20 research outputs found

    Bringing together Brazilian soil scientists to share soil data.

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    Brazilian soil scientists have recently created a soil data repository using community-built standards and following open data policies in an attempt to address the issues mentioned above. The Free Brazilian Repository for Open Soil Data - febr -, accessible through www.ufsm.br/febr, is a centralized repository targeted at storing open soil data and serving it in a standardized and harmonized format, for various applications. This paper describes the features of febr and the opportunities that it creates for soil science.Na publicação: Wenceslau Teixeira

    Duração das alteraçoes em propriedades físico-hídricas de Latossolo argiloso decorrentes da escarificação mecânica.

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    The objective of this work was to determine the duration of the effects of soil decompaction, by mechanical chiseling, through physical and hydraulic indicators of a clayey Oxisol under no‑tillage (NT). The treatments consisted of months (0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36) after chiseling under NT and of a control treatment without chiseling under NT during 27 years. The following variables were evaluated: penetration resistance, infiltration rate, bulk density and relative density, pore size distribution, and saturated hydraulic conductivity. The duration of the effects of mechanical chiseling varied according to the evaluated soil property, lasting six months for bulk density and relative density, total porosity, and macroporosity; 18 months for penetration resistance; and 24 months for hydraulic conductivity and infiltration rate. Soil properties related to water transport, such as hydraulic conductivity and steady infiltration rate, maintain the effect of mechanical chiseling for a longer time and, therefore, are more suitable to measure the duration of mechanical decompaction.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o tempo de duração do efeito da descompactação do solo, por escarificação mecânica, por meio de indicadores físico‑hídricos de Latossolo argiloso, manejado em sistema plantio direto (SPD). Os tratamentos consistiram em meses (0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 e 36) transcorridos após escarificação mecânica em SPD e em testemunha sem escarificação em SPD há 27 anos. Foram avaliadas as variáveis: resistência mecânica à penetração, taxa de infiltração de água no solo, densidade e densidade relativa do solo, distribuição do tamanho de poros e condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado. A duração dos efeitos da escarificação mecânica variou com a propriedade do solo, tendo se mantido por 6 meses na densidade e a densidade relativa, na porosidade total e na macroporosidade; 18 meses na resistência à penetração; e 24 meses na condutividade hidráulica e na taxa de infiltração de água no solo. Propriedades do solo relacionadas ao transporte de água, como condutividade hidráulica e taxa de infiltração estável de água no solo, mantêm o efeito da escarificação por mais tempo e, portanto, são mais adequadas para avaliar a duração da descompactação mecânica


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    <div><p>ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to propose a model, named Simanihot, for simulating growth, development and yield of tuberous roots in cassava, with a choice of two soil water balance models. The model works on a day time step and is calibrated for five cassava cultivars (Fepagro –RS 14, Estrangeira, Cascuda, São José e Paraguaia), with different branching habits and different purpose of use (pasture, food and industry). The model has a graphical interface, where the user can choose one out of two soil water balance models, depending upon the number of known soil variables and details the user wants to know about soil water content.</p></div