6 research outputs found

    Holographic dual of collimated radiation

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    We propose a new and simple method of estimating the radiation due to an accelerated quark in a strongly coupled medium, within the framework of the AdS/CFT correspondence. In particular, we offer a heuristic explanation of the collimated nature of synchrotron radiation produced by a circling quark, which was recently studied in Phys.Rev.D81 (2010) 126001. The gravitational dual of such quark is a coiling string in AdS, whose backreaction on the spacetime geometry remains tightly confined, as if 'beamed' towards the boundary. While this appears to contradict conventional expectations from the scale/radius duality, we resolve the issue by observing that the backreaction of a relativistic string is reproduced by a superposition of gravitational shock waves. We further demonstrate that this proposal allows us to reduce the problem of computing the boundary stress tensor to merely calculating geodesics in AdS, as opposed to solving linearized Einstein's equations.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, invited contribution to the New Journal of Physics Focus Issue "Strongly Correlated Quantum Fluids: From Ultracold Quantum Gases to QCD Plasmas

    Conical Emission in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    A broadened or double humped away-side structure was observed in 2-particle azimuthal jet-like correlations at RHIC and SPS. This modification can be explained by conical emission, from either Mach-cone shock waves or Cherenkov gluon radiation, and by other physics mechanisms, such as large angle gluon radiation, jets deflected by radial flow and path-length dependent energy loss. Three-particle jet-like correlations are studied for their power to distinguish conical emission from other mechanisms. This article discusses Mach-cone shock waves, Cherenkov gluon radiation and the experimental evidence for conical emission from RHIC and SPS.Comment: Talk given at QM2008, Jaipur, India. 8 pages, 7 figure

    Dressed spectral densities for heavy quark diffusion in holographic plasmas

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    We analyze the large frequency behavior of the spectral densities that govern the generalized Langevin diffusion process for a heavy quark in the context of the gauge/gravity duality. The bare Langevin correlators obtained from the trailing string solution have a singular short-distance behavior. We argue that the proper dressed spectral functions are obtained by subtracting the zero-temperature correlators. The dressed spectral functions have a sufficiently fast fall-off at large frequency so that the Langevin process is well defined and the dispersion relations are satisfied. We identify the cases in which the subtraction does not modify the associated low-frequency transport coefficients. These include conformal theories and the non-conformal, non-confining models. We provide several analytic and numerical examples in conformal and non-conformal holographic backgrounds.Comment: 51 pages, 2 figure

    Holographic Lessons for Quark Dynamics

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    We give a brief overview of recent results obtained through the gauge/gravity correspondence, concerning the propagation of a heavy quark in strongly-coupled conformal field theories (such as N=4 super-Yang-Mills), both at zero and finite temperature. In the vacuum, we discuss energy loss, radiation damping, signal propagation and radiation-induced fluctuations. In the presence of a thermal plasma, our emphasis is on early-time energy loss, screening and quark-antiquark evolution after pair creation. Throughout, quark dynamics is seen to be efficiently encapsulated in the usual string worldsheet dynamics.Comment: Invited review for a Journal of Physics G topical volume on gauge/gravity duality applications to QCD matter and ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. v2: Reference adde