2,009 research outputs found

    The White-hat Bot: A Novel Botnet Defense Strategy

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    Botnets are a threat to computer systems and users around the world. Botmasters can range from annoying spam email propagators to nefarious criminals. These criminals attempt to take down networks or web servers through distributed denial-of-service attacks, to steal corporate secrets, or to launder money from individuals or corporations. As the number and severity of successful botnet attacks rise, computer security experts need to develop better early-detection and removal techniques to protect computer networks and individual computer users from these very real threats. I will define botnets and describe some of their common purposes and current uses. Next, I will reveal some of the techniques currently used by software security professionals to combat this problem. Finally I will provide a novel defensive strategy, the White-hat Bot (WHB), with documented experiments and results that may prove useful in the defense against botnets in the future

    Streptococcus pneumoniae as an UncommonCause of Superinfected Pancreatic Pseudocysts

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    Abstract.: We report a patient with pancreatic pseudocysts that were superinfected with Streptococcus pneumoniae. The literature on the prevalence of superinfection of pancreatic tissue by S. pneumoniae, as well as on its prophylaxis and treatment, is reviewed. In addition, a possible pathophysiologic pathway is discusse

    Disseminated Invasive Aspergillosis with Cerebral Involvement Successfully Treated with Caspofungin and Voriconazole

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    We describe a case of cerebral aspergillosis which was successfully treated with a combination of caspofungin and voriconazole. The patient remains in remission 18 months after stopping antifungal treatment. We discuss primary and salvage therapy of invasive aspergillosis with focus on cerebral involvement. Since historical data showed a fatal outcome in most cases, amphotericin B does not cross the blood brain barrier while voriconazole does, we chose a combination of voriconazole plus caspofungin as primary therap

    Air suctioning during colon biopsy acquisition reduces bacterial contamination

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    Background and Aim: Contamination of endoscopy suites with bacteria during procedures is of concern particularly through droplets during handling of biopsy specimens. It has been advocated that suctioning while removing the biopsy forceps could help to reduce potentially hazardous bioaerosols. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of air suctioning during removal of the biopsy forceps. Materials and Methods: Airborne bacteria were collected by an impactor air-sampler (MAS-100). Fifty liters of air were collected continuously for 30 seconds at a 30 cm distance from the colonoscope suction channel. Room air samples were taken in the endoscopy suite in the morning prior to the beginning of the endoscopy program, during colonoscopy with a sham biopsy in the descending colon with and without suctioning and at the end of the procedure day. Standard 90 mm Petri dishes containing a selective medium for gram-positive cocci (CNA blood agar) were used with the impaction sampler and colony forming units/m3 (cfu) were determined. Results: Measurements were performed at fifty consecutive colonoscopies. Prior to the beginning of the endoscopy program, the bioaerosol burden in the colonoscopy suite reached a mean of 4.2 cfu/m3. During colonoscopies performed without suctioning at biopsy the bioaerosol burden increased to 29.4 cfu/m3 whereas this burden increased only to 15.1 cfu/m3 when the suctioning was applied during removal of the biopsy forceps. The difference in bioaerosol burden between suctioning and no suctioning was highly significant (p < 0.0005). At the end of the procedure day the airborne bacteria count dropped to 15.6 cfu/m3. The analysis of the colonies on the CNA blood agar identified predominantly enterococci. Staphylococci spp. and other gram-positive bacteria were rarely isolated. Conclusion: The present study indicates that the bioaerosol burden during handling of biopsy specimens is not neglectable but can be reduced by the simple habit of applying suctioning during acquisition of biopsies. This practice might be an important infection-control measure during gastrointestinal endoscopies

    Akute Gefäßerkrankungen in der Gastroenterologie

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    Zusammenfassung: Vaskulär-gastroenterologische Notfälle zählen zu den häufigen Krankheitsbildern auf internistischen und chirurgischen Notfallstationen. Die klinischen Konsequenzen reichen von trivialen bis zu lebensbedrohlichen Situationen. Nur eine frühzeitige Erkennung der Symptomenkomplexe und die Anwendung der adäquaten diagnostischen Mittel führen zur korrekten Diagnosestellung mit nachfolgend - möglicherweise lebensrettender - Therapie. Um die hohen Mortalitätsraten der akuten Mesenterialischämien (50%), aortoenterischen Fisteln (30-40%), Aneurysmen viszeraler Arterien (10-100%) sowie des Budd-Chiari-Syndroms weiter senken zu können, gewinnen neue Strategien mit endovaskulärem Therapieansatz zunehmend an Bedeutung und ersetzen teilweise über viele Jahrzehnte etablierte Diagnose- und Therapiealgorithmen. Diese Übersichtsarbeit soll einen Überblick über aktuelle Diagnostik- und Therapiekonzepte häufiger vaskulär-gastroenterologischer Notfälle verschaffe

    A Systematic Review of the Perforated Duodenal Diverticula: Lessons Learned from the Last Decade

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    Background: The perforated duodenal diverticulum remains a rare clinical entity, the optimal management of which has not been well established. Historically, primary surgery has been the preferred treatment modality. This was called into question during the last decade, with the successful application of non-operative therapy in selected patients. The aim of this systematic review is to identify cases of perforated duodenal diverticula published over the past decade and to assess any subsequent evolution in treatment. Methods: A systematic review of English and non-English articles reporting on perforated duodenal diverticula using MEDLINE (2008-2020) was performed. Only cases of perforated duodenal diverticula in adults (> 18 years) that reported on diagnosis and treatment were included. Results: Some 328 studies were identified, of which 31 articles met the inclusion criteria. These studies included a total of 47 patients with perforated duodenal diverticula. This series suggests a trend towards conservative management with 34% (16/47) of patients managed non-operatively. In 31% (5/16) patients initially managed conservatively, a step-up approach to surgical intervention was required. Conclusion: Conservative treatment of perforated duodenal diverticula appears to be an acceptable and safe treatment strategy in stable patients without signs of peritonitis under careful observation. For patients who fail to respond to conservative treatment, a step-up approach to percutaneous drainage or surgery can be applied. If surgery is required, competence in techniques ranging from simple diverticulectomy to Roux-en-Y gastric diversion or even Whipple's procedure may be required depending on tissue friability and diverticular collar size. Keywords: Duodenal diverticulum; Duodenum; Management; Perforation