for the astronomical observations, but also landmarks for the ritual contention and isolation of the elite space. In this paper we treat this articulation through the dynamic of socialization of the Inti Raymi, one of the principal Inca feasts; precisely from the conceptual unit 芦space-sound-astronomic rhythm禄 subjacent in their ceremonial structure

    Principio de correlaci贸n en la determinaci贸n ac煤stica de m贸dulos de afinaci贸n andinos prehisp谩nicos

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    In this paper we present a new advance about the study of the tuning modules of the archaeological bone flutes from Central Coast of Peru. The analysis of an exemplar with signs of several tuning processes, a true 芦organological muster禄, permit us to verify that these tuning modules have in common the same correlation principle.Damos a conocer aqu铆 un nuevo avance sobre el estudio de los m贸dulos de afinaci贸n de las flautas 贸seas arqueol贸gicas procedentes de la Costa Central de Per煤. A partir del an谩lisis de un ejemplar que presenta evidencias de varias instancias de afinaci贸n, considerado por ello 芦modelo organol贸gico禄, fue posible constatar la existencia de un principio de correlaci贸n com煤n a los m贸dulos determinados

    Arqueomusicolog铆a andina

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    驴Una danza de integraci贸n regional en las pinturas rupestres de La Salamanca?

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    Partiendo de una propuesta anal铆tica insterdisciplinaria, presentamos en este art铆culo el estudio de la representaci贸n pl谩stica de una posible danza de integraci贸n regional, perteneciente a las pinturas rupestres de la cueva La Salamanca (Catamarca, Noroeste de Argentina).Starting from a analytical interdisciplinary proposition, we introduce in this paper the study of the plastic representation of a possible dance of regional integration belonging to the rock art paintings of the La Salamanca Cave (Catamarca, Argentinean northwest)


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    In this work we observe the dramatic assimilation that Beethoven, mainly in his quartets of string of medium compositional style, made of the Haydnian sharpness (Witz / Wit). Sharpness that, for the critique of the last decades of the 18th century meant a source of vituperation either due to the lack of technical rigor or the lack of "decorum", allowed to establish discursively certain levels of meaning that later Beethoven would deepen in the definition of his own style.En este trabajo se observa la asimilaci贸n dram谩tica que Beethoven, principalmente en sus cuartetos de cuerda de estilo compositivo medio, hizo de la agudeza (Witz) haydniana.  Agudeza que, para la cr铆tica de finales del siglo XVIII signific贸 fuente de vituperaci贸n ya sea por la falta de rigor t茅cnico o por la falta de 芦decoro禄, permiti贸 establecer discursivamente ciertos niveles de sentido que m谩s tarde Beethoven profundizar铆a en la definici贸n de su propio estilo

    El cuerpo del sonido: flautas antropomorfas de tradici贸n Bah铆a

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    This article presents the first part of our organological and acoustical study about the archaeological anthropomorphic flutes 芦of Bah铆a tradition禄 from the Ecuadorian coast. These ceremonial flutes are the product of a skilled labour applied to the construction of the objects whit acoustical function.Este art铆culo presenta la primera parte del estudio organol贸gico y ac煤stico, que llevamos a cabo sobre las flautas antropomorfas prehisp谩nicas 芦de tradici贸n Bah铆a禄 procedentes de la costa ecuatoriana. Estas flautas ceremoniales son el producto de una mano de obra altamente especializada en la construcci贸n de objetos con funci贸n ac煤stica